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Sweet Redemption Page 3 (continued) |
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Stuart/ Vince/ Brian |
NC-17 | Drama, AU, m/m | Both DeAnna Zankich Sequel to | Kisses Like Wine Summary: Stuart has a rough talk with his mother and Brian looms on Vince's horizon. Stuart finally gets that spanking he's been waiting for. Brian uses his imagination and reaches into the boys' relationship from all the way across the pond. Brian, Stuart and Vince spend the weekend together. Stuart reflects on the changes in his life and gets prepared for the next phase. Brian takes his leave, but is he gone for good? Meanwhile, back in the shower . . . Warnings: S&M Author Notes: Extensive notes, please see story. Archivist Note, story split into two parts for easier loading. Spoilers: General for both UK and US shows. |
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Brian Marty Ryder met him as soon as he got off the elevator that morning. It was Friday so Brian was dressed in his `business casual' threads, black cotton trousers and a tight black turtleneck, black Hugo Boss leather jacket, new Donna Karan shades. "Good, you're here," Ryder said. "I just paged you. Come into my office." "Good morning," Brian said soberly as he followed his boss down the hall to his corner office. "What's up?" "Stephen St. James from Lloyd's called me at the crack of dawn and said the proposal you gave them has a few bugs in it. He wants you out there to work through it with his people because they want to run with it as early as next month. I have to send you back to London today, Brian. I hope you don't have any weekend plans." Sitting in a chair across from Ryder's desk, Brian couldn't help smiling to himself. "No, no plans," he said. "I can go to London. No problem." "I appreciate your flexibility. And I apologize for the sudden notice." "Like I said, Marty. No problem. Is Cynthia working on my travel plans?" "I had my assistant do it for you this time. I hope you liked the Savoy, I put you back in there." "It was nice, yeah," Brian said, his mind whirring with potential ways he could get to Manchester. Should he fly? Take the train? Rent a car? It never once occurred to him to ask his boss what these `bugs' were that the client found in his proposal. The work issues were the least of Brian's concerns. He was going back to the UK. Back to that maddening proximity to Stuart Jones. And he would be there by the end of the day. * * * Stuart At noon Stuart was sitting in a meeting with Burton and two other colleagues. They were in the conference room where he and Kate had spent so much time sorting out that fund raiser job. Just being in that room made him sad missing her. He remembered how she flashed him her breasts with that half-eaten slice of pizza in her mouth and how she twisted all her long hair up with a pencil. Recalling that night, he remembered being desperately hungry to come as well. He and Vince had been on different schedules for days and hadn't had sex in almost a week. He felt the same way that day . . . starved and feral, his cock twitching and leaking in his trousers. He had behaved, done as he was told, and had left his throbbing erection alone all morning. Glancing down at his watch, he saw both hands blessedly pointing upward and he pushed back his chair. "Sorry, I have to make a call at noon. I'll just be a few minutes." "Oh," Burton said. "Fine. We'll take a break and reconvene when you return." "Thanks," Stuart said, leaving the conference room and walking back to his office. Sandra waved a small stack of phone messages at him, hurrying across the room from her desk. "I can't deal with those now," he said a bit sharply. "We're not done with the meeting." "I know," she said. "But this one is urgent." She handed him one of the slips of paper then turned back to her desk. Stuart didn't bother to look at the message, he just went into his office and closed the door. Flipping the lock in the doorknob, he walked around his desk and sank into his chair, all but yanking down the zip on his fly. He grabbed a couple of tissues out of the box on his desk then pushed his shirt up and out of the way. He spit into his hand and squeezed his aching cock with his slick fist, rubbing it roughly and fighting back a groan of desperate pleasure. He trembled as he thought of sitting in Vince's lap that morning . . . being fed, being bathed, the soft little caresses on his earlobes, the lovely shave. And the spanks . . . he could feel the soft itching burn of the welts Vince had given him that morning and he wiggled in his chair to increase the sensation. That was enough to put him over the edge and in only a few rough strokes, he was coming. His teeth clenched and he squeezed his eyes closed, holding his breath to keep from screaming. It was the most intense orgasm he'd had in ages and he wished he could cry out but knew he couldn't. He made sure to cover the head of his cock with the tissues as he started to shoot, keeping the thick seed from staining his clothing. Quickly he pulled himself together again, checking his reflection in a mirror he kept in the desk drawer. He was flushed but not too badly and he didn't think anyone would notice. He took a quick sip of cold water from a glass on his desk then went back out to the conference room. He didn't see the message from Kate until he was leaving the office that night. * * * Kate I'm on my cell phone at the Lancme counter at Bloomies and Stuart's firing questions at me. "When did he leave?" "He said his flight was at 11:00 this morning," I report. "He should be there by midnight your time. You could try him at the Savoy in London." "No . . ." I can hear him sigh. "Maybe he'll just stay in London and be a good boy." "Bunny, we're talking about Brian Kinney here. He's not done with you and he's coming to Manchester. You can count on that." "Shit. His timing is bloody awful." "What else is new?" I walk over to the lipstick rack and pluck out a great brown, testing it on the