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Sweet Redemption Page 2 (continued) |
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Stuart/ Vince/ Brian |
NC-17 | Drama, AU, m/m | Both DeAnna Zankich Sequel to | Kisses Like Wine Summary: Stuart has a rough talk with his mother and Brian looms on Vince's horizon. Stuart finally gets that spanking he's been waiting for. Brian uses his imagination and reaches into the boys' relationship from all the way across the pond. Brian, Stuart and Vince spend the weekend together. Stuart reflects on the changes in his life and gets prepared for the next phase. Brian takes his leave, but is he gone for good? Meanwhile, back in the shower . . . Warnings: S&M Author Notes: Extensive notes, please see story. Archivist Note, story split into two parts for easier loading. Spoilers: General for both UK and US shows. |
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Stuart "So what's he said?" he asked Kate, settling back into his chair with the phone pressed to his ear. He could hear Sandra laughing with some of the other assistants out on the main floor. "Jokes," she replied. "He said they were sending jokes back and forth all day. No smut, no flirting, just jokes." He crinkled his brow. "What's the point of that?" Kate laughed. "Well, they're trying to amuse each other, but aside from that . . . I don't know. You and I send jokes back and forth all day. Why do we do it?" "Yeah, but you and I would never shag." "Much to my dismay," she teased. "I don't know, bunny. I think Bri's doing what he said he was going to. Becoming friends with Vince." Stuart sighed. "I hate that." "I know." She chuckled at him gently. "You just want everything to revolve around you and you get crabby when other children play amongst themselves." "Fuck off . . . I'm just worried about what they might TALK about amongst themselves." "What, haven't you told Vince everything you did with Brian?" she said. "Yeah . . . not in gruesome detail, but I gave him the greatest hits." "Hmm . . . I'm sure Brian will hum a few bars of The Gruesome Detail Song but I'm sure none of it will shock your little sweetie. Vince is no lamb." "Don't I know," Stuart said, wiggling on his chair to feel the slight itch of the welts on his ass. "You should see him with that bloody belt." "And, just exactly how did he learn this terribly dishy skill? Did he tell you?" He leaned over his desk to see if anyone was right outside his office and might hear him speaking. Satisfied the coast was clear, he continued his conversation. "He told me that he was involved with this leather daddy for a while, but the way he made it sound was like he was . . . you know, the submissive. I haven't really been able to get him to talk about how he learned his technique. He always changes the subject. I'm only assuming it was that one bloke." Kate cleared her throat. "Vince was involved with a leather daddy?" she said incredulously. "Uh huh. For a few weeks, he said." "I just . . . can't see that. When was this?" "About four years ago. He said the bloke was really rough. I remember the marks on him but he lied to me about how he got them. Said it was some work accident." "Hm," Kate said. "And when you ask him how he learned to wield a belt, he just diverts the subject?" "Usually," Stuart said. "Truth is, I've only asked him once or twice . . . and not at the most opportune moments. I should ask him again." "Well, do let me know what you learn," she said. "So, are you sending invitations out or are you just calling people?" "We're sending invitations," he said. "In about two weeks. We ordered them last weekend. You do know you'll have to get a hat." "I will?" Kate said. "Why, does your father have a lot of large birds in his yard?" Stuart laughed out loud at the image. "No, you silly Yank. It's a British thing. Women wear hats to weddings. Especially ones held outdoors like this one." "Oohhh . . ." she said. "I get it. I have never worn that kind of hat in my life, though. I just have winter hats . . . you know, to keep warm. I don't even know where to shop for one. Macys or Bloomies, I guess." "I'll get you one," he said, grinning. "Oh, no," Kate said. "I can only imagine what you'd pick. And I'd have to wear the damned thing cuz I wouldn't have anything else. No, no. I can't take that risk. Can't I plead being an ignorant American and get away with not wearing one?" "You're not ignorant," Stuart said. "I just TOLD you about it. You have five weeks, Katey. Just get a bloody hat." "All right! I'm going to pouch it to you so I don't have to carry it on the plane." "Fine," he said. "I'll use it for a dustbin `til you get here." Kate laughed. "You're such a butt. I gotta go. Talk to you later?" "Yeah. Love you." He hung up, still grinning and turned to his computer. Just as he pulled up a rough draft of a new proposal he'd been working on all morning, Sandra appeared in his doorway. "Burton wants you in his office," she told him in an agitated