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Sweet Redemption Page 5 (continued) |
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Stuart/ Vince/ Brian |
NC-17 | Drama, AU, m/m | Both DeAnna Zankich Sequel to | Kisses Like Wine Summary: Stuart has a rough talk with his mother and Brian looms on Vince's horizon. Stuart finally gets that spanking he's been waiting for. Brian uses his imagination and reaches into the boys' relationship from all the way across the pond. Brian, Stuart and Vince spend the weekend together. Stuart reflects on the changes in his life and gets prepared for the next phase. Brian takes his leave, but is he gone for good? Meanwhile, back in the shower . . . Warnings: S&M Author Notes: Extensive notes, please see story. Archivist Note, story split into two parts for easier loading. Spoilers: General for both UK and US shows. |
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Vince looked at his lover and rolled his eyes. Stuart
shook his head. They had so nearly been caught that neither of them had quite
gotten over their giddiness. "I guess we're off then," Romey said. She glanced around making sure he had everything then she picked up Alfred's nappy bag and her purse and walked over to give Stuart a kiss goodbye. Jeni looked Brian over one more time, a small but very obvious smile tugging her lips. "Well, luv. If you ever change your mind and decide to ditch Dorothy and her friends, please look me up. You're lovely." She extended her hand again and laughed good- naturedly. "Nice to meet you. Take care. Vince, give me a ring later in the week and let me know what you've decided." They said their good-byes and Hazel walked the two women out to the lift. Once they'd gone she came back inside, pulling the door closed. She walked over to where Brian, Vince and Stuart were seated like magpies on barstools at the counter and regarded them with her keen eyes. Vince gave his mother a warning look as she stepped up to Stuart. Hazel paid him no mind. "All right, kid. What's going on?" "What do you mean?" Stuart said, his tone guarded. "What's the Yankee dish doin' here? Have you two gone completely mad?! This man nearly broke you up a few weeks ago!" "That had nothing to do with Brian," Stuart snapped. He stepped right up to Hazel and stared in her eyes. "Listen, this is none of your business. Just . . . zip it up and stay out of it. This is an entirely consensual situation and it's none of your concern. All right?" Hazel set her jaw and stared back at him for a long, hard moment. Then she turned to Vince and gave him the same look. "Mum," Vince said, walking up to her and taking her hands in his. "I appreciate you worrying for me, but really . . . everything's fine. Brian is our guest and he's here on both our invitation. I don't intend to go into any more detail at this time." He smiled at her, trying to persuade that stony expression off her face. "Now, did you bring the confirmed guest list?" Hazel sighed, turning to give Stuart one last glacial stare. "Right. It's in my bag. You've got a full house, luvs. Everyone's coming except two of your father's friends who will be on a cruise that weekend. They sent a nice note to you, though." Hazel went to her bag and dug in it for a moment, then she produced a leather bound organizer stuffed with bits of paper. She set it on the kitchen counter and opened it, taking out the list of confirmed guests. She brought it to her son and by then she was finally smiling a bit. "It's going to be a lovely day, Vinnie," she said. He smiled, opening the list and scanning down the rows of names. "Stuart, Reb and Andie are coming." "Really?" he said, brightening. "That's brilliant. I didn't think they'd want to come over again so soon." Vince continued to read, slowly walking over to where his lover stood. "And Sandra and her husband, my father . . . imagine that. And Judith and Adrian." "That Adrian's a twat," Stuart muttered. "He's Judith's husband," Vince said. "I can't very well tell her to leave him home." "Fine. I'll tell her." Stuart looked over Vince's shoulder and read along with him. When his eye fell on Kate's name, Stuart squinted at the paper incredulously. "Kate confirmed with a guest?" "She did," Hazel said. "Looks like we'll finally get an eyeful of that husband of hers." She looked over at Brain icily. "Unless she's planning to bring you." "She's not," he said. Brain wandered over to the couch and sat down, picking up a magazine and flipping through it. He was clearly intending to wait out Hazel's visit with as little interaction as possible. "That's good she's bringing him, yeah?" Vince