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Cloudbusting Page 3 (conclusion) |
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Stuart/ Vince/ Brian |
NC-17 | Angst, Drama, AU | Both DeAnna Zankich Sequel is | No Mermaid Summary: The boys struggle through another transition in their deepening relationship. One thing always leads to another. Warnings: None |
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With his buttocks held apart, that lovely
pink anus was on display just under Vince's eager mouth. He blew on the slightly swollen tissue and he could tell that Stuart was sore and raw. Brian must have given him a right good shafting, indeed. Wetting his lips, he kissed the tender pucker, then circled it with the tip of his tongue. Stuart groaned and pleaded with him to put his tongue inside and Vince could not resist the request. He wet his tongue liberally with saliva then gently worked it into that tight ring of skin, reaching down and in as far as he could go. "Oh . . . my God . . . that feels fanTAStic!" Stuart said, writhing on the couch. Vince knew that the feeling of his tongue was soothing the sensitive reddened opening and he stroked it lovingly, keeping it wet and warm. He could only taste Stuart but he knew Brian had been there and the image of it . . . the thought of it . . . enflamed him. If it had been anyone but Brian, Vince would have been hysterical with jealousy but he could not get enough of the idea of his lover's sweet ass impaled on Brian's huge, lovely cock. Just as he was getting lost in his task, eyes closed, all his senses full of Stuart, he felt his lover's hands grabbing his shoulders and tugging him up on the couch. "Come here . . ." Stuart gasped, hauling Vince up across his body. He ripped open Vince's trousers and freed his moist, hard cock, rubbing it with both hands, milking out the natural lubricating fluid and spreading it all over the stiff shaft. Tensing, Vince braced himself over Stuart's body and dropped his forehead down onto his lover's chest. He closed his eyes and mumbled just loud enough to be heard. "I'm too close . . . I'm going to come . . ." "I know . . ." Stuart said, rubbing their erections together in the slippery sheath of his palms. Vince's cock exploded into that stroking friction and he cried out, biting the soft flesh above Stuart's right nipple. He felt his lover flinch at the bite but he was coming too and most likely had been more surprised than hurt. Shuddering against each other, they moaned and sighed and kissed and sucked Stuart's fingers, mingling saliva and spunk together in their mouths. Finally calming down, Vince lowered his weight onto Stuart's body and rested there, his head on his lover's belly. He listened to Stuart breath and listened to his fast heartbeat slowing down as he relaxed. "God, I am so tired," Stuart said. "I'm half asleep already." "Let's go to bed, then." Vince forced himself to stand and he reached down for Stuart's hand. The lovely brunette was looking up at him with a frank, curious expression. "Why did you stay with that man when he was hurting you?" he said. Shrugging, Vince said, "dunno, really. I thought I could handle it. Might have thought he'd come after me if I'd tried to finish with him." "You were frightened of this bastard and you never told me about it? Why?" Vince looked at him openly, honestly. "I was afraid you'd just laugh at me. Tell me it served me right for being so daft and to sort it out myself. So, that's what I did. I sorted it myself." He knew this remark would be deeply hurtful to Stuart-it was a declaration that Vince had felt abandoned during their friendship. He didn't feel good saying it and he wished he hadn't had to, but it was the truth. Stuart just looked at him, his eyes dark and stormy. "I would have killed that man," he said softly. "If you'd told me, I would have murdered him." Vince pulled him off the couch and into a tight hug, his eyes filling up with hot tears. He was surprised at himself to find so much emotion so close to the surface, but he felt powerless against it. The look on Stuart's face at that moment had burned straight into his heart. "Right, let's not talk about this anymore. I think we've had enough intense feelings for one night." Stuart hugged him back almost roughly, his arms trembling slightly with the force of the embrace. He was crying silently and Vince heard him sniffle. "Shhh . . ." he said, rocking gently and recalling doing that very same thing only a few hours before. Before that dam broke on his lover's tantrum. "What happened to you today?" he whispered against Stuart's ear. "What set you off?" "I told you. That fucking brown jumper." "That just doesn't make sense. There had to be something else. You went completely mad, luv. What on earth happened?" He lifted Stuart's chin and looked in his eyes. His black lashes were wet and stuck to each other in little spears. Vince wiped his thumbs over them gently, drying the tears from those soft hairs. "You're doing a lot of crying today." "Yeah," Stuart said. "I'm a lot of sad today." "Why?" He sniffed again and another tear tracked down his right cheek