whisper. "He seems tense." "Right. Thanks." Stuart got up and rounded the corner, walking down the narrow hallway to his boss's office. Passing Cynthia at her desk, he tried to smile at her but she just stared at him in that icy way of hers. "He's expecting you," she informed. "Cheers." Stuart walked up to the open door feeling very anxious and rapped on it with his knuckle. Burton was sitting behind his big glass desk, frowning down at a sheet of paper in his hand. He glanced up when Stuart knocked and gestured for him to come in. "Sit down," Burton said. Stuart strolled across the big room and parked himself in a leather chair directly opposite his boss. Burton handed him the paper he was holding, a deep crease in his brow. "Do you know anything about this?" Taking the piece of paper, Stuart read the document curiously. It didn't make sense. He was holding a flight confirmation for two round trip, first class tickets to Athens. The flight was scheduled to depart on Tuesday, June 5th of that year. "What is this?" Stuart said, scowling. "Did someone use the company account to book this?" "Yes," Burton said. "I did." When Stuart looked at him then, his boss was smiling. "It's our gift to you and Vince for your commitment ceremony," he said. "Unless you've already made plans for a honeymoon." Stuart sighed and shook his head, laughing at being so completely duped. "Oh, Christ. No, we haven't. This is . . . God, thank you," he said. "That's . . . extremely generous. And fantastic. Vince will love Greece." Burton reached across and shook Stuart's hand warmly. "Have Sandra make the other arrangements and invoice me for them, as well. You're my most valuable executive, Stuart. I want to keep you happy." "Well, this is lovely," he said, stammering with shock. "I . . . don't know what to say. Thank you." "It's my pleasure," Burton said. He gave Stuart a playful wink. "Now get back to work." Stuart shook his boss's hand again then walked out of the office. He decided to wait until later to tell Vince about the trip, hoping it would be a well received surprised. Maybe even enough to make him forget about that delicious pest, Brian Kinney, for a while. * * * Brian Reply To: VTyler@Harlocorp.uk.com From: BrianKinney@Pittserv.com Okay, I've got one. Guy walks into a bar with a lizard on his shoulder. Bartender looks up and says, "can I offer you a drink?" The lizard says, "no, but could you help me get this guy outta my ass?" Your turn. *** He clicked `send' then swiveled around in his chair. He picked up a strange little green plastic orb with wiry legs sticking out of it that some company in Kansas wanted them to market. Brian turned the object over and over in his hand, squinting at it curiously and trying to figure out what the hell it was. Suddenly a burst of energy through his office door made him sit up. A woman had come in carrying a duffel bag and moving toward his desk with purposeful velocity. She was lean and handsome in a well cared for way and she offered him a curt smile. "Hi," she said crisply. "Jennifer Taylor. Justin's mom." Brian sighed. * * * Vince Sitting at his desk in the glass-walled office at the store, Vince opened Brian's email and chuckled. "Ah, that's not even the least bit funny," he said under his breath. Thinking for a moment, he clicked `reply' then started typing. Reply To: BrianKinney@Pittserv.com From: Vtyler@Harlocorp.uk.com Brian, you disappoint me. Now this is a real joke: Baby polar bear walks up to his mother and says, "Mum, am I a REAL polar bear?" Mum's confused, she looks at her baby and says, "Well, of course you are. I'm a real polar bear, your father is a real polar bear, so that makes you a real polar bear. Why would you be wondering such a thing?" Baby bear scratches his head curiously and says, "'Cos I'm fucking freezing!" love, Vince *** He laughed when as he sent the message, thinking about the first time he heard that joke. He and Hazel had been drunk at Poptastic celebrating Alex's birthday. The barman gathered a small crowd, saying his five-year-old son had told him the funniest joke that day . . . and he proceeded to bring the house down with the tale of the baby polar bear. To that day, that joke made Vince laugh when he told it, even though very few people found it as amusing as he did. He expected Brian would hardly crack a smile. Marcie came to the office door. She'd taken her hair down but she still wore her uniform and she leaned in the doorway with her handbag over her shoulder. "Hiya," she said. "Just wanted to let you know I'm going." "Have a good night," Vince said, smiling politely. "You, too." She turned to leave, then glanced back at him. "Vince, can I ask you something?" "Sure." He shifted in his chair trying not to show his apprehension. After hours chats like that usually led into some sort of dangerous territory . . . especially since Vince's personal life was of such great interest to his co-workers. "Well, it's none of my business, but . . . you've been