asked Stuart. "Don't you want to meet Richard?" "Yeah," he said, hedging. "I suppose." "He's okay," Brian said from the lounge. "He's frighteningly PC." "He'd have to be," Hazel retorted. "His wife has more gay friends than Liza Minelli." Brian chuckled, no doubt in spite of himself. He went back to his magazine and kept his head down. "Right," Hazel said. "Well, you lads look that over and let me know if anyone's missing. Oh, wait." She rifled some papers in her overstuffed organizer and pulled out a small yellow greeting card. "Here's that note from your father's friends. It was in the envelope with their RSVP." Stuart took the note and opened it so Vince could see it as well. The handwriting was wobbling but legible and the message was short. "Dear Stuart, Mary and I are sorry we cannot attend your ceremony as we'll be on a cruise in the Mediterranean then. We would very much like to be there to share the occasion. We send our warmest wishes to you and Vince and hope you have a long and joyful union. Love and kind regards, Frank and Mary Teague." "That's sweet," Vince said, looking at his lover's face. "Do you know him well?" "Yeah," Stuart said. "He worked with my father for almost twenty years. They're good friends. Frank's ill now . . . some sort of bone cancer. He's been in and out of hospital all year." He closed the card and looked up at Hazel. "Thanks for bringing that." "'Course," she said. "Right, I'm off." She closed her organizer and stuffed it back into her purse, then she hoisted the big bag over her shoulder. Walking over to her son, she put her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. "Have a lovely weekend, then. Ring me if you need anything." "Thanks, Mum." He walked her over to the door and opened it for her. Hazel turned back to Stuart with a small but warm smile. "See ya, kid." "See ya. Thanks for all that, Hazel." "My pleasure. Bye, Brian," she called as she stepped out the door. "Nice to meet you." "And you," Brian called back. "Take care." Vince shut the door and let out a long breath. Walking into the lounge, he offered Brian an apologetic smile. "Sorry about her. Really." He just shook his head. "Don't even worry about it. I've got one of her at home, I'm used to it. Except Deb goes the extra mile and throws things at me when she's mad." "And who's she?" Stuart asked. "My best friend's mom, just like Hazel is to you." "Except you're not marrying YOUR best friend." Stuart walked into the lounge and sat on the couch by Brian. "You don't talk about him much." "Mikey?" Brian shrugged. "No, I guess I don't." "Is he nice?" Vince asked, walking over to sit on Brian's other side. "You mean `nice' like `sexy', right?" Vince nodded. "Uh . . . yeah, I suppose. He's a type. Michael is sweet and generous. He's a typical Nice Guy." "What does he look like?" Stuart asked, shifting on the couch so his body pressed against Brian's right side. He nuzzled Brian's ear then kissed his neck softly. "He . . . has dark brown hair and dark eyes . . ." Brian said, his eyes drifting closed from the kiss. "He's about a head shorter than me . . . in good shape. Cute ass, nice arms. I don't know. He's Mikey. I probably think he's hot just cuz I love him. I'm partial." Vince ran his hand over Brian's hard belly, tugging gently at the soft fabric of his black t-shirt. He untucked it from the close fitting jeans then reached for Brian's silver belt buckle while he and Stuart kissed wetly. As he started to unzip Brian's trousers, a small silver key fell out of his front pocket. "Oh, sorry," Vince said, picking up the key and holding it out so Brian could see it. "That's for the lock on my bag," Brian said, taking it. "Which reminds me." He winked at Vince then gave Stuart's thigh an affectionate pat before he stood up, striding into the bedroom where his suitcase sat on the floor by the bed. Vince and Stuart got up and followed their guest, stretching out on the bed and snuggling against each other while they watched him go through his things in the bag. Moving aside a stack of neatly folded t-shirts, Brian pulled out an object about the size of a collapsed umbrella. It was wrapped in a piece of dark red felt and tied with a black satin ribbon. He handed it to Vince then climbed up onto the bed to lie down with them. Sitting up, Vince ran his hands over the cylindrical object, enjoying the weight of it and the feel of the soft felt. He slipped the ribbon off then folded the felt back. The scent of the leather struck him first . . . even before he realized what he was looking at. In his hand was a rather compact cat o' nine tails. "God," Stuart