back of my hand while I hold the phone to my ear with my shoulder. "What's so bad about now, anyway?" "It's just . . ." he hesitates and I hate it when he hesitates. Makes me think he's hiding something really graphic and interesting from me. "What . . ?" I urge. "Vince and I are just sort of . . . in the middle of something." "Something sexual, I hope." "Yeah." "Like, right now? As we speak?" "Well, he's not under my desk blowing me or anything. It's hard to explain," he says. "It's a sort of . . . game." "I see," I say, wishing I did see. "Like in Nine Weeks?" He chortles sarcastically and that confuses me. "What?" I ask. "You WOULD know about that, wouldn't you? I can't believe Brian told you." "Uhhhh . . ." Now I'm really confused. "I haven't talked to him, remember? I just got an email saying he was going to London and giving me his flight time." "All right, never mind," he says. "It was just a coincidence. Anyway, yeah. Like that. Vince is keeping me on a short tether psychologically and I'm . . . really enjoying it." "You like it when he's in charge," I say, teasing him a little. "I find that very interesting, Stuart. Enlightening, even." "Why is that?" he says. "Because." I put that brown lipstick back and grab a tissue to wipe the mark off my hand. "I never would have thought you would be into being dominated. I saw you as much more of a full time top." "Well, I might have been," Stuey says. "But Vince is just such a fantastic shag . . . it's hard not to want it. Besides, he's driving me fucking mad, he's so sexy right now. You should have seen him this morning, Katey. He was wearing this tight gray sweats and no shirt . . ." "Did he make you breakfast?" I ask. "Yeah." "And feed it to you while you sat on his lap?" "Yeah . . . How do you know that? Have you got a camera in my house?" I laugh, wishing I DID have a camera in their house. Oh, the fun I could have. "Don't give me any ideas," I say. "No, it's just the whole breakfast thing. It's right out of the movie Nine Weeks. All the way down to his costume. Did he make fresh squeezed orange juice?" "He did," Stuey says and I can tell he's intrigued by the information I'm sharing. "Did he dress you?" "Yes. He's done that before, though. We both enjoy that." "I imagine. What does Kinney have to do with this? Did he send you guys the video or something?" "Christ," he groans. "Why would I want to watch straight people shag?" I have to laugh at that. "I know, ew. But there's actually very little nudity in the movie. It's not really about sex, it's about the whole control thing. Brian and I watched it a few months ago and he really got into it. He thought it was an excellent movie. Went out and bought the book the next day, or so he said." "Hm," Stuart huffs. "He sent that book to Vince." "Clever," I say. "He must have done that for you." "What do you mean?" "Brian must have chosen to send that book to your lover, knowing Vince would get some delicious ideas YOU would enjoy. It's like . . . screwing you through Vince." "God . . ." I hear him sigh again and I wonder if I haven't said the wrong thing. "Well, I mean . . . sort of. But now . . . he's in London again. Do you think you guys will see him?" "Dunno. I have to talk to Vince about it. Are you sure he'd be in so soon?" "Non-stop from JFK is a six hour flight. He would have taken the puddle jumper from Pittsburgh to NYC and then gone directly out. Yeah. He's there. Unless his plane crashed or something." Stuart laughs but doesn't tell me why. "Well . . . I have to go home. Thanks for letting me know he was coming, yeah?" "Least I could do, I figured. Do you want me to come out early for the wedding? I can help decorate Vince's dress." Stuart chuckles. "Which he STILL refused to wear, bloody twat. You were very helpful to us at the party," he says and that makes me smile. "I'd love to have you come out early. It's almost here, for fuck's sake. Five weeks." "Yep. Five weeks and you're an old married lady." I laugh outloud and some crabby blue hair standing at the Clinique counter shoots me a look. I grin at her as big as I can, showing all my teeth. "Fuck off, woman," he says but I can hear him laughing. "Right. I'm going home. I love you." "I love you, too, bunny. Please let me know if I can help with that brat from Pittsburgh. He really is scared of me . . . don't let all that business with the worm down my top in New York fool you. I'm his big sister's best friend and he's afraid of me. Like he should be." "I'll keep that in mind in case we need a bouncer," he says. "Good night, luv." "Good night." I hang up and sigh, dropping the phone into my Kate Spade. That woman at the Clinique counter looks at me again and that time, I'm done with her. "Am I in your way?" I blurt. She turns around all flustered and acts like she's looking at some eyeshadow. Wench. Walking out of the cosmetics department, I make my way to the accessories along the wall. Being completely out of my element, I actually have to consult a sales associate to find where they keep their big frilly hats. * * * Vince After cooking all afternoon, he was finally satisfied with the meal he'd prepared. Roast beef, new potatoes, steamed asparagus and a nice little endive salad. He'd called Romey and asked for her help with choosing the right wine. The bottle of New Zealand Merlot stood on the counter, breathing. Vince took one last look around the flat to make sure everything was in order . . . candles burning softly in the bathroom, scented bubble bath ready to be used when he filled the tub, the black Gucci belt laid out prominently on the white comforter and the jar of cream sitting ready on the night table. When he heard the key in the door, he quickly checked his look once more before going down to greet his lover. That night, Vince wore a soft, battered pair of 501's and a close fitting, long-sleeved white t-shirt. He'd left his stubble because Stuart liked to feel it scratching his skin while they had sex and he'd made sure to put lotion on his hands to make them especially