wearing that ring for a few months and you never wore any rings before. Is that special?" He looked down at the Claddagh reflexively. "Uh, yeah. Actually, it is. It's a commitment ring." "Oh," she said, her expression softening in a sentimental way. "That's lovely. From Stuart, I presume?" "'Course, yeah." "Did you have a ceremony and all?" she asked. "Well, we are having one. In about a month. It's just a small family thing at his parents'." "Aw, well that's nice, luv. He's gorgeous, your man. Hope he makes you happy." "Thanks, Marcie," Vince said, blushing slightly. "So far, so good." She nodded then turned to go again. "Right. Good night, then. See ya Saturday." "Good night." He watched her walk out the door at the end of the hall and then he reached for the phone to call Stuart. "Good evening, Stuart Jones' office." "Hi, Sandra." "Oh, hiya, luv! How are ya? What do you think about Greece?" "Greece?" Vince said, bewildered. Sandra hesitated then cleared her throat. "Well, um . . . Stuart's new client, of course. That Greek airline that promised him a free trip if they liked the campaign," she blurted. "Have you ever been?" "No, actually, I haven't. How long is the flight?" "Uh . . . six or seven hours. Not bad." She laughed a bit nervously, then changed the subject. "Anyway, clearly you haven't spoken to him this afternoon so let me put him on." "Thanks," he said, wondering if Sandra had been out drinking on her lunch break. Vince listened to the musak playing while he waited to be connected, and then Stuart came on. "Hi, lover," Stuart purred. "Miss me?" "Always do. What's Sandra on about . . . this new client of yours? Some Greek airline?" "What?" he shouted irritably. "Sandra, you twat! You blew the surprise!" "Stuart, what are you talking about?" He sighed heavily. "Christ. Stupid cow. Dunno why I haven't sacked her yet. Burton bought us a honeymoon . . . ten days in Athens." "Oh my God," Vince said. "That's . . . blimey! That's unbelievable." "Yeah. It's all right with you, isn't it? I can get you some drugs for the flight." Vince laughed shyly. "I'll be fine. I think it sounds brilliant. Christ. Greece. Have you been?" "Once when I was really little," Stuart said. "I barely remember any of it. Should be good though. We can find some secluded beach and just drink wine and shag in the sun all day. I can feed you grapes." "Mmmm . . . nice." Stuart chuckled softly. "So . . . how's our Brian today?" "Fine, as far as I know. He sort of disappeared actually. We were mailing jokes back and forth all afternoon and then he just . . . stopped. Must have got busy." "Is he funny?" Stuart said dryly. "No." They both laughed. "Doesn't surprise me," Stuart said. "Anyway, let's go out for dinner. I feel like celebrating." "Right. Okay. Where do you want to go?" "I'll just come get you, yeah?" Vince smiled. "Yeah, all right. I'll be out front." "See you in ten minutes." Stuart hung up and Vince sat there quietly for a moment. The offices were almost empty at the end of the day and he could barely hear the sounds of the shoppers in the market downstairs. He liked it up there when it was quiet. He began shutting down his computer to leave for the day when a message came through from Brian. To: VTyler@Harlocorp.uk.com From: BrianKinney@Pittserv.com `I'm fucking freezing.' That's funny. Did Stuart's baby tell you that joke? I wish I was a fucking real polar bear right about now. You would not believe what just happened to me. I don't believe it. Whatever. Did Stuart ever get rid of that kid he fucked? *** Vince clicked `reply' and began to type. Reply To: BrianKinney@Pittserv.com From: Vtyler@Harlocorp.uk.com Unfortunately, no. Nathan (that's his name) is still around in a peripheral way. He's pining. Why do you ask? *** He sent the message then glanced at his watch, hoping Brian would reply in time for him to read it before he had to leave. Vince got everything else in order, even put on his coat and got his keys and then the `new message' prompt plinked. He sat down and opened it. Reply To: VTyler@Harlocorp.uk.com From: BrianKinney@Pittserv.com I'm having a little trouble getting rid of the one I fucked. He's clinging. Just thought I'd ask how Stuart amputated his underage boy. *** Vince chuckled, shaking his head as he typed his reply. Reply To: BrianKinney@Pittserv.com From: Vtyler@Harlocorp.uk.com Believe me, he's never managed a complete amputation either. The lad keeps sniffin' round, hoping my boyfriend will take pity on him and shag him again. It's sad, really. What's your young one's name again? *** He waited a moment and then Brian's reply came through. Reply To: VTyler@Harlocorp.uk.com From: BrianKinney@Pittserv.com Justin. Is Nathan the same kid you guys let watch you fuck? *** Vince squinted, not sure if he should be discussing this topic. It seemed a bit too sexual to be within the rules. He typed his reply anyway. Reply To: BrianKinney@Pittserv.com From: Vtyler@Harlocorp.uk.com Yeah, that's the one. Like you and