The Christmas Eves
Chapter Two: “It’s
All in the Past”
December 24, 2008
Brian stood at the door to his and Justin’s master suite. One of his arms
carrying picture albums and the other stretched out toward the door handle. His
fingertips were a hairsbreadth away from the chrome handle, pausing while his
mind contemplated whether he was going to be able to turn it and step inside
what once had been his and his husband’s sanctuary.
Brian took a deep breath and closed his eyes tightly, trying to will himself the
strength that he wasn’t sure would ever be there. Nevertheless, somehow his hand
wrapped around the cool metal and turned it. His shoulder leaned into the door
and he pushed the intricately carved mahogany wood open.
His hand reached to the wall on the right and he flipped on all four light
switches simultaneously. The room was instantly illuminated and it took less
than a second for Brian’s eyes to dart over to the king-sized four-poster bed.
The wood no longer shined and there was the start of cobwebs stretching in the
corners. It looked like something you’d see in a Halloween movie. However, this
was real. He’d allowed their room to get dusty, unused, and stale.
The cranberry duvet, sheets and pillows still sat in disarray. The nightstands
on either side housed more photographs of the kids. On the left on Brian’s
nightstand there was a silver tray loaded with a plate, a #1 Dad coffee cup, a
crumpled-up napkin and silverware still sitting on it.
Justin and the kids had surprised him with breakfast that morning. He’d replayed
that morning repeatedly time and time again over the last year. Brian had
convinced himself that Justin and the kids had only gone on vacation. That’s how
he dealt with it. It was the only way. Until today when someone was obviously
forcing him to recognize, finally, what exactly he lost.
He walked over to the chest in front of the bed and sat the albums down on the
dusty wood surface before he walked around to the other side of the bed.
Justin’s side. He stood and stared at the silky pillowcase that had a light
covering of dust on it. He leaned over and picked it up, shaking it off and then
bringing it to his face and inhaling.
Brian coughed and drew the pillow away from his face. There was none of Justin’s
smell there. He turned and looked at the rest of the bed and groaned. Pain
sliced into him and built up rage so quickly within his body. He was angry with
himself mostly.
He wasn’t even aware of when he’d started pulling and tearing the bedcovers and
pillowcases away. He went into the linen closet, brought out a fresh set of baby
blue silk, and started to remake the bed, mechanically. When he was done, he
stepped back and gazed down on it for just a moment. It still didn’t look warm
and inviting. He realized then that he was absolutely freezing, shaking down to
his bones. He turned away from the lonely bed and headed into their bathroom.
The bathroom was also dusty. The marble tile floor was slick as he walked over
to the shower and turned the hot water on. It took a moment for the pipes to
spit out clear water after sitting unused for a year.
Brian quickly disrobed from his wet clothes, grabbed a fresh towel and a robe
from the bathroom closet and placed them on the towel warmer. He opened the
shower stall door and got under the hot spray and luxuriated in the feel,
leaning his head back against the tile wall and replaying the images of Justin
and him making love in this shower over and over in his head.
He leaned over and started to grab his bottle of shampoo and paused, grabbing
the almost new bottle of Justin’s French shampoo; it didn’t matter if he was a
brunet. He thought of Justin’s smiling face on the day he’d returned home from
work with it and the younger man had jumped into his arms and kissed him all
over his face.
He’d been fucking up so much of their lives at that point that he was more than
a little surprised at Justin’s enthusiasm when he saw the bottle in the bag. It
had felt good to see that bright Sunshine smile. Brian knew that he’d hurt
Justin constantly. He never stopped, but for those few moments of Justin hugging
and kissing him, it almost had seemed like it was melting all those other times
Brian finished washing himself and then got out of the shower. He dried off,
slipped on the terry-cloth dark blue robe, realizing it was Justin’s, and went
over to the vanity to comb his hair. He looked down and saw all of the products
that sat on the shelves in the indent of the wall and grabbed Justin’s comb. It
still had blond hairs in it. Brian ran the red comb through his hair,
intertwining their hair in the comb. He was glad that the mirror was foggy
because he wasn’t sure he could handle seeing his reflection; he knew there were
tears on his darkened expression.