slowly. "I'm scared, Vince. I'm bloody scared to death." Vince held him close, petting his hair gently. "Not of me, I hope." "God, no. It's nothing to do with you. I don't think. I'm just . . . scared. I'm thirty, for fuck's sake. I'm getting married. I've got a baby." Stuart laughed but it was a strangled sound and it made Vince squeeze him tight. "You're not doing any of that by yourself," he said. "I'm here. I'm always here." "I'm just so afraid I'll fail you," Stuart said, his voice a husk of itself. "I'll fail you and you'll leave me." Vince looked at him again, earnestly. "Look, you panicked today and you needed an outlet. You were looking for anything-any excuse. Any escape from this HUGE commitment we just made. Stuart, I know exactly what you're feeling. I feel it, too! Why do you think I invited Brian to come home with us? I was looking for the same escape you were-I just didn't know how to find it. One thing about you, Stuart-you've always known how to get exactly what you need. I've never sorted that for meself. I feel like I'm always grasping but never actually getting a grip." Stuart stared at him with those sharp, amazing blue eyes. "So you still want to marry me, then?" "Twat," Vince said, laughing. "Don't think you're getting away that easily. Not after all the shit I went through trying to get you! Oh, no. You've said yes-it's a contract. You're stuck with me. I'm marrying you, Stuart Jones. Better get used to the idea." Again, Stuart just stared at him. "Why am I such a twat to you? What the fuck is wrong with me? I adore you! I can't live without you! You are the best shag I've ever had and you make me laugh harder than anyone I've ever met! You're perfect, Vince. The perfect man for me. What the FUCK is wrong with me?" "I wish I knew," he said. "But, whatever it is, it's always been there. You've been trying to push me away ever since the moment we met. Clinging to my hand while you were trying to run away and wondering why I was still right behind you. Daft prick, you never let go!" He smiled gently. "But, it's all part of your charm. Needing to be captured but never wanting to feel caught." Stuart smiled sadly. "And you've always understood that about me, haven't you?" "'Course," Vince said. "Plain as the nose on your face." They stared at each other for a long time, just locking eyes and thinking their own thoughts. Then Vince took a deep breath and turned toward the bedroom. "Right, come to bed," he said. "It's late and we both have work." Stuart squeezed his hand and followed. "I'm sorry about today," he said. "I'm sorry . . . about Brian and about being scared." Vince shrugged. "You know what? I'M not sorry about Brain. And I'd never ask you to feel sorry for being afraid, Stuart. Like I said, you're not there by yourself." "I promise I'll try to calm down before the wedding," he said, smiling shyly. Vince turned back and cupped Stuart's face in his hands, looking him deep in the eye. "You do whatever you need to do to get through this, luv. But hear THIS: That was the last free shag, understand? Next time-I'm off. I hope our Brian was right memorable." Stuart fluttered his lashes. "Can we have him again? Of course I mean together." Vince shook his head and sighed. "How about let's jump off that bridge when we come to it, yeah?" Smiling with his eyes, Stuart nodded and followed Vince to bed. * * * Stuart: Sandra followed him into his office the next morning, carrying a handful of phone messages. "Kate rang about ten times yesterday and twice this morning. She said it was a personal matter but it was urgent. Said she'd tried your mobile and left you a message at home." "I didn't get any messages at home," he said. "Then again, I can't remember checking the answer phone, either." He put down his briefcase and hung up his coat, leaning his black umbrella against the wall. "Reckon you should get her for me, then." "Right. The rest of the messages weren't urgent, but the phone rang all afternoon. You picked one hell of a day to run off and have a row with Vince." She looked at him hopefully. "Everything's all right now, isn't it?" "Yeah," he said. "We sorted it." "And . . . since I didn't really have a chance to speak to you yesterday, how was your holiday?" "Lovely," he said, grinning. He knew she was fishing for details and he felt like playing with her a little. "Yeah, Scotland's nice. Vince had a great time with that whole Loch Ness thing, Sandra. Thanks for that." "I'm glad he enjoyed it. And how was the hotel?" "Fantastic. Very romantic. Staff was great. It's right on the water." "Is it?" she said, brightly, leaning in the doorway with a sarcastic smirk on her face. "Stuart Jones, you bloody bastard-did you get engaged or what?" He giggled, walking around behind the desk and turning on his computer. "Yes, we did. That little bastard beat me to the proposal, though." Sandra took in a sharp breath. "Awwww . . . did he? How lovely! What a sweet surprise." She smiled and her expression became misty. "You're quite lucky, Stuart. I hope you always remember that." "Yes, dear," he grumbled. Sandra leaned over his desk and pecked his cheek with a