me, he's desperately in love with Stuart. *** He laughed when he sent that, sitting back in his chair to wait for the inevitably cheeky reply. Reply To: VTyler@Harlocorp.uk.com From: BrianKinney@Pittserv.com Speak for yourself, buddy. Besides, you get to fuck him every day and the rest of us poor bastards are left jerking off with our scant memories. Did you get my package yet? *** "Hmm," Vince said, reading that last line. He clicked `reply' and started typing. Reply To: BrianKinney@Pittserv.com From: Vtyler@Harlocorp.uk.com Naughty Brian. What have you done now? Sent me something else for the goodie drawer? *** He sent the message and glanced at his watch a bit anxiously. He had to get downstairs or Stuart would be waiting . . . which always made him very grumpy. Luckily, Brian replied straight away. Reply To: VTyler@Harlocorp.uk.com From: BrianKinney@Pittserv.com It's two things . . . neither of which are specifically for the drawer. But one of the things might lead you to the drawer . . . It's a book. You don't have to read it all, but pay close attention to chapter eight. I think you might find some ideas in there to put a little juice in your weekend. Of course, if you do have an especially interesting weekend, I hope you'll tell me about it. *** Vince read the message chewing his lip thoughtfully. Knowing he had to go, he clicked `reply' one last time. Reply To: BrianKinney@Pittserv.com From: Vtyler@Harlocorp.uk.com You know I can't talk about sex with you, Brian. And Stuart and I always have loads of sex on the weekends. In fact, usually I can hardly walk on Monday morning. But I'm afraid you'll have to ask him for those details as he is the only one authorized to "share" with you on that level. I'll look forward to your package. Whatever it is, thanks. Gotta go. Stuart's picking me up for dinner. Have a lovely night. Vince *** He sent the message then turned off the computer and headed out of his office. Using the back door, Vince turned off the lights in the break room before he left the store for the night. * * * Stuart Stuck in a bit of traffic around the corner from the store, Stuart cussed at his mobile when it rang. "Shit." He flipped the phone open, read the `caller anonymous' prompt on the display, then pressed `Answer'. "What?" "Easy, tiger," Brian teased. "This is a fun call." Stuart sighed. "Brian, I'm busy. I can't have a wank right now." "I just wanted to talk for a second," the American said. "What do you want? I'm on my way somewhere." "Going to pick up Vince for dinner, right?" "Right . . ." God, he hated this `friend' thing. "I just wanted to tell you that I sent him something else with the cuff links. It's something I think you'll enjoy." "And what is that?" Stuart turned down the street that fed into Harlo's parking lot. "A book with some very creative ideas in it. Don't let the title dissuade you from checking it out. Since you and your sweet lover are just discovering the joys of psychological dominance, I thought you might want a little guidebook. It's a modern classic, actually." "What is it, Mien Kampf?" He pulled into the parking lot and drove up to the front of the store. Vince was just walking out from the back alley and Stuart pulled in to pick him up. "Funny," Brian said. "Anyway, just wanted to say hey." "Hey," Stuart said. He kept the phone pressed to his ear as he watched Vince walk around to the passenger side and get in. "Vince just got here. Wanna say hello?" "Yeah, put him on." Holding the phone right up to his lips, he leaned over and kissed his lover wetly then gave him the phone. "Hiya," Vince said. "Get a mouthful of his tongue just then?" Brian teased. "Yeah. Nice starter." Brian chuckled. "Anyway . . . talk to you tomorrow. Have a nice dinner." "Thanks. See ya." Vince pressed `end' and handed the phone back to Stuart. "Did he tell you what he sent me?" "A book." "Yeah, but WHAT book?" "He didn't say. But he did say it would be enlightening. How do you feel about French?" he said. Vince tilted his chin as though he were giving that question serious thought. "Hm. Well," he reached over and pulled Stuart close, sliding his tongue into his lover's mouth. They kissed deeply, tasting each other and slowly stroking their lips together. "Mmmm . . ." Stuart purred. "Is that a yes for French food?" "No," Vince said. "It's a yes for a French kiss. I fancy Italian tonight." Stuart laughed. "Right. Italian it is." He turned the Jeep around and pulled out of the lot. * * * Vince A bit drunk and giddy from two bottles of wine over dinner, they stumbled up the stairs from the carport to the lobby of their building. Stuart opened the mailbox and tugged out a pile of letters and magazines that were wrapped tightly around a small parcel. "Here it is," he said, handing the parcel to Vince. "Ah. Let's see what Brian's Book of the Month is." Vince tore the parcel open as they got into the lift. Peeling the brown bubble wrap off the parcel, he revealed a paperback copy of Elizabeth McNeill's