laughed. "Now we have an official toy." Grinning, Vince picked up the cat, stretching out the supple leather straps extending from the handle. The whole thing was beautifully made, tooled leather handle and cleanly cut, thin straps. It felt good in his hand. "You naughty boy, Brian," he said, smiling. "Thank you." He leaned over and gave the American a deep kiss, savoring his warm, plump lips. God, he loved those lips. "You're very welcome," Brian said. "It was made by a craftsman in Belgium that specializes in customized leather toys. I found him on the Internet. Nice stuff. I'll send you his web address in case you want to expand your collection." Brian rolled over onto his back and teased the hairs on his belly with his fingers. "Any chance you might christen it on me?" Vince smiled at him, then looked at Stuart. "Is that all right?" "Of course. But I get to undress him." "Fine." Stuart crawled across the bed on his knees and kissed his lover softly, then he slinked over to where Brian lay on his back. "Stay there," Stuart said. "Don't move." Stuart straddled him, pulling his black t-shirt over his head and tossing it aside. Since his belt was already undone, Stuart finished the job of unzipping Brian's trousers and then he wiggled them down the prone American's long legs. Brian kicked off his shoes then laid there like a wanton god in nothing but his close fitting white Calvin's. Vince got up and walked around to stand at the foot of the bed. Smiling at Stuart, he said, "bring him down here to the edge. Remember?" "Oh, yes," Stuart said, grinning. He jumped off the bed then reached back for Brian's ankles, easily dragging him along the soft comforter so his knees bent naturally over the end of the mattress. Brian laughed softly, stretching his arms over his head. This action exposed his lean torso irresistibly and Vince licked his lips. "You be still, now," he said. Brian nodded obediently, his hazel eyes glinting with anticipation. His big cock was already growing and stretching up his belly under his shorts. "Stuart, I want you to sit up there near the pillows. All right? Sit with your legs folded under you and your lovely hands in your lap." Grinning, Stuart climbed back onto the bed and sat as he'd been told. He was just above Brian's reach on the right side and the American looked back at him, stretching his fingers out for Stuart's knee playfully. "Can I touch him?" Stuart asked. Vince lowered his chin and grinned at his lover hungrily. "Not until I tell you." The brunette nodded his agreement, his cheeks coloring beautifully. He wagged his finger at Brian who grinned and stopped reaching. Smiling down into Brian's eyes, Vince held the cat out to his right and swung it in the air in a wide figure-8, just getting used to the weight and flow of the tool. He stepped to the side of Brian's left leg and swung the straps down against the mattress, once and then again. He smiled to himself when both Brian and Stuart flinched slightly upon each of the strikes. Stepping back between Brian's legs, Vince turned the cat around so the back of the handle faced Brian's chest. He rested his knee on the mattress inside Brian's parted thighs then pressed the handle gently into that smooth chest. "I haven't used one of these in ages," Vince said softly. "Tell me if I hurt you, all right?" "I love that you're practicing on me," Brian said. "That makes it even hotter. But I don't think you can hurt me with that. It's really soft." Vince stood on his feet again, then he turned the cat around and began slowly slapping it back and forth across Brian's naked tummy. He watched Brian's face closely, gauging the expression and then he increased the pressure of his strokes, adding more of a downward spanking motion. Vince switched from the side to side swiping to repeated swats right in the center of Brian's torso. The very tips of the straps licked his pink nipples and Vince's cock stirred when he saw those nipples tighten and grow hard. "Nice?" he asked, still slapping Brian's tummy. He let out a long, ragged sigh to show his appreciation. Stuart bit his lip and watched the proceedings in front of him with a fixed, fascinated gaze. Vince knew they were both watching Brain's cock harden under his shorts. The large head of his penis had begun to stretch the waistband as his cock lengthened and filled with hot blood. "Do his legs," Stuart said softly, almost a whisper. But Vince heard him. In fact, Stuart had read his mind. He planned to start working over those strong, muscular thighs after he got his first moan out of Brian. Leaning forward a bit, Vince concentrated on