soft. Stuart's keen blue eyes scanned the flat quickly when he came through the door, closing it behind him. He smiled at Vince as he approached. "Hey," the handsome Irishman said. "Hiya." Vince stepped right up to him and gave him a deep kiss. "Good day?" "Oh, yes . . ." Stuart giggled and bit his bottom lip. "You have successfully taken possession of ALL my senses, Vincent Tyler. I am your prisoner." Stuart put his briefcase down and dropped his keys on the counter. "May I please get undressed and sit in your lap now?" "You may," Vince said, grinning uncontrollably. "Would you like a bath before dinner or after?" "Hmmmmm . . . a bath . . . after. I fancy a nice long soak. What smells so good? Christ, have you been cooking all day?" "Not all day, but long enough. Would you like to be naked while I feed you?" Vince gently tugged the dark blue sweater up and over Stuart's head revealing his lean, defined torso. "I think . . . I'd like to be naked all the time when I'm with you from now on . . ." Stuart put his arms around Vince's neck and pressed into him. "That might not go over so well at the wedding," Vince teased. While they kissed, he took off Stuart's jeans and helped him step out of them. The shoes and socks were next then his shorts, which Vince held in his hand. He brought them up to his face and sniffed them, smiling into Stuart's eyes the whole time. "Mmmm . . . lovely." Stuart laughed. "You are so deviant. I love it." "You have NO idea," Vince teased, hugging his lover tightly. "Come on then, let me get you a blanket. It's chilly tonight." "I'll get it." Stuart gathered his clothing and started for the bedroom. "Be right back." Vince smiled at Stuart's beautiful naked backside as he stepped up into the bedroom and tossed his clothes in the hamper. His mind filled with lovely images of what he would do to that perfect ass later that night as he went into the kitchen and got dinner on the table. * * * Stuart After they ate, Stuart stretched out on the couch while Vince started the bath. He sipped a glass of the lovely Merlot and sighed, feeling relaxed and warm. His body tingled with anticipation of the sex he knew was on tap and he smiled at how content he was. Vince had managed to figure out the most appropriate way to please him . . . even when he hadn't known himself . . . and Stuart could not have been happier. Letting his head back on the couch, he closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the water tumbling into the tub. Vince came down to the lounge and sat beside his lover on the couch. "It'll just be a minute for the bath," he said. "We've got all night." Stuart smiled at him, kissing his warm lips softly. Smiling hungrily, Vince said, "I cannot WAIT to be inside you. Been thinking about it all day. Almost had to have a wank in the produce section." "Do it now," Stuart suggested, chuckling. "Won't hear me complain." "No, I want to . . . " He was cut off by a small object pelting the window behind his head. They both looked up at the sound. "What the hell was that?" Stuart said. Vince sat up and peered through the window down at the street. "I can't see anything down there." Just as he said that, another tiny object plinked against the glass. That time they both saw it . . . a small pebble. "Kids?" Stuart said. "No kids around." Vince flipped the latch on the window in front of him and pushed it open, leaning out into the cool evening air. Stuart leaned out beside him, taking a deep breath of the refreshing breeze. Down on the sidewalk just below their window stood a tall figure dressed in a black leather jacket and jeans. Even in the dim light of late evening, the sparkling hazel color of the man's wide, pretty eyes was visible. Those eyes . . . long, almond shaped and drawn out like the eyes painted on the mask of a pharaoh. "Brian?" Stuart said incredulously. "Is that you?" "In the flesh," Brian said, spreading his hands and smiling. "Can I come up?" "What are you DOING here?" Vince asked. "I'm in meetings in London all next week," he said, craning his neck to look up at then. "If you let me come in, I promise I'll behave. No piddling on the rug or chewing shoes." Vince laughed then turned to Stuart. "Well?" he said softly, just between them. "Shall we let him in?" "Mm," Stuart said. "I think we shall." Biting the end of his tongue, Vince smirked. "We're like a couple of unruly kids with this bloke, you know that?" "Just go let him in." Stuart leaned forward and bit his lover's plump bottom lip. "I'm sure we can find some use for him." Still laughing, Vince shook his head and closed the window, then he headed for the front door. Stuart sat wrapped in the blanket and finished his wine, waiting. Vince In his bare feet, Vince trotted down the stairs and out to the lobby of the building. Brian was waiting by the glass door. "Hiya," he said, letting the American in. Brian must have just showered and Vince could smell the soap on his freshly washed skin. He also wore a light, spicy cologne that reminded Vince of some exotic dessert. "You've been traveling all day, yeah?" "Yeah," Brian said, turning around in the lobby and letting his eyes comb over Vince's body with blatant intent. "Jesus, look at you." Glancing down at his attire, Vince looked up at their guest innocently. "Wha'?" "You look incredible. Look at your tummy." Brian walked up to him and placed his hand flat on Vince's belly, squeezing a little to feel the tight pack of muscles there. "Sit ups?" "No," Vince said. "It's swinging that belt, I reckon. Works my mid- section pretty well." Brian laughed softly then he leaned down and brushed his lips over Vince's. It wasn't a kiss, just a sensual caress and it made Vince's nipples hard. "Are you sure it's okay if I come up?" "Yeah. Come on." He started for the stairs and Brian followed, neither of them saying anything more until they got up to the flat. Stuart had gone to shut off the bath water and when they came in, he was standing in the bedroom doorway wrapped in that white blanket. His black curls and smooth, tanned