novel Nine and a Half Weeks. A Memoir of a Love Affair. Also in the parcel was a small velvet box. Stuart took the book and thumbed through the pages quickly, opening to the place where Brian had attached a small blue Post-It note. "Chapter Eight," he said. "Why did he mark this? Did he say?" "He just said I should pay particular attention to it," Vince replied as he opened the velvet box. Upon seeing the contents, he took in a breath. "Blimey . . . look at these." He pulled out one of the antique pewter cuff links just as Stuart rolled the lift gate up and started toward their front door. Vince walked behind him, almost mesmerized by the tiny bit of jewelry in his hand. The cuff links were finely engraved with delicate filigree lines and the finish had been buffed to a deep, muted shine. "These are really lovely," he said. Stuart opened the door and walked into the flat, dropping his keys on the kitchen counter. He turned back to Vince and took the velvet box out of his hand. Plucking the other cuff link out, he held it up to the kitchen light. "Oh, yeah. They are nice. Too bad you can't wear them." He handed the box and the other cuff link back to his lover with a cheeky smile. "As far as this book . . . this story is about a sexual affair between straight people," he said with disdain. "Why would he send you that?" Vince shrugged. "Sex is sex, isn't it?" Stuart raised his eyebrows. "I wouldn't know. Would YOU?" Laughing quietly, Vince took the book and walked toward the bedroom. "I snogged a woman once, yeah," he said as he walked up the steps and turned on the light. "It wasn't terrible." "When was this?" Stuart followed him then leaned in the doorway of the bedroom with his hands in the pockets of his trousers. "When you were at university," he said. "She was a friend of Alex's. I did it on a dare." "Did you like it?" Sitting down on the edge of the bed, Vince flipped the pages of the book until he came to chapter eight. "It didn't excite me, of course. But she was nice. It certainly wasn't bad, just . . . not RIGHT." He looked up at his handsome boyfriend with a small smile. "Like I said, it was on a dare. It's not like I pursued her or anything." "Mm," Stuart said, walking over to the wardrobe where he began to undress. He was quiet while he disrobed, seeming to be deep in thought. "Have you ever wanted children, Vince?" Glancing over his shoulder, Vince frowned. "Where did that come from?" "I was just wondering." Stuart stripped down to his shorts then turned around, tugging his fingers through his hair. "All this talk about straight sex and everything. Maybe we can get That Fucking Lisa to have a baby for you." Vince laughed. "Really. Alfred is plenty." Stuart smiled at him sexily. "You probably feel like you do enough baby-sitting just living with me, yeah?" Vince set the book aside and walked around the foot of the bed. Running his hands over Stuart's naked belly, he moved in to kiss his lips. "I dunno, you haven't let me change your nappies yet . . ." he whispered, nuzzling Stuart's neck. "I'm thirty years old, Vince," Stuart said. "An old man. I have the feeling your opportunity to change my nappies might not be that far off." Laughing, Vince pulled Stuart into a hug. "You're mad, you are. You're just a kid." Stuart sighed, hugging back with his whole body. "I feel old . . ." "Do you?" Vince kissed his shoulders, gently scratching the skin there with his slight evening beard. He felt his lover shiver and sigh in his arms and he smiled. "I feel old this week," Stuart said. "It's that little chat with my mother I think." "That's still got you down? It was last weekend." "I know . . . it's just the look on her face, you know? She made me feel like . . . there's something wrong with me. No one's ever made me feel that." Vince looked in his eyes. "What do you mean, `something wrong' with you? Because you're gay?" "Yeah," Stuart said, then he shook his head irritably. "Forget it. She's just . . . my mother. She's the only person that can make me insecure." "I'm sure she didn't mean to, luv. She adores you. She's just trying to understand. I mean, put yourself in her place, Stuart. Imagine how hard this must be to comprehend. I think she's doing quite well, all things considered." "I know." Stuart forced a little smile then shifted gears instantly . . . like he did. He rubbed his warm, slightly swollen cock against Vince's thigh and grinned lustfully. "Have a shower with me?" "Yeah," Vince said, always unable to refuse Stuart's wanton advances. He placed a kiss on his lover's smooth forehead, knowing better than to push that subject any further. Instead, he simply stepped back and began to undress. Stuart walked into the bathroom and started the water in the shower. In the bedroom, Vince took off his clothes then turned down the bed, carefully tucking the copy of Elizabeth McNeill's novel under his pillow to read before he went to sleep. Stuart He stirred early that Friday morning, shifting in the warm bed