directing the ends of the straps across Brian's nipples . . . in essence, spanking them a thousand tiny times all at once. He rolled his wrist quickly, turning the cat in a tight figure-8 that made the straps double back in a bunch on their downswing. This wasn't what he wanted to see, so Vince adjusting the motion of his wrist until he sorted out making the straps elongate before they came down . . . thus increasing the sting and that delicious sound of the collective slap. A few seconds more of that and Brian arched his back on the mattress, lifting up into the straps. He sighed, letting out a desperate, lustful moan. Perfect. Vince suddenly pulled the cat back, stopping his spanks all together. He looked closely at Brian who was breathing hard and flushed, his beautiful lips slightly swollen, eyes half-mast and glassy. "Why don't you give him a kiss, luv," he said to Stuart. "Brian needs kissing right now. Really get in there . . . taste his mouth." Stuart braced himself with his hands on either side of Brian's head and lowered down, leading with his tongue. Vince watched while Brian parted his lips and reached for Stuart's tongue with his own, letting them stroke each other for a moment in the air before their mouths connected. Stuart's curls obscured the action at that point so Vince returned to his task. Stepping back for leverage, he eyed his target and calculated the distance from the ends of the cat's straps to Brian's sensitive thighs. Recalling a trick he learned from Elijiah Paulson over eleven years ago, Vince held the cat low between Brian's shins then whisked it back and forth so the straps whipped up around his legs, into the soft crevice behind his knees. That was the tenderest skin on the body and Brian flinched a little, groaning, but he didn't pull away. Vince continued that back and forth swatting motion as he moved further up Brian's long, well-formed legs. He loved the way the skin blushed as the bundle of leather strips continued to stroke it over and over. Vince concentrated on the muscular tops of Brian's legs with that same downward rolling motion he'd used on his belly. Glancing up, he saw Brian cock had stiffened fully and protruded out from the waistband of his shorts, wetting his heaving belly with pre- come. Looking up a bit further, he saw Stuart caressing Brian's chest with his hand and Vince smiled. Raising the cat up suddenly, he brought it down in a sharp crack on Brian's tummy, the ends catching Stuart's fingers and stinging them. His lover looked up with complete surprise in his sapphire blue eyes. His jaw was open and he gaped at Vince. "What was that?" "I said `kiss' him, Stuart. Not pet him." Vince smiled sweetly then nodded down to his lover's hand. "Do as your told, luv, or you'll be next. And I won't be so kind to you." Brian giggled, lifting up enough to nip Stuart's neck and draw his attention back to kissing. Vince couldn't stop smiling as he dragged the cat's straps down along Brian's belly. He stopped when the cluster of leather strips completely covered Brain's full, heavy erection then he lifted up the handle and swatted the organ very gently. Rather than looking at Brian's face, he kept his eyes on that big cock watching it for a reaction to the strokes. Brian groaned and the sound of the kiss he was sharing with Stuart grew wetter, more suckling. Good sign. Vince swatted his cock again and then again, then he started that fast, downward spanking, concentrating solely on Brain's throbbing erection. Brian trembled and lifted into the kiss, his long fingers digging into the comforter under him. A thin sparkle of perspiration appeared down the center of his torso and he breathed rapidly. Vince was encouraged by all those reactions and he continued his ministrations unfalteringly. The cat licked Brian's cock through the fabric of his shorts, stinging the big, leaking head directly. The sound of the soft swats became moist and a little thick as his pre-come wet the leather. And then he pulled out of the kiss and sat up, leaning forward slightly and gasping. Vince thought Brian was going to ask him to stop but in the next instant he realized that was not the case. Brian shuddered and groaned and his cock exploded under the soft swats of the cat, soaking the leather strips with semen. After he came, Brian collapsed back on the bed and tried to catch his breath. Stuart began kissing him again and Vince removed the cat from his skin all together. He left his lover and their guest on the bed and walked down to the kitchen with his new toy. Grabbing the dishtowel off the refrigerator handle, Vince wet it in the sink