He looked down and saw Justin’s cologne. Without thinking twice, Brian grabbed
it and sprayed himself down with it. Repeatedly he pumped the nozzle,
surrounding himself in his husband’s bought scent yet still missing the one that
could never be bottled. He fought back the tears once again from his eyes and
went back into the bedroom.
Brian looked at the bed and had to close his eyes as the memory of the first
time he’d made love to Justin on those very sheets entered his mind.
“We’re really going to do this,” Justin said excitedly. He lay in the middle of
the bed, his head against the brand new blue pillowcase. They made his blue eyes
look even brighter.
Brian knew that he’d never seen Justin happier than he was at that moment.
Except for maybe the day of their wedding," You still want to be the one this
time around, don’t you?”
Justin smiled even brighter. “Yes. It's just... I’m scared.”
Brian crawled up on the bed and blanketed Justin’s body with his own. “Me too,”
he admitted, pulling his lips into his mouth for a moment before smiling down at
his husband.
“You’ll make a wonderful father, Brian,” Justin whispered. He leaned up and
began kissing Brian's jaw with tiny pecks from his pink lips.
Brian pulled Justin away from him and laid his head back down on the pillow.
“You will, but I’m not too sure about me,” he admitted his fears.
“I am,” Justin told him, running his hands up and down Brian’s bare back.
“Well, that makes one of us,” Brian joked.
Justin brought his hands up to Brian’s face and looked him in the eyes. “I know
you will,” Justin told him.
“I’ll try my best, Justin. But I’ll have to learn from you.”
“You’re amazing; we’re going to make good parents. Even if it is our first
child, I can feel it. We’ll be great.” Justin kissed Brian’s lips soundly. “Both
of us.”
"Will you help me?" Brian asked.
Justin looked at him with a confused expression. "With what?"
"Help me be a good father. I'm going to have to learn from you," Brian told him.
"I’m serious. You're going to have to make sure, okay?"
"I will, Brian," Justin said softly.
"I know sometimes I can get caught up with my job and stuff. I need you to
promise you'll do everything you can to stop me if I don't give you or the kids
enough attention."
"Kids?" Justin asked with a smile.
Brian laughed, "You said you wanted four."
Justin's eyes were wide with surprise. "But you said only two."
"I told you that I might like for it to be me one day." Brian's words were soft.
“I thought you were joking,” Justin said. “Are you serious?”
"I've thought about it," Brian said. “Especially now that we’re doing this for
"You want to carry my baby?" Justin said in a singsong voice. "Really, Brian?"
"How about you have the first three, and then if we want another I'll carry it,
Justin smiled and nodded. "Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, Brian," he joked.
"I think we should make the first and see what raising one is like before
committing ourselves to any more," he reasoned.
Brian nodded his head in agreement and then leaned down to kiss Justin. His
tongue poked out and teased Justin’s lips as he waited for the boy to open up
and accept his appendage.
Justin teased him and tossed his head back and forth, giggling while Brian tried
again and again to probe into his mouth.
Brian pulled back and looked at Justin seriously. “Do you not want to do
this?” he asked.
Justin laughed at him.
“I’m really fucking hard,” Brian ground their stiff dicks against one another.
"I know we’re both on the pill and we were using condoms too. But now just
thinking about being inside of you… raw…. its driving me fucking crazy.”
“Oh,” Justin gasped. Brian forced his tongue inside Justin’s mouth, halting
Justin’s response.
End Flashback
"Justin," Brian whispered, coming out of his memories. He went and shut off all
the lights in the lonely room.
He then walked over, gathered the photo albums and turned on his night table
lamp. At first he got in on his side but then he scooted over on Justin's side
of the bed. He sat the albums down and then pulled the old duvet and sheets up
to his chest before leaning back onto Justin's pillows.
The first album he looked in was a bunch of pictures taken from when he and
Justin would take the children to Florida to visit Jennifer. She had a house
near the beach and he and Justin had taken so many pictures of the children
Zaira was always very cautious of the water and didn't care for swimming. The
first time Justin had taken her into the ocean she'd screamed, squealed, and
cried so hard that Justin beat himself up after it for a long time. She hadn't
gotten any better in the years to come. Zaira didn't like the water and only
went to the shore to collect rocks or seashells for her sandcastles.