and moving to snuggle against Vince. Barely asleep again, he felt his lover move and carefully get out of bed. "Where you going . . ." Stuart whispered. "Shh." Vince kissed his lips softly. "I'll be right back." Stuart sighed and closed his eyes, thinking Vince was just going for a piss. He drifted off again in a few moments. Next thing he knew, Vince was curling up behind him and it was light outside. Glancing up at the clock, he saw that it was half past seven. "Your breakfast is ready," Vince purred against his ear. "Hm? You made breakfast on a school day?" He turned over into his lover's arms and kissed him, the scent of cooked eggs and toast filling the morning air in the flat. "Aren't YOU ambitious." Vince just smiled at him. "Come on, then. Get up and eat before it gets cold." He slid off the bed and reached back with his hand to help Stuart up. Before he got up, Stuart stretched and wiggled out from under the covers. Glancing at his lover standing there waiting, he smiled lasciviously. Vince was shirtless and the muscles in his torso were tantalizingly defined. Soft, suckable pink nipples, smooth fair skin and a light dusting of blondish hairs decorated his belly. Stuart's cock stirred just looking at him. Vince's hair was spiky and disheveled from sleeping and his chin was rough with his golden morning beard. He wore an old pair of gray sweats that were a little too tight with the waistband rolled over to show off the cut of his lower abs and the edges of his hip bones. The worn fabric stretched over his nice sturdy legs and his impressive bulge in an almost tarty way. Stuart knew his lover would never wear those sweats in front of anyone but him. He also knew that Vince was intending to be sexy for him. "I think I want to eat you for breakfast," he said softly, punctuating the compliment by licking his lips. Smiling with uncharacteristic confidence, Vince winked and continued to hold out his hand to help Stuart up. When he got to his feet, Stuart noticed his white terry robe on the foot on the bed. Vince picked it up and wrapped it around him, sliding his arms around Stuart's waist to tie the sash. He ran his fingers through Stuart's curls and put some soft kisses on the back of his neck, then he urged Stuart forward gently toward the bedroom door. They went down to the dining room table where Vince had set out a full spread with the nice dishes and fancy flatware. He'd made scrambled eggs, sourdough toast and fresh orange juice and he'd spooned a bit of Stuart's favorite black currant jam neatly into a little bowl. The coffee press sat on the table steaming with fresh grounds and hot water. The combined aromas of all the food made Stuart's mouth water. "This is so nice, Vince," he said, giving him another kiss before moving to sit down. "What's the occasion?" "Wait," Vince said, stopping Stuart from pulling out the chair. "I want you in my lap. I'm going to feed you." Stuart grinned. "Mmmm. You NEVER do that . . ." "I'm doing it today," Vince said, his pretty blue eyes flashing with playful intent. He sat down in the chair and reached for Stuart's hips, guiding him down into his lap. Still a bit sleepy, Stuart sighed against his lover's warm body, situating himself so he was facing the table. Vince brought a glass of juice to Stuart's lips and tilted it gently so he could drink. It was sweet and crisp tasting and Stuart could tell it was freshly squeezed. He moaned appreciatively and smiled. Vince kissed his earlobe while he drank. "I could get very used to being spoiled like this . . ." he said. "Careful." Vince only smiled, setting the glass down and picking up a fork. He carefully fed Stuart a few bites of the fluffy eggs, then he poured a cup of the fresh coffee. "Do you want sugar?" "No, thank you." Stuart sighed, luxuriating in the pampered feeling of having everything done for him. Vince wrapped the porcelain cup in a napkin to protect Stuart's hands from the heat then he gave the cup to him with a soft smile. He sat in Vince's lap drinking his coffee while he watched his lover prepare a piece of toast for him. Vince spread some butter on, then a bit of the jam, then he brought the toasted bread to his lover's mouth. Stuart took a crunching bite, holding Vince's gaze the whole time. "What are you up to?" he asked. "Feeding you breakfast," Vince said, gently kissing his lips. "No, I mean what are you UP to?" Vince just smiled innocently. "I don't know what you're talking about. Can't I feed you breakfast?" He brought the toast to Stuart's lips again and he took another bite. "All right . . ." Stuart said, wiggling on his lover's lap. He could feel the warmth of Vince's cock through the thin fabric of his worn sweats. The thick organ was just slightly swollen and it throbbed gently against the outside of Stuart's naked thigh. "Aren't you having any?" "I already ate," Vince said. He proceeded to feed Stuart the rest of the eggs and another slice of toast, holding him on his lap while he gently wiped