with warm water. He spread the leather straps of the cat out on the counter and carefully cleaned Brian's spunk away with the warm towel. Eli had taught him to always clean fluids off leather tools immediately both for hygienic reasons and to maintain the supple texture of the fabric. He was pleased with his performance having not used an implement like that in so long. And he was absolutely boiling with desire, his cock throbbing wetly against his belly. Glancing up through the glass walls around the bedroom, he could see his lover kissing Brian slowly, tasting his mouth just as he'd been instructed to do. Standing there at the counter where he and Stuart had shagged so vigorously only a few hours before, he unzipped his trousers and played with his cock, tingling everywhere from his own knowing touch. He moaned softly, pulling his hot erection with deliberate strokes, meaning to enjoy a private volley of pleasure before returning to the bedroom. He closed his eyes and got lost for a moment, just reveling in the delicious sensations. "Oh, what is this?" Stuart said from the bedroom door. Vince opened his eyes and looked across the room, not having heard his lover get off the bed. He didn't stop his purposeful, pleasing wank, he just locked eyes with Stuart as he crossed the room and came into the kitchen. "Stop that, you bad little boy," Stuart said, rushing forward and grabbing Vince's wrist. "You'll grow hair on your hands." He giggled and covered Vince's mouth with a hot kiss. He tasted like Brian and Vince sucked his lips hungrily. Turning in Stuart's arms, Vince returned the kiss urgently, rubbing his itching cock against his lover's thigh. The friction was delicious and he was so near to coming that he didn't even care if he was being greedy. He grabbed Stuart's hips and held him still, grinding against him as they kissed and groaning deep in his throat. Vince was so distracted by his impending orgasm, that he didn't know Brian had come into the kitchen until he pressed against Vince's back. Brian's strong hands gripped Vince's hips and drew him away from Stuart. He whispered in Vince's ear, his voice rough and breathy. "Shhhh . . . calm down, now . . ." Brian purred. At first, his intense arousal made him feel enraged by the interruption and he wriggled in Brian's grasp, cussing under his breath. Then he looked at Stuart who was smiling and slowly taking off his shirt. Brain was guiding him backwards by his arms, leading him in the direction of the dining room table. "Back up," Brian whispered. "That's it. Just relax. We'll make you come very soon . . . just relax. You've been such a good daddy . . ." Brian stopped them for a moment, just long enough to take Vince's shirt off. Next he reached around and pushed his trousers down the rest of the way, helping Vince step out of them. When he looked up again, Stuart was naked as well and sauntering slowly toward him with his beautiful cock fully erect and dark red. Vince sighed against Brian's powerful body, loving the way it felt to fit inside the other man's form. His ear brushed Brian's chin and he turned his head for a kiss, closing his eyes and sighing as their warm lips met. Vince was nearly faint with arousal as he let Brian lead him further back until they reached the dining room table. The large glass surface was littered with the remains of the cake samples Jeni and Romey brought. A wide pink baker's box sat open in the center and several small paper plates were scattered around it. Brian turned Vince around so his back was to the table, then he urged him to sit on the edge of it. "You've been so good," Brian cooed, holding Vince's face in his hands and kissing just his lips very softly. "Thank you for that fantastic lashing. It was unbelievable." "My pleasure," Vince said, breathing hard. "I didn't expect you to . . ." "Neither did I," Brian said, smiling. "No one's ever done that to me with a leather toy of any kind. You have an excellent touch, Vince. It felt so good I couldn't stand it." Brian kissed him again . . . just his lips, but Vince shivered from the luscious contact. Brian was such a fantastic kisser, he felt his cock kick from the mere press of those full lips. From behind them, there came the solid, unmistakable pop of a Champagne cork. Vince glanced back to see Stuart holding a bottle over the sink as it gushed bubbles out the top like a little geyser. He laughed then took a deep swig of the champagne as he made his way over to the table. "Thought we'd have a little party," he said, his lovely accent lilting on the last word. "Since Brian can't join us for the wedding and