Reaghan, on the other hand, loved swimming. The first time he had taken him into
the water, the boy had giggled and squealed with excitement. He liked going
underwater and loved to hang onto his father's shoulders as he swam around. They
had to watch him extremely carefully when they were playing on the beach because
all he ever wanted to do was swim. He didn't care for making sandcastles. The
boy had been a natural swimmer.
Brian realized he hadn't gotten to see Reaghan or Zaira at the beach that last
year. He'd been too busy with work and had tried to cancel their plans
altogether. Justin, however, had taken the kids anyway. Justin had been so angry
with him, and Brian wasn't sure that he was going to come back to him. However,
he had.
"Daddy! You're home!" Zaira ran down the hall. Brian bent to his knees and she
launched herself into Brian's arms. Reaghan came running to him seconds later.
Brian hugged his children and kissed their faces. "You're home!" It was so nice
to hold them in his arms. He'd slept at the loft almost every night in the two
weeks that they were gone. He only came back out to the house because he needed
to get a file he'd left in his office.
"Missed you, Daddy," Reaghan told him, holding onto his neck.
The air shifted in the entryway and Brian tensed up. He kept his focus on the
kids who were rattling off all the exciting things they did with their
grandmother. He was interested in what they were saying, but he also didn't want
to look up and meet Justin's eyes. He knew that they would be the same
steel-cold blue they were the day they had left for Florida.
"Daddy! Dada's here!" Zaira said, giving Brian no choice but to look up at
"I see that," Justin said warmly.
Brian looked at Justin and was completely surprised. He hadn't expected Justin's
words to be so soft and for his expression to match. "Hi."
"Hey," Justin answered him, giving him an expression Brian couldn't read.
Brian got up off the floor. "How was your flight?"
"Brian..." Justin smiled at him and walked toward him.
Brian walked closer and took Justin into his arms. "I missed you," he whispered
against his lover's ear.
Justin squeezed him very tightly but didn't say anything in return.
"Did you miss me?" Brian found himself asking.
Justin pulled away from him and looked at him, his blue eyes glassy and his lips
trembling, "I'm always missing you when you're not with me, Brian."
Brian took Justin's face in his hands and then leaned forward and pressed their
foreheads together. "I love you," he said, not breaking eye contact.
Justin blinked and two tears fell from the corners of his eyes. Brian brushed
them away with his thumbs, "I love you too, Brian."
Brian and Justin's lips pressed together...
"Dada! Are you gonna tuck us in now?" Zaira asked, stopping her parents
"Later," Brian smirked, looking at Justin who was smirking at him.
Brian looked down and noticed both of the kids were in their pajamas already.
"Of course. Did you guys brush your teeth?"
"Yes," the children answered.
"Okay, let’s go on up." Brian reached down and picked up Zaira in one arm and
then Reaghan in the other.
Justin went up with him and together they got both children in bed for the night
and retired into their room.
As soon as the master bedroom door shut behind Brian, Justin attacked him with
kisses. They broke apart to divest themselves of their clothing, and Brian
picked Justin up and carried him into their bed.
"God, I want you," Justin told him as he rolled Brian over onto his stomach.
Brian put his head on his pillow and brought his legs up underneath him, "Come
on," he said in a muffled voice. He waited for a moment and when nothing
happened, he turned to look at Justin.
Justin was holding a condom and giving him a strange look. Fuck, Brian
thought and turned around. Justin is suggesting we wear condoms now?
"Why do you have these?" Justin asked him in a shaky voice.
"I…" Brian was shocked.
"Have you been fucking someone else? Is that why you haven't been fucking me?"
he spat angrily.
Brian felt himself go cold at Justin's words. "Of course not!"
"Don't lie to me, Brian." Justin's eyes once again filled with tears.
"What the fuck, Justin?" Brian grabbed the condom and held it in front of
Justin's face. "Look at the fucking expiration date, asshole! That was in there
from before we started taking the new fucking birth control."
Justin closed his eyes then opened them and quickly looked away from Brian. "I'm
Brian leaned toward him. "You think I'm fucking around on you? And you called me
a fucking liar, Justin!"