kiss. "Congratulations. Have you set a date?" "Not yet. We were too busy arguing." "And then too busy with your make-up shag, no doubt," she teased, heading out the door to go back to her desk. Stuart pursed his lips, trying not to let the fact that he'd woken up alone that morning get to him. Other than that quick tumble on the couch the night before, he and Vince had yet to have any reconciliation sex. He was actually feeling like the whole cycle was still incomplete. Like it wasn't REALLY over until they shagged properly. Vince had the early shift that morning so he'd already left the house by the time Stuart woke up. With all the activity the night before, both of them had gotten very little rest anyway, which wasn't aiding his mood. He started going through his emails when Sandra buzzed him on the intercom. "Kate Stephani on line one." "Thanks," he said, picking up the receiver. "My Katey-girl. How are ya?" "Where the fuck have you been??" she shouted. "I left you messages all over town. I was contemplating hiring one of those airplanes that writes in the sky in smoke-`Stuart Jones: call Kate Stephani or die!'" He laughed. "What's so urgent?" "Well, it's moot now. I already talked to Brian. Do you even remember talking to me at his hotel?" "Yeah," he said. "Sort of. Were you trying to warn me?" Kate snorted a laugh. "Fat lot o' good it did. So, gimme a damage estimate. Is it in the thousands? Millions? Near the US national debt?" "It's . . . not so bad," Stuart said. "Really. It was fun. We like Brian. Brian can stay." "That's what he said. It's a big fuckin' love fest with you three. He told me he did you BOTH. Is that true? You naughty little boys." "Afraid so. And he was lovely. All of him, lovely." Stuart chuckled. "I don't know which one is worse-you or him. So, he didn't burn anything down or send anyone to the hospital or break up anyone's brand new engagement that I'm still waiting desperately to hear about?" "He was a perfect gentleman," Stuart said. "Well . . . he was perfect." Kate sighed. "Whatever. I've heard all about what a great fuck he is, I don't need details." "Who told you that, him?" "Who else?" Kate laughed. "But enough about Brian. Tell me about your weekend. How did your proposal go?" "It didn't," he said. "Vince did it. He beat me to it." "Oh! What a little punkin'!! Oh, that is so cute! What did he say? Tell me, tell me. I love this romantic shit!" Stuart groaned but he was smiling really hard. It hurt his cheeks a bit. "It's really slushy," he warned. "Even better!" she said. "Tell me . . . please?" He rocked back and forth in his chair as he recounted the story for his friend. He told her everything-all about the hotel and Reb and Andie and their Irish Setter. About having his palm read and about Vince having the room decorated. He told her about making love on the rug in front of the fireplace and about the long baths they had. He paraphrased the sweetest parts of Vince's proposal and told her that he cried. "You really cried, Stuart?" she said, softly. "Yeah. You should have been there. It was brutal. He's such a lover, that Vince. So . . . good to me." "Awwww . . ." Kate said, dissolving into giggles. "That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. Congratulations, bunny." "Thanks." "Did you set a date yet?" "No, we've been too busy arguing and fucking Brian to talk about it since we came back." Kate laughed. "God. His timing is priceless. What were you fighting about? I don't like the sound of that." "Nothing," he said. "Just . . . things. Stupid shit. We're just tense, you know? We're fucking getting married. Didn't you and Richard fight after you got engaged?" "Richard and I never fight," Kate said. "Fighting takes way too much passion." "Why are you married to that man, luv? You don't even like him." He clicked open an email that Vince sent him from their computer at home that morning. There was an attachment. He listened to Kate's reply while he opened the new message. "It's easier than being single," she said. "Is it?" he wanted to know. Stuart read the short note his lover had sent with the attached photo. To: StuartAJones@Thrive.uk.com From: S&V@demon.uk Hiya. Didn't have the heart to wake you this morning, even though I was dying to shag you. I love to watch you sleep. Click below to see how lovely you are and maybe you'll understand why. See you tonight. (attachment) Stuart opened the attachment and waited while it loaded. "Are you there?" Kate said. "Yeah, sorry. Vince sent me something . . ." he trailed off while he centered the large image on his screen. It was a dead close up of his face while he slept that morning, lying on his belly under their fluffy white comforter. His hair framed his face and he looked about twelve years old. Stuart smiled. "What is it?" she asked. "A photo of me sleeping this morning." "Tch. Aww, it's just gross how in love you two are," she teased. "Are you naked in the photo?" "Yeah, but I'm under a blanket. It's just my face, anyway." "Can I see it?" "Sure." He forwarded it to her and only had to wait a second before it got there and she opened it. "Oh my God, Stuey! Look at