shoulders contrasted beautifully with the white fabric and he licked his lips when Brian came inside. "Don't you ever wear clothes when you're at home?" Brian said, closing the door behind him. "The last time I saw you here you were wearing that blanket, too." Stuart breathed a laugh. "Being naked gives me a better chance of getting shagged." "Are you naked?" Brian strode across the room in a purposeful beeline, standing in front of Stuart at the bottom of the steps. The difference in level almost equalized their height and they stared at each other. Vince walked around to where he could see them both. The air crackled between them and Vince could see them smelling each other . . . nostrils gently flaring, mouths slightly open. Brian licked his lips and Stuart's dark blue eyes followed the movement of his tongue with great interest. This interaction was so instinctive, so primal that he didn't think either of them was even aware of it. "Let me see your body," Brian said and then he tugged off the white blanket. Stuart let it puddle at his feet and just stood there, naked and hard, his taut belly rising and falling quickly with his anxious breath. Brian looked down, his gaze traveling the length of the brunette's body and resting on his swollen cock. "Vince?" he said, swallowing as though his mouth had suddenly flooded with saliva. "Yes . . ?" He crept forward a bit more. "I can touch him, right?" "Well . . . yes, but since you didn't give us any notice that you were coming, I'm afraid I'll have to set some boundaries." "Fine," Brian said, his tongue tracking over his curvy lips again. "What are the rules?" Stuart stared at Brian unflinchingly, clearly unable to look away. He said nothing. Clearing his throat, Vince took two more slow steps forward until he stood right beside them. "It's not rules so much. At least . . . since you're here . . . I don't want it to be about rules. But I do have a condition," he said softly then he waited for Brian to turn to him. The American seemed to have to wrench his attention away from Stuart's succulent body and his eyes were slightly glazed when he did look at Vince. He seemed drugged, hypnotized by his lust. "If you promise to stay away from Stuart for good after this weekend, then there will be no rules at all." A bit of clarity returned to Brian's eyes and he blinked. "Um . . . I don't think I can do that," he said. "I mean . . ." He shook his head. "No. I'd rather have rules." Stuart burst out laughing suddenly. "Brian, don't be such a twat! You can stay away from me, you just WON'T. Just agree to the bloody condition and let's get on with it." He stepped down one stair and reached for Brian's crotch, squeezing the ample package in his open hand. Vince couldn't help grinning. "He's my boyfriend, after all," he continued. "I'm willing to share him with you for this one weekend but then you have to sod off. I'm done worrying about you, Brian. Three thousand miles of bloody ocean isn't proving to be any sort of deterrent to you. I keep telling you you're in love. Look at you, standing there hyperventilating over him." "He's squeezing my balls," Brian pointed out and then he started chuckling as well. Stuart's elegant fingers crept up to the buttons on Brian's fly and began undoing them. "What the fuck are you doing here, anyway? You're supposed to behave and stay away from Manchester." He worked quickly and got Brian's trousers open, pushing them down over his long, powerful thighs. Just as Stuart started to slip down on his knees, Vince cleared his throat. "Excuse me," he said. "We don't have an agreement yet. There won't be any cocksucking until Brian promises he'll bugger off after this weekend." Stuart sighed, grabbing the blanket and petulantly stomping off to the couch. "Oh for fuck's sake, Vince. First you drive me stark, raving mad all day making me wait to get shagged and now you expect me to remain calm and civilized with BRIAN in the room . . . with his cock out!" "Right," Vince said, stepping forward. He tugged Brian's trousers back up and gave his tight belly an affectionate pat. "Come on, luv. Let's sit down and have a chat about this. Would you like a drink?" Brian rolled his eyes. "Sure, thanks. Whatever you're having." He walked over to the couch and flopped down next to Stuart. Vince went to the kitchen and got out another glass. He split the rest of the Merlot between the clean glass and Stuart's glass. While he did this, he listened to his lover and their frisky guest talking softly to each other in the lounge. "So, how are you, then?" Stuart said. "You look fantastic for someone who traveled all day." "I'm not the least bit tired, either," Brian said. "I'm running on pure adrenaline." Vince looked up and saw Brian move in for a wet little snog, his tongue playing with Stuart's in the air between their lips. For a moment he was breathless watching them, his eyes focusing on the electric sexual tension between them. They weren't touching on the couch . . . other than the kiss . . . but their bodies seemed to be drawing toward each other . . . reaching for the other's heat. "I'm totally prepared to fuck you into a coma," Brian finished. While Stuart giggled his reply, Vince grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and carried all the beverages to the lounge. "Thanks," Brian said, taking the glass of wine. "So, what did you do to our Stuey that put him in such a mood today?" Vince handed his lover the other glass, smiling down into his smoldering dark blue eyes. "It's not what I did, it's what he did." Brian rolled his head along the couch cushion to look at Stuart again. "What did you do?" After taking a deep sip of the red wine, Stuart said, "I behaved and did as I was told." "Well," Brian said. "That must have been an exciting new experience. How did you like it?" "I loved it," he replied. "I've got a few things I'd like to tell you to do," Brian purred. Stuart rolled his eyes and sighed impatiently. "So, make this bloody deal," he said, looking from Brian to Vince. "I need to get