all." Stuart tilted the bottle against Brian's lips and held it while he drank, then they kissed each other letting the champagne drip down their chins as their tongues mingled. Vince smiled adoringly at the sight of them . . . his lover and their beautiful, erotic playmate. He wasn't surprised to find he had no thoughts in his mind. Nothing concerned him other than his pulsing cock and his tingling skin and his deep, wrenching desire to be as near as possible to both their bodies. He loved feeling so primal and raw. It was a dizzying, rough joy that made him want to laugh out loud. Stuart stepped up to him and leaned in between Vince's legs, his warm body torturing his aching cock. The lithe brunette tilted the bottle into Vince's mouth and licked away the champagne that spilled out of his lips. After he'd had a few sips, Stuart kissed him, letting Brian take the bottle away. "Okay . . ." Brian said, pulling the pink box toward him and peering inside with great interest. He selected a white cake with light pink icing and raspberry filling. Vince had liked that one when they tried it earlier but Stuart thought the combination was too `lesbian'. "Not that one," the brunette complained. "Why?" Brian held the crumbling square of cake in his hand and took a big, lusty bite of it. "It's good!" He held the cake up for Vince and he took a bite. He was rather surprised by how well the sweet flavor mixed with the tart champagne. "Stuart, try it with the champagne," he said, giggling at the absurdity of discussing the wedding cake at such a moment. Trying to stay in the spirit, Stuart let Brian feed him a bit of the pink cake and then he grabbed the bottle again to take a sip. "See?" Vince said. "They're nice together." He kissed Stuart's neck while he took another sip of the bubbly. "I still don't like it," he grumbled. "Oh, shut up," Brian teased, smearing the rest of the cake in his hand down the center of Stuart's taut belly. "Don't be a pain in the ass. If your fiancé likes this one, you should let him have it." Giggling, Stuart leaned over the table and looked in the box. "Try that one there in the corner. It's got coconut in it. It's the nicest." Brian grabbed the other square of cake and bite into it. Stuart let him chew for a moment, then he raised the bottle to Brian's lips so he could taste the combination of flavors. Vince bent forward and licked at the frosting and raspberry filling on his lover's tummy, cleaning the salty skin slowly. Stuart stroked his hair and the back of his neck with warm, teasing fingers. While he continued his tongue bath, he listened to Brain's opinion of the second sample. "Not as good as the other one," he deduced. "Good, but not AS good. What else did you like?" "The custard one," Vince suggested, still licking and cleaning. "Ooh, custard," Brian said excitedly. "Where's that?" Vince straightened up and looked in the box, spotting the custard filled cake in the center of the samples. "There," he said pointing. "With the yellowish icing." Brian grabbed it with his long fingers and bit into it, big crumbs of the white cake tumbling onto the floor. A spot of icing stuck to his upper lip and Stuart raised up on his toes to lick it off. "Ooooohhhh . . ." Brian said grinning. "NOW you're talking. This one's great!" He held it out for Vince to bite and then for Stuart and then once again, he smeared the remains on Stuart's body. "Oi!" the brunette laughed. "Why am I getting all the sticky stuff?" He leaned over the box and grabbed another square of cake at random, turning around and shoving the whole thing into the center of Brian's belly. Pale chocolate filling oozed down his smooth skin and crumbs of angel food cake stuck in the glazed icing. A big glob of filling slid slowly down his long muscular thigh and plopped on the floor. "I'd hate to be your maid," Brian said. "She won't even speak to us anymore, actually," Vince told him and he and Stuart burst out laughing. Brian fingered some of the chocolate icing off his belly and fed it to Vince, chasing it with a wet kiss. Stuart grabbed another square of cake and tugged out the waistband of Brian's shorts, smashing the fluffy, sticky mess all over Brian's semi-hard cock then snapping the waistband against his belly, trapping the whole thing inside his shorts. "Oh that's really funny, Stuey," Brian said. He wiggled out of his soiled shorts, reaching for a handful of the smooshed cake mixture and stuffing his fingers into Stuart's mouth. "How's this one taste with the champagne, baby," Brian purred as Stuart sucked his fingers clean. Vince cracked up looking at them . . . both smeared