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Monsters, Castles and Lochs Part 2 (conclusion) |
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Stuart/ Vince/ Brian |
NC-17 | First-Time, Drama, AU | Both DeAnna Zankich Sequel is | Cloudbusting Summary: Brian, Stuart, and Vince meet up once again, and fun ensues. Warnings: None |
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Vince got out of his own trousers and
kicked off his shoes then he turned back to Brian who was still fully
clothed-except for his open fly. Brian let himself be divested of his garments,
first his leather jacket, then his trousers and shoes. Vince told him to
leave his sweater on. "Have you touched this?" he asked Stuart. "It's lovely. Soft." Vince ran his fingers over the ribbed fabric of Brian's sweater, smiling lasciviously at his prone lover. "Bring him here, luv. Let's feel it." Vince guided Brian onto the bed and laid him down on his back. Brian sunk into the soft pillows and sighed, contentedly. The big bed felt great. Vince stretched out on his right side and Stuart crept across the mattress, straddling his waist with those sinewy legs. Brian stroked his thighs with light fingers, just teasing the hairs. That gorgeous cock stood up along Stuart's belly, dark red with blood and pulsing. Brian wriggled under him until his cock wedged up into the warm crevice of Stuart's ass. He placed his fingers on Brian's belly and touched the soft fabric of his sweater. "Ooohhh," he purred. "Nice." "Not cashmere," Vince said, softly. "No, but I think it's Gucci so it'll do." He bent over and kissed Vince languidly, their tongues playing in the air between them. Then he brought that hot mouth over to Brian and kissed him, gently chewing his lips. Brian felt Stuart shift on his belly, tilting forward so his cock grazed over the sweater just between Brian's ribs. Smiling into the erotic kiss, Brian figured out what was going on. "I see . . ." he said. "A little fashion victim kink?" He looked over at Vince who was watching them both closely, his fingers slowly stroking his thick erection. Vince smiled into his eyes. "Just let him rub on your belly." Brian's cock leaked on his skin, kicking with anticipation. He reached down and slid his hand under his sweater, reaching up to grab Stuart's cock through the soft fabric. Stuart groaned on top of him, bending down and biting his neck a bit fiercely. "Oh . . . yessss . . ." Brian breathed, thrilled to have such an effect on this man he'd coveted for so long. He had no idea how much he would enjoy turning Stuart on. He felt that big hard cock throbbing