you! Shit, no wonder he's marrying you. You're quite deceptive when you sleep. You actually look innocent." "Yeah, right." "Aww, his note is very cute. Does that mean you haven't had make-up sex yet?" "That's correct, Madame," he said. "Well, we had a very hot wank on the couch last night, but that doesn't count." "Uh oh," Kate said. "It ain't over `til there's penetration." "I know, believe me. But the truth is, I'm still a bit tender from Brian." "Brian had YOU?" "Yeah. We were in the Jeep parked on Canal Street." "I heard about the Jeep thing," she said. "But for some reason, I had it in my mind that you were topping him." "Oh. No. That's not what I fancied last night. But, anyway. I'm sore so it's probably for the best that Vince and I wait." "Can't you just switch places? Doesn't Vince like it when you fuck him?" she was joking and her voice lilted like an infant school teacher. "He loves it, but we both want him inside me right now. Been doing like that a lot lately. He always tells me that I need to be fucked when I feel guilty or vulnerable. Both of those emotions apply today." He leaned back in his chair, sighing. "You okay, bunny?" "Yeah," he said, picking at some paper on his desk. "Just scared. All this fuckin' grown-up shit's got me down." Kate laughed gently. "I hear THAT." "We're having an engagement party," he said. "Will you come over for that?" "Absofuckinglutely! Wouldn't miss it." "Good. You can stay with us if you want. We've got three bedrooms." "Vince would hate that," Kate said. "He wouldn't. That's stupid. He doesn't hate you, Katey. I wish you'd get over thinking that." "Well, we'll see. When's the party?" "We haven't talked about it, but I'd like to do it soon. Want everyone there. Maybe a week or two." "Just let me know and I'll get a flight." "Okay. Listen, I have to do some work. I'll talk to you later?" "Yep. Love ya. Glad you're back." "Me, too. Bye." Stuart set the phone down and looked at his photo on the screen again. He looked at his face as though it belonged to someone else and tried to imagine what that man in the image was like. Was he good? Was he honest? Was he smart? What did the people nearest to him think about him? What sort of first impression did he make? Stuart looked at that photo and wondered if the man in it was worthy of the love of Vincent Tyler. Clicking the image closed, he sighed and turned to the work that was piled on his desk. * * * Vince: His mobile rang just after lunch and Vince was in the produce section going over some new procedures with two of his staff members. He excused himself momentarily and walked off into a corner where he answered the call. "Hel-loh?" "Hey, Vince." "Hiya, Brian." His heart started racing as soon as he heard the American's voice, even though he wasn't quite sure how Brian got his mobile number. "Still in Manchester?" "Just getting a cab to the airport. Listen, I just wanted to say sorry about last night. I'm assuming Stuart told you." "What if he hadn't?" Vince teased. "You'd be tattling right now." Brian chuckled. "He said he was going to and he looked pretty serious. Everything all right or do you completely hate my guts for breaking my word?" "Yeah," Vince said, playfully. "That's it. Did you enjoy him?" "Oh, yeah. He's delicious." "Mm." Vince couldn't stop smiling. He really liked Brian. "He enjoyed you, as well. We both did." "Yeah . . ." Brian said. "That was a blast. I'll be jerking off thinking about that for months. Anyway, I just wanted to make sure you didn't hate me. You don't, right?" "No," he said. "Like I told Stuart, I'M the one that asked you back to ours. Technically this whole bloody thing is my fault." Brian laughed. "God, do you always forgive him so easily?" Vince thought it best to reserve his reply to that. Sighing, Brian went on. "Okay, if that's your story . . ." "I'm stickin' to it," Vince said, grinning. "Take care, then. Talk to you guys soon? "Call us when you get back home. Have a good flight." "See ya." Brian Kinney hung up. Pocketing his phone, Vince couldn't get the smile off his face as he walked back to the produce section. * * * Stuart: He stood in the bedroom doorway in his silky pajama bottoms and a dark red t-shirt-the one he knew Vince liked the best. Leaning on the doorjamb, he loosened his curls with his fingers as Vince put down his keys and crossed the room toward him. "I need to have my hair brushed," Stuart told him. "And I need to be spanked good and hard." "I'll say," Vince agreed, smirking sexily. He stepped up onto the stairs below his lover and lifted the front of his t-shirt so he could kiss his naked tummy. "I want you to fuck me until I scream," Stuart continued. "And then I want to ask you ten thousand questions about all these other fucking shags you've had." Vince nodded, slipping his arms around his lover's waist and kissing his neck. "You can ask me anything," he said. "I have nothing to hide." "Good." Stuart closed his eyes and let himself be kissed, feeling happy and safe and seductive and sexy and like he was finally getting used to the idea of being someone's husband. |
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