shagged or I'm going to collapse." Brian snickered, looking up at Vince who remained standing before the couch. "What are my options again?" "Promise you'll fuck off after this weekend and your options are unlimited," Vince replied. "Otherwise, we're back to specific rules." "And what are those?" Vince wiggled into the space between Stuart and Brian on the couch then he lifted the lithe brunette into his lap. Stuart straddled him, tucking the soft white blanket around his hips and holding his wineglass in both hands like a little kid. Under the blanket, Vince stroked his warm satiny thighs, smiling at the twitching, hungry erection stretching up Stuart's belly. "Well, I know one of them," Brian said, his eyes focusing on Vince's hands as they pet Stuart's lovely legs. "I can't touch his hair." All three of them laughed. "That's right," Vince said. "And I don't want you to fuck him." Brian looked in his eyes. "Can I fuck you, then?" Vince blinked, thinking about it for a split second. "Yeah," he said. "Oi!" Stuart piped up. "Shouldn't that be my call?" Smiling sweetly into his lover's eyes, Vince just shook his head. "Wait! What am I, wood? That's not right. You're MY lover, Vince. I might not want you to fuck Brian. I should have a say in that." "No, you shouldn't," Brian said cheekily. "After all the naughty things you've done?" Stuart heaved an exasperated sigh. "Oh and you're never naughty, are you? Twat." He dipped his fingers into his wine and flicked the droplets into Brian's face. Giggling, Brian licked a few drops of wine off his lips then rested his head on Vince's shoulder. With his golden hazel eyes, he offered a puppy-dog stare. "I can't promise I'll stay away from him after this weekend, Vince." "Why not?" "Because . . . I just can't. I'm too attracted. I just flew half way across the world to fuck him cuz I'm getting nervous about you guys being married. I'm feeling like my window of opportunity is diminishing drastically." Vince shook his head, looking down into those lovely gem-like eyes. "I'm sorry, Brian. Stuart IS taken. He's mine. And I'm willing to share him with you entirely for this one weekend . . . but then, you have to piss off." "But you and I are friends now . . ." Brian said, whining softly, trying to get his way. "Friends," Vince said with mild sarcasm. "I can't really be friends with you, Brian. You can't even tell a proper joke." Stuart giggled. "What's that got to do with anything?" Brian said. "I mean . . . haven't I been good? Haven't I tried to follow your rules so far? I even ratted this little minx out when he ran away from you that night . . . well, before I fucked him in the car." "How did you manage that, by the way?" Vince said. "I can't . . . I just can't picture it. You're tall, Brian. Where did you put your legs?" "I just laid down in the passenger seat," he said. "The sex kitty here did all the moving and climbing. He's damned agile when he's horny." Vince winked at Stuart playfully. "Honestly," Stuart said. "Brian's been naughty but only when I started it and practically forced him to fuck me. He's tried to behave." "I reckon you've tried," Vince conceded, brushing his nose in Brian's feathery light brown hair. "But you're too much of a distraction for my lover. He's too into you. You understand that, don't you?" Brian smiled lustfully at Stuart, sliding his hand up under the blanket. Vince watched the American's fingers stroke the fine hairs on Stuart's right thigh on their way to the soft darkness between his legs. Stuart stared into Brian's eyes and he sighed, his cock kicking and leaking clear fluid from the engorged head. "And what about you, Vince?" Brian asked, lifting his chin just enough to reach Vince's lips with his own. He kissed then bit Vince's bottom lip, soothing the little bite mark with his tongue. Vince shivered and his cock swelled against Stuart's tight ass. "What do you mean, what about me?" he said. "How do you feel about me?" Brian grinned then slid his tongue into Vince's mouth again. That time the kiss was driven by intent and Brian quickly gained the upper hand . . . but only for a moment. "I don't love you or anything . . ." Vince breathed, kissing back and reveling in the hot pressure of those full, curvy lips. "I just . . . fancy you . . . rotten . . ." "So, let me your toy," Brian was whispering into their kisses, his nose brushing back and forth over Vince's . . . scent marking. "You two share me tonight . . . fuck me, lick me, do whatever you want . . . I haven't had a good lashing with a belt in ages. I'll be a good boy, Vince. I promise. I'll be better than good . . . I'll be excellent." "Oh Christ," Stuart groaned irritably, breaking the erotic spell. They both looked at him, blinking the lust out of their eyes. "Are we shagging, or what?" Stuart complained. He looked at Vince directly, waiting for confirmation. "Blimey. You always get so grumpy when you're hard." Stuart sighed like an insolent child. "If you hadn't been torturing me all day! What do you expect? I'm bad enough without all these games of yours." Vince picked up Stuart's hand and slipped his middle finger into his mouth, sucking it gently. "Brian?" "Hmm?" "Here are the rules," Vince said. "Don't touch his hair, don't fuck him and if you do anything else I don't like along the way, I'll let you know." He tried to make his tone forceful but he was smirking the whole time. "Oohhhh," Brian snickered. "Feisty." He looked at Stuart. "No wonder you've been having so much fun with him lately." "You have no idea," Stuart said. "Now would one of you PLEASE make me come before I drop dead?!" Vince sat up enough to kiss Stuart's mouth. "Do you still want your bath?" "Later . . ." "Spanks, then?" "Mmmmm . . . yes, please." He wiggled on Vince's lap, rubbing his stiff cock against the soft fabric of his t-shirt. "I want Brian to watch you . . . my talented, naughty lover." Vince's cock swelled at the thought of Brian spectating on their newest pleasure game and he lifted Stuart up by his hips, shifting him into Brian's