the crumbs off Stuart's lips with a soft linen napkin. As Stuart sat there finishing his coffee, he watched Vince's eyes closely, searching them for some sort of clue as to what this new game would entail. His heart beat quickly in his chest and he felt excited and impatient. "Are you ready for your shower?" Vince asked. "Are you bathing me, too?" Batting his big blue eyes, Vince nodded. Stuart set the cup down on the table then gave his lover a deep hot kiss, sucking his full bottom lip a little roughly. "I think I'd like a shag first," he said. He could feel Vince's cock swelling even more against his leg and he wanted desperately to taste it. He moved on Vince's lap, meaning to straddle him but Vince stopped him, holding onto his hips with his strong hands. "Are you ready for your shower?" he asked again. Stuart blinked. "No sex? Is that the thing?" "Not until later," Vince said. "You can have a shower or a bath, whatever you want." Standing up, Vince took Stuart's hand and led him back through the bedroom and up to the bathroom where he took off the white robe. Hanging it on the back of the door, he turned back to Stuart and gave him an affectionate smile. "Shower?" "Yeah," Stuart said. Leaving his lover standing by the toilet, Vince went to the shower and turned on the water, letting it run for a moment. Then he walked back to Stuart and gently took him by the hand, walking him into the shower stall. Vince slipped out of his tight sweats and got in after his lover, pulling the door closed behind him. Stuart understood that he was meant to be still and let Vince do everything for him. He remained just under the stream of the shower and let his lover tilt his head back into the cascading water to wet his hair. Vince turned Stuart around and got his entire body wet with the warm water before pouring the jasmine and mint scented shampoo into his hand. Stuart sighed against him as Vince washed his hair, stroking the suds through his curls with covetous attention and care. He turned Stuart around again to rinse the shampoo, then he applied a tiny bit of conditioner just to the ends and washed that away carefully as well. "Am I getting frizzy?" Stuart whispered. "A bit. It's because your hair is longer than you normally wear it . . . which I thank you for." He kissed Stuart's forehead then turned him around into the stream again and began soaping his body with a soft wash cloth. Vince washed every part of Stuart's body . . . every crevice and curve, every smooth plane and tiny orifice. He even washed Stuart's earlobes. After every section of skin was scrubbed and rinsed, Vince would pepper the area with soft loving kisses before moving on to the next. Stuart's cock ached and pulsed with blood as he stood there thoroughly enjoying his sensual bath. When he was finished, Vince turned off the shower and reached out through the door for a clean towel. He took his time drying Stuart's skin, gently rubbing the towel everywhere and squeezing the water out of his curls before he quickly dried himself off. He walked Stuart out of the shower and wrapped the towel around his waist, leaving him to stand there a moment while he stepped back into those deliciously snug sweats. Next, Vince brought him to the sink where he allowed Stuart to brush his own teeth . . . but this was clearly a concession. He lingered patiently while Stuart completed this task and then stood waiting dutifully for the next step in this decadent grooming ritual. Sitting himself on the edge of the counter, Vince filled the basin with warm water and proceeded to give his lover a luxurious, carefully attentive shave. Not one nick. He rinsed Stuart's face and patted it dry, then he selected the Tuscany they both favored from his ample collection of after-shave. Vince spread the liquid in his hands then stroked it on Stuart's clean-shaven face, once again taking the time to rub a bit of the fragrance on his tender earlobes. A deep, suckling kiss followed and then Vince guided him to the bedroom. "Any meetings today?" he asked. "No," Stuart said and found he had to clear his throat. It seemed like ages since he'd spoken. "It's Friday. I don't need to wear a suit." "Right. Stay there." Vince went to the wardrobe and quickly selected a pair of dark denim jeans and a cashmere pullover in that fabulous midnight navy color. He motioned for Stuart to come over to where he stood and then he reached into the wardrobe again. Out of the corner of his eye, Stuart saw Vince pick up the black Gucci belt. Smiling sweetly, Vince kissed him again, then turned Stuart in his arms so he was facing the wardrobe. "Hold on to the drawers," he said against Stuart's ear. With his heart racing like mad, Stuart reached forward and rested his open hands on the edge of the drawers inside the wardrobe. Knowing he would be asked to do so, he spread his legs a bit without being told. Vince stroked his neck with kisses as a reward. Stuart sighed as he felt his lover winding the belt around his hand. Vince put his free arm across Stuart's shoulders, bracing him with it. He whispered against Stuart's ear. "I'm going to give you just a few spanks, luv. Just enough to get your cock itching. Then I'm going to dress you and send you out into your day with an erection. Do you understand why?" "Yes," he said in a ragged breath. "Good boy. Now hold still." Vince leaned against Stuart's side to offer him even more stability, then he swung the belt and spanked his lover's ass eight times . . . four sharp cracks on each cheek. When he stopped, Stuart was gasping with desire. "God . . ." he said, quivering against Vince's body. "More please . . . just a few more." Vince kissed his ear softly then turned him around so they were facing each other. "You can have as many spanks as you like later tonight. For now, that's all you get." He smiled then tossed the belt on the bed, turning back to the wardrobe to take out a pair of underwear. Kneeling before Stuart, Vince helped him into the soft black Calvin's, gently tugging them over the straining cock and tight balls. He kissed Stuart's belly repeatedly along the way, almost as though he couldn't help himself. Then he assisted his lover in putting on the jeans, taking care to stroke his fingers teasingly over Stuart's erection as he zipped the fly. "Christ, you can't do this to me . . ." Stuart groaned. "I'll just go down to the car and have wank." "No you won't," Vince said simply. He reached for the cashmere top and carefully slid it over Stuart's head, smoothing the arms out with long caressing strokes. "I'll die if I don't come," Stuart said. Vince looked in his eyes and smiled gently. He just shook his head. Next he sat Stuart on the bed and put a pair of black suede Kenneth Cole lace-ups on his feet over a soft pair of Calvin Klein socks. All the fabrics were warm and comforting, silky to the touch . . . sensual. Stuart smiled at his lover's attention to such details in this wonderful seduction game. Vince walked over to the dresser and returned with Stuart's silver Rolex and Brian's gold bracelet. He put the bracelet on his lover's right wrist . . . above the ever present silver one there. "You're letting me wear that?" Stuart said, his eyebrows raised. "Yeah," Vince said, picking up his other wrist and putting on the watch. "Why?" His eyes flashing playfully, Vince said, "because I want to wear the cuff links today with my new shirt." Stuart laughed. "Cheeky sod." "Deal?" Vince asked. After considering for a moment and feeling the lovely heaviness of the thick gold bracelet on his wrist, Stuart nodded. "Deal." "Fine, then." Vince kneeled once again, resting his hands on the mattress at Stuart's sides. They looked at each other closely. "Stuart, I want you to do something for me." "Anything." "Today at twelve o'clock, I want you to look at your watch and think of me touching you." "I'll come," Stuart said simply, like a confession. Smiling sexily, Vince said, "well, that's the point, luv. I want you to wait with your erect cock until twelve o'clock and then I want you to excuse yourself from whomever you're with at the time and go somewhere private. Have a wank while you think of me touching you . . . feeding you breakfast, bathing you, shaving you. But you have to wait until noon." Stuart licked his lips. "What if someone notices my hard-on?" "You won't be that hard. Just hard enough for YOU to notice. Just hard enough so that every time you move, you feel the lovely friction of your clothing scratching the nerves and teasing you, torturing you. Your knickers will be soaked by noon." He grinned and then chuckled deep in his throat. "And don't you dare call Brian today. This erection is mine and I want it all to myself." Stuart sighed heavily, the long breath frayed with lust. "I can't talk to Brian all day?" he said. "That's right," Vince said. "No American candy today." He stood up and glanced at the clock on the bedside table. "You'll be late. You should go." Stuart took another deep breath to steady himself, then he stood up on slightly shaky legs. "Right. Am I ringing you at noon?" "No," Vince said. "You won't talk to me, either, until tonight. So, if you have any plans with friends or colleagues this evening, cancel them. I want you home right after you're finished with work. All right?" He stepped forward and took Stuart's face gently in his hands. Covering his mouth with a wet kiss, Vince pressed his body in, rubbing their tight erections together. "Remember the way that feels . . . all day." Stuart sighed into the kiss, rubbing back wantonly. "God . . . I'm going to die if I don't come . . ." "You won't die," Vince said sweetly. "Now go to work." He gave Stuart one more kiss then turned around and went back to the bathroom to get himself ready for work. Stuart grabbed his keys, his briefcase and his jacket and left the house, tugging irritably at the crotch of his jeans as he stepped into the lift. * * * |
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