with pink and white frosting, sticky chocolate custard and crumbling bits of cake. While they licked and sucked each other's fingers, Vince leaned over the box and took out one of the last remaining pristine cake squares. It was white cake, white frosting and a sweet lemon curd filling they had both liked. He took a bite of it then he touched Stuart's shoulder to get his attention. Stuart turned to him and opened his mouth to receive the cake. Brian leaned forward to bite on the other side of the square. Vince could feel both their lips on his fingers as they bit into the cake and he reached for his cock again instinctively. Stuart's eyes sparkled devilishly when he saw this and he grabbed Vince's wrist again. "You are just too bloody eager today . . . stop that, lover . . ." He kissed Vince's chest then his lips and then Brian turned Stuart around again. Holding Stuart's chin in his long-fingered hand, Brian opened his mouth and held out his tongue, offering the warm bits of cake there. Stuart slid his own tongue underneath Brian's and they mixed the contents of their mouths together, both groaning softly. If Stuart hadn't still been holding Vince's wrist, he would have had a wank just from that image. Instead, he watched transfixed while the two of them fed each other. Reaching for the bottle, Vince stood right beside them and tipped it just above Brian's shoulder. He let a small amount of the champagne trickle out and watched hungrily as it ran over the smooth skin of Brian's chest. The liquid made a clean line through the smears of cake and frosting and Brian's nipple glistened with tiny bubbles clinging to it. Vince bent down and sucked that sparkling nipple, feeling Brian shiver from the contact. "Wait," Brian whispered. He lifted Vince's chin and kissed him, swirling his sweet tasting tongue around and sucking his lips. "You need to come." Brian smiled sexily into Vince's eyes. "Sit down, honey. Right here." Guiding Vince into one of the dining room chairs, Brian turned to Stuart. "You know . . . I would be really disappointed if I had to go back to Pittsburgh without having your dick in my ass. Do you think your boyfriend will let you fuck me?" He chewed Stuart's top lip then sucked it. Stuart looked at Vince hopefully, batting his eyes. "May I? Pleeeeeeease?" "If you'd like," Vince replied. Giggling, Stuart trotted up to the bedroom to grab a condom and some lube out of the night table drawer. Brian knelt in front of Vince and rubbed his hands over Vince's thighs. He still had a little frosting on his hands and the stickiness of it tugged the hairs on Vince's skin, making them tingle wonderfully. His throbbing cock leaked and reached for Brain's open mouth as the handsome American leaned toward it. First, Brian covered Vince's cock with his mouth and sucked it all the way in. He sucked very gently . . . not enough to bring up the orgasm . . . but just enough to make Vince moan with tortured pleasure. Stuart came back with the needed supplies and he tore the condom packet open with his teeth. He kissed Vince softly, sucked each of his nipples, then kissed him again, pausing to whisper in his lover's ear. "I'll never forget this, luv. Thank you." He nipped Vince's earlobe then moved around behind Brian. Vince was too blissed out to respond coherently but as he sat there with his cock in Brian's beautiful, sucking mouth, he gave his lover a smile that said he would never forget this, either. Stuart flipped the lid open on the tube of lubricant and squeezed a generous amount of the glistening liquid onto the skin below Brian's tailbone. Vince watched as his lover's hand disappeared between Brian ass cheeks and he could tell by Brian's deep groans and the movement of Stuart's arm that he had his fingers up inside. Stuart slipped on the condom with his left hand then rubbed some of the lube on it. Holding Brian's hips, he wiggled into position and took a deep breath before sliding his cock inside that hot hole. Feeling suspended on the edge of his orgasm, Vince watched everything transpire in front of him as though he were just slightly out of his body. He watched Brian writhe against Stuart's cock and he heard the American's soft, muffled groans as he sucked on Vince's cock. He watched Stuart pistoning in and out, rubbing his cock in that tight shaft, dark blue eyes closed in wanton pleasure. He looked so gorgeous while he was fucking. Stuart's dark curls shimmered in the overhead light above the table and his lips were dark with blood. Vince watched his lover's pace increase, watched as his cheeks flushed and his breath became shallow, watched as that