lap. "Hold on to him a minute," he said. "Gladly. Can I kiss him?" "Please do. He needs kissing. But don't you dare make him come." Vince got up and went to the bedroom where he snagged the Gucci belt off the bed. As he returned to the lounge, he had to smile at the image of the two men on the couch. Stuart was practically climbing the handsome American, straddling his lean, tall form and chewing his perfect lips. Stuart was naked, the white blanket having slipped off his hips when Vince replaced him and Brian was still fully clothed. He was even wearing his jacket. The contrast painted a deeply arousing picture. Something about it made it look as though Stuart never wore clothing. Like he spent his entire life lounging in the flat as an erotic plaything. Standing behind Stuart, Vince reached out and gathered a handful of the silky black curls at the nape of his neck. He tugged gently until Stuart was leaning back against him. "Brian, would you like to make yourself more comfortable?" he asked congenially. "Oh," Brian said, laughing a little as he looked down at his attire. "I completely forgot I was dressed. I just get into this naked frame of mind around you two." He leaned forward and took off his jacket, setting it on the arm of the couch. Then he pulled off his shirt revealing his nicely defined chest and belly. He had beautiful arms. Not too bulky but nice and firm, cut in all the right places. It was obvious he worked out with weights. Vince reached over and stroked the tender underside of Brian's bicep before he even thought about it. Brian smiled then winked at Stuart. "Your boyfriend is very sensual," he commented. "Mmm, yes he is . . ." Stuart nodded, snuggling against Vince's belly. "May I pleeeeeeease get spanked?" "So impatient," Vince teased. "Right. Stand up, luv." He helped Stuart step off the couch and then he smiled at their guest. "Would you mind if we used you for a moment?" "Not at all." Brian teased the hairs on his belly with his fingertips. "I'm happy to be of service." "Thought you might be. If you would . . . please stand up and let him hold on to you." Brian stood in front of Stuart and offered his powerful forearms for support. Stuart wrapped his fingers high on Brian's wrists and hung on, spreading his legs slightly, like a good little boy. Vince kissed Stuart's neck and reached out to tease Brian's naked tummy with the backs of his fingers. Brian leaned forward and kissed them both, slowly licking their lips and nipping them with his teeth. Brian was a fantastic kisser and Vince felt his breathing become shallow with desire. He knew he'd better get to the task at hand before he got too involved with those lovely, sweet-tasting lips. Stepping back enough to swing the belt, Vince ran his hand over Stuart's smooth cheeks. The brunette shivered and moaned softly into Brian's caressing mouth. Taking a deep breath, Vince wound the belt around his hand until he had the desired amount of it dangling . . . then he reared back and brought the strap of leather down hard on his lover's ass. Stuart jumped and smiled back at him with his dark blue eyes wide. "Ouch," Brian said, his tone complimentary. "Nice volume. Did that hurt, honey?" he asked Stuart, his pretty eyes wide with mock concern. "Yes," Stuart said still grinning like mad. "I like it a bit rough." "Now, why doesn't that surprise me?" Brian looked right into Vince's eyes and the connection was almost palpable. Vince looked back at him, staring for a moment as though they were communicating telepathically. Brian's eyes said he understood the dynamic of what was happening between Vince and his lover. Those eyes said that . . . if allowed . . . Brian was prepared to provide something that was missing in this new pleasure game. Those eyes also said that Vince's wishes were his command. This was an unspoken understanding, a known chain of events. Vince felt liberated by Brian's presence, as though the American brought a new dimension . . . a new level of permission into their love play. Drawing back again, Vince brought the belt down in a rapid line of short smacks along Stuart's buttocks and legs. At the backs of his knees, Vince stepped in close and shortened the length of leather until it was nothing more than a small, narrow paddle. He rained a series of crisp spanks down on the tender flesh there, alternating from one knee to the other. When Stuart cried out, he stopped, stepping around to look in his lover's eyes. "All right?" Vince whispered, softly stroking Stuart's damp curls away from his face. "Oh my God . . ." Stuart gasped. Tears slid down his flushed cheeks making his eyes sparkle beautifully. He smiled. "That's fucking brutal . . . on my knees like that . . ." "I know," Vince said. "It's quite sensitive there. Is it too much?" Stuart shook his head. "No, no . . . it's fantastic. I'm just . . . saying . . ." He sighed breathlessly, leaning his forehead on Brian's and holding on to the American's strong arms. "Please," he said. "Don't stop yet. It feels so lovely." Brian and Vince met each other's eyes and that prescient current passed between them again. Vince resumed his position behind Stuart and let out another few inches of the belt in his hand. Glancing at Brian again, he paused for a moment. "Let out a little more," Brian whispered. "And take another step back until it feels right. You've got plenty of control, Vince. Don't second-guess yourself. You're fine . . ." Taking a deep breath that sounded ragged when he exhaled, Vince did as Brian suggested. He let out almost another six inches of the supple black leather then he stepped back twice. From there, he would have to swing the belt behind him to gain control of all that length. He was terribly apprehensive about hurting Stuart but Brian's eyes stayed on him like an invisible beam of support. "You've got it . . ." he said, his soft American accent caressing Vince's spine like silken fingers. " Go for it." "Luv, tell me if this is too hard," he said to Stuart and then he planted his legs and reared back with his arm behind his back. The belt cut the air with a dry whistle that was followed by a delicious snapping sound as it connected with Stuart's warmed cheeks. Vince loved the way it felt . . . the way the leather pulled in his hand as it coursed through the air and the way the shock of the impact reported up his own arm, making it tingle and vibrate. Stuart's head went back and he gasped, lifting his hips up gratefully. "Ooohhhh . . . YES!" He laughed and wiggled his adorable ass, begging for more. "Again, please." Brian smiled, his eyebrows lifting lasciviously. "Told you," he said. "Give him another one, daddy." Almost bursting with pleasure, Vince swung the belt again, watching the thin strap bow slightly in the air on its way down and then wrap itself around the curve of his lover's perfect backside. Stuart shuddered and moaned deeply and Vince brought the belt down again with two long, winding strokes. "Go back-hand," Brian guided softly. Vince shook his head doubtfully and Brian nodded his encouragement, but they didn't say anything more. Standing directly behind Stuart, Vince lifted the belt in his right hand up toward his left shoulder. He tested the weight of the leather in that new position, then he stepped back once more. Feeling reasonably equalized, he swept the strap down and shivered when it connected solidly with Stuart's reddened ass. The hard crack echoed across the wood floor in the main part of the flat and Stuart's legs wobbled slightly. Stepping forward, Vince pressed up behind him and wrapped his arms around Stuart's waist, dropping the belt at his feet. "All right?" he said, feeling a little panicked. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" Stuart's breath came in quick, shallow pants and his whole body trembled. His skin was hot and damp with perspiration and his lips and cock were swollen with coursing blood. He lay back against Vince, letting go of Brian's arms. Vince turned him around and held him close, feeling his lover's straining, burning cock throb against his belly even through the fabric of his shirt. Turning his head so his lips brushed Vince's ear, Stuart breathed a husky whisper. "I feel so . . . weird . . . like . . . fuller, or something." "Did I hurt you?" Vince asked again and out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Brian dropping to his knees behind Stuart. "No, God . . . no . . . I just . . . feel like . . . I can't explain it." Stuart kissed him and Vince's panic increased a bit at the intense heat of his lover's lips. "Get undressed . . ." Stuart whispered. "Please, Vince. I need to feel you inside me . . ." He tugged Vince's t-shirt up over his head and tossed it on the couch on top of Brian's jacket. Bending forward, Stuart's unbelievably hot tongue slid out and wet Vince's nipples, followed by deep suckling nibbles that made him groan with pleasure. Then suddenly Stuart stood up and took in a deep breath. "Oh . . . my . . . God," he said and then he closed his eyes and moaned. Vince looked over his lover's shoulder and saw Brian kneeling behind him, his large hands gently parting Stuart's cheeks. Vince could just make out Brian's pink tongue lapping up and down the crack of Stuart's ass. He moved slightly to the side to get a better look . . . just in time to see Brian drive his pointed tongue right into Stuart's anus. A trembling moan rumbled in Stuart's throat and then he cried out, his fingers squeezing Vince's arms tightly. Hot seed splattered across Vince's belly and he looked down just in time to see Stuart grasp his own cock and wank himself through the rest of his orgasm. Stuart gasped, dropping his damp forehead onto Vince's shoulder as he gave in to the sensations racking his body. From where he stood, Vince could see both Brian's actions and Stuart's and he felt his blood rush through his body as his cock swelled in his jeans. Brian's lovely eyes looked up at Vince but he never stopped the movements of his probing tongue. He continued spearing Stuart's anus even after his orgasm died away. In fact, as Stuart began to relax and calm down, Brian increased his activities, moving closer to him on the floor in front of the couch. He all but buried his mouth and nose in the warm crease of Stuart's ass, his eyes sliding closed again, blissfully. Vince watched all this with great interest, his fingers softly toying with Stuart's curls, soothing him, calming him after so much intense physical and emotional sensation. Brian was clearly enjoying the flavor of his lover's body and Vince knew exactly how delicious Stuart tasted. He became aware of Stuart's weight against him and he lifted the brunette's chin to look in his eyes. "Do you want to lie down?" Stuart only nodded, a few soft black curls clinging to his wet forehead. He glanced back at Brain and ruffled his light brown hair. "That feels so lovely, Brian . . ." he said. "But . . . I . . . need to lie down . . ." Brian moved away reluctantly and he and Vince guided Stuart to the couch where he lay down on his belly. "Look after him a minute," Vince said. "I'll be right back." He gave Brian a little wink then went up to the bedroom where he gathered the Ponds cold cream, a bottle of lube and a handful of condoms. When he came back to the lounge, Brian was on all fours hovering over Stuart and running his tongue along the prone brunette's back. Stuart writhed like a cat in heat and moaned softly. Vince set the supplies on the coffee table then he stood at Brian's side gently tugging at the waistband of his trousers. "Take these off," Vince instructed gently. Brian slipped off the couch and stood up, shimmying out of his trousers and shorts. He'd already removed his shoes and socks so he stood naked then, lustfully playing with his big cock. He gave Vince a deep wet kiss, taking the time to suck on both lips and tease his tongue. Brian's fingers tickled the hairs on Vince's tummy then he undid the fly of his Levi's. The metal buttons made a nice hollow pop as each one was opened and Vince lifted his hips into Brian's touch. He