Justin wiped his tears away and looked at him. "What am I supposed to think,
"I don't know, Justin. Fuck!"
"You're never here anymore, Brian," Justin told him.
"That has nothing to do with you just calling me a cheat and a liar."
"I know you didn't stay here the whole two weeks we were gone. I suspected but
then when I saw the condom I thought..."
"I didn’t want to be in this huge house without you guys. Fuck! I fucked you raw
two days before you left on that fucking trip! Do you think I'd risk your life
like that?"
"No, it's just…"
"It's just yes, you did think that! Or you wouldn't have asked."
"I jumped to conclusions. I've been in that drawer a million times and hadn't
seen it there."
Brian threw the condom on the side of the bed and moved Justin around so he was
lying on his back. He grabbed the bottle of lube and warmed it in his fingers
before pushing them inside his blond.
They stared at one another, saying nothing and everything.
Brian moved down on top of Justin and slicked his dick with the leftover lube.
He leaned down and kissed Justin's neck as he pushed the head of his cock inside
the warm cavern.
"Ah!" Justin gasped in pleasure/pain.
"Shh!" Brian kissed the tears in the corners of his husband's eyes as he moved
his hips forward and slid in the rest of the way.
Justin's felt so stretched and full from the initial entry. He had stayed at his
mother’s house and that meant that he couldn’t even play with his dildos when he
needed release. His hole was very tight. "Slower," he whispered.
Brian nodded his head and moved back, sliding almost completely out of the tight
warmth. "Why would you ever think I'd want..." he slid back in.
Brian leaned in and kissed Justin as he rocked back out and in a couple of
times. Their eyes were still open as they experienced the pleasure they only
knew with each other. "Why would you think I would ever want anyone but you?
There's nothing better, no one better to be inside of, no one but you. Never,"
Brian whispered before drawing back and then sliding into his lover, causing
Justin to shout his name.
“No one but you,” Justin moaned back.
End Flashback
Brian continued to go through the album and when he got to the end, he realized
that the last two pictures in the book were from that time at the beach he
missed. He'd never even seen them before.
Brian wiped away the tears from his eyes, closed the album, and reached for
another. This one was a book full of the kids' Christmas pictures through the
years. His fingertips touched and traced the contours of their faces, imagining
that he was actually feeling their baby soft skin. Justin's smell wasn’t the
only one he missed, but theirs too. He remembered vividly holding both of them
right after they were born. He'd kissed the tops of their heads and had
memorized their smell. Even now, he could almost smell them.
Page by page, Brian fell into the memories he and Justin shared with their
children. Last year Zaira and Reaghan played "We Wish You a Merry Christmas"
together on the piano. It had been off-key, and most of the time Reaghan
would just press his one designated key when Zaira would tell him to. They had
played it for him and Justin as a surprise. They were so thoughtful. He and
Justin had asked them to play it repeatedly. It was, without a doubt, the best
Christmas present they'd gotten that year.
Brian was feeling exhausted by the time he reached for the next album. It was
their wedding album and he couldn't bear to open it yet. He would save that for
the morning. Brian reached down to the end of the bed and set the albums back on
the trunk. He crawled over to his side to turn off the lamp and he saw a red
envelope peeking out from under the silver tray.
He slid it out and remembered that Justin had handed it to him before giving him
his breakfast. He'd had to meet his client so he hadn't had time to open it. He
shifted his body back over to Justin's side and opened the envelope.
He took out what was inside. It was a big thick card. It had a picture of their
Christmas tree on it and under it, it read, Merry Christmas, Dada!
Brian felt his heart breaking again. His shaky fingers opened the card and there
within it was a small stack of pictures.
The first picture was of Zaira in the outfit she'd worn to the recital he'd
The next picture was of Reaghan in the outfit he'd worn to his play.
The next pictures made Brian's heart stop beating for a moment.
"No," he said aloud. Tears sprang from his eyes, his stomach tightened, and he
felt like he was going to throw up. "Oh god, Justin!" he yelled into the silence
of their house. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know! I didn't know."
Brian curled around and cried into Justin's pillow. Justin’s smell surrounded
him as he wept. There, in his fingers he clutched the pictures of his children
close to his heart, weeping himself into sleep.
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The Christmas Eves