telltale knit appeared between his eyebrows and then Stuart came. Vince felt his own balls contract as he filled Brian's mouth with semen. The contractions were deep and wonderful, but not too strong as he'd already come once that morning. This orgasm was a long, vibrating, silvery feeling that made him sigh but not moan. A moan would have disturbed the tingles. He sat there watching as Stuart slid off the condom and rubbed his still hard but spent cock over Brian's smooth back. They smiled at each other, both lazy and relaxed and then Brian looked up. His beautiful lips were red and swollen from sucking and his hazel eyes had gone dark green. Vince pet his soft hair and looked at him gratefully then Stuart turned Brian around by his shoulder. "Sit," the Irishman said. Brian sat on the floor dutifully, his thighs falling apart and his cock was rigid and wet at the tip. His lower belly and pubic hair were still covered in frosting and cake and Stuart leaned forward on his hands and knees and began to eat. He took his time nibbling and licking the sweet stuff until he finally took Brian's big cock into his mouth. It didn't take long. Brian was so hard, he was panting. He fucked Stuart's mouth once it encased his cock and he was coming in a matter of seconds. Vince could tell by the way Brian breathed that his orgasm was similar to the one Vince just had . . . smooth and shimmery, more like a series of tickling vibrations than deep contractions. Brian let his head drop back onto Vince's knee as he let out one of those deep breathy moans and then he smiled. Stuart sat up, stretching his arms in the air. He looked around them at the confectionery debris on every nearby surface and he laughed. "Christ, we always make such a bloody mess when we shag." "At least we're creative," Vince said. "Yeah." Stuart stood up and grabbed the champagne bottle off the table, tipping it back and taking a few deep sips. He belched discretely but did not excuse himself. "We haven't even had breakfast and we already ate all this cake." Brian chuckled. "So, is it between the lemon and the raspberry, then?" Vince tried to laugh but he was too relaxed. In fact, he felt like he could fall asleep right there in that chair. "I'm phoning for a pizza," Stuart said, walking off naked to find the phone. "I bought all those groceries," Vince reminded him. "We'll make dinner later. I'm starving. Pizza all right with you, Brian?" "Pizza's always all right with me," he said. Standing up with a great deal of effort, he held his hand out for Vince. "Come on. We need a shower. Somebody spilled cake and champagne all over us." Vince let himself be pulled to his feet and he and Brian started for the bathroom. They walked through the bedroom and went straight to the shower where Vince stepped in to turn on the faucet. Brian followed him but left the stall door open. They could hear Stuart on the phone placing their order as they stood under the hot water together, just letting it run over them. Neither of them spoke as the shower washed away the bits of cake and frosting. They stood facing each other, foreheads touching, hands on each other hips for support. Both of them had wobbly legs from coming. After a moment, Stuart joined them and he pulled the stall door closed after him. Wedging himself between his lover and their guest, Stuart gave them each a soft kiss. He turned himself around in Vince's arms and held onto him, pressing every part of their bodies together. Brian reached for the soap and the wash cloth hanging over the soap dish. He worked up a rich lather with the jasmine scented bar then he began softly washing Stuart's back and arms. Brian took his time, washing them both everywhere. After every body part was cleaned, it was kissed before he moved on to the next. Vince sighed and kept his eyes closed, enjoying the sensation of being bathed and the lovely, relaxing hot water pounding his back. He and Stuart kissed each other softly, languidly while Brian attended them. When he was finished, Stuart took the wash cloth from him and gave Brian a kiss. "Your turn," he said, tilting Brian's head back into the water. Vince watched them for a moment and then he kissed Stuart's cheek. "You go on. Enjoy him. I need a nap." "Are you sure?" Stuart said and Brian looked at him, as well. Vince raised his eyebrows playfully. "I'm only allowing a bath, you two. Don't piss me off. You've seen how I get." He chuckled and left them alone in the shower, grabbing a towel on his way to the bedroom. He was asleep before he even had a chance to dry his hair. |
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