shivered and chewed those beautiful lips, eyes closed and fingertips gently caressing the hairs on Brian's arms. This was a selfish gesture, not one to give Brian pleasure. Vince adored the texture of those silky little hairs. "Careful Brian," Stuart said, his voice gravely and deep. "He'll do that for hours. Pet your arms bald." Vince laughed shyly, feeling his cheeks burn. He looked over at his lover and shook his head. Stuart winked at him. "Gotta hair thing, do we?" Brian asked. "Fine with me. Pet me as long as you want. Hair grows back." He wiggled Vince's jeans down over his hips and helped him step free of them. "Okay, then," Brian said. "Now everyone's naked. What's next?" Stuart stretched on the couch and took a deep breath, letting it out contentedly. "Well, if we're taking a poll . . . I still need to be fucked." Brian and Vince looked at each other. "Uh . . . well, you said I'm not allowed," Brian reminded him. "So that means you get the honors." "I wouldn't want to be rude to our guest, Brian," Vince purred. "Can we please you first?" Licking those amazing lips again, Brian grinned seductively. "You know what I'd really like?" "Tell us . . ." Vince licked the American's neck, making a painfully slow path to his earlobe. "Oohhh . . . I love that . . . I would like . . . mmmmm . . ." Brian couldn't keep his train of thought and that made Vince smile. He liked the quality of Brian's moans, as well. Guttural and rough, full of breath. "I'd like . . . to suck Stuart's cock while you fuck him . . ." He looked in Vince's eyes. "Is that okay? I'm feeling very orally fixated today." "Fine," Vince said, then he looked at his lover. "All right with you, luv?" Stuart grinned. "Fixate away. Let's go, then." "Be patient, now," Brian said, climbing back on the couch and taking hold of Stuart's hips with his large, graceful hands. "Turn over, you little hottie. I'll get you nice and loose." Vince took a seat on the edge of the coffee table and tried not to touch his cock while he watched Stuart roll over. Brian kissed and nipped his lover's reddened cheeks, once again burying his nose in the soft crack of Stuart's ass. Brian inhaled deeply then moaned. Vince watched as his tongue slid out and tracked over the sensitive skin in the crevice. Stuart's legs fell open and he lifted his hips back into the licking with a deep, wanton groan. Holding on to the brunette's lean hips, Brian lifted him slightly . . . just enough to get his tongue back inside Stuart's anus. Vince took a few controlling breaths as he watched Brian slowly rub his tongue in and out of that tight little opening. Stuart clutched the leather cushion under him, his desire building again quickly. Brian pulled his tongue out and looked at Vince, his eyes slightly darker hazel than they were a moment before. The irises glowed with flecks of green and gold and Vince was momentarily mesmerized by that. "Can I have the lube?" Brian asked. "Sorry?" Vince blinked, staring at the other man's eyes. "What's, did my eyes change color?" Laughing, Vince shook his head. "That's mad," he said. "Does that always happen?" "Not always," Brian said, taking another little nibble on Stuart's ripe left cheek. "Only when I'm really upset. Or really horny. Can I have the lube?" Vince handed the little bottle over, his fingers brushing Brian's during the exchange. Brian propped Stuart up on his knees then he flipped the cap on the lube and squeezed a generous amount directly on the relaxed opening. Stuart flinched from the sudden coolness but then he sighed. Brian set the bottle down then used his index finger to slowly lubricate Stuart's anus. He rubbed in small circles then slid his finger inside the hole, stroking it in and out. Stuart panted and swallowed, his eyes closed in abject lust. His hips worked unconsciously in opposition to Brian's strokes, trying to increase the sensation. Shifting on the couch, Brian patted the cushion beside him. "Come here," he said to Vince. "Sit down." Moving on wobbly legs, Vince crept from the edge of the table over to the couch where he sat down beside Brian. The American tilted his head and extended his tongue for Vince to taste. They both savored Stuart's musk, softly kissing each other between wet licks. Brian stood up then, reaching for Stuart's arm to pull him to his feet. Once he had the brunette standing, he turned him around so his back was to Vince. Then he held Stuart's hips tightly and guided him downward, forcing him to bend at the waist slightly. Vince reached up for him, taking his weight from underneath with his hands on the backs of Stuart's thighs. This momentarily freed his legs from supporting him and Stuart spread his thighs around Vince's, flattening out his shins on the cushions. Vince took hold of his tingling erect cock and rubbed it gently until it was so hard he almost came. Then he pulled Stuart back toward him, guiding his cock up and into the slippery, well-stretched opening. He slipped his cockhead inside that tight ring of muscle then he let Brian take over again. His long-fingered hands held Stuart's hips securely and he shifted the lean brunette this way and that just enough to put him in position. Stuart let himself be handled, clearly loving it, and he leaned all the way back into Vince's waiting arms. His back was arched and his hips raised, lean, defined thighs open wide. Brian pet Stuart's exposed tummy with his right hand while he urged his hips downward with his left. Vince felt his cock swallowed, engulfed in tight heat and he moaned, his own hands joining Brian's and pulling Stuart's body down. Once he was all the way in, they just sat there for a moment, feeling each other's pulse and kissing softly. Brian knelt in front of Stuart, stroking his wide open thighs and kissing his belly. Vince watched while Brian's mouth encircled the swollen head of his lover's cock and as soon as that contact was made, Stuart moaned loudly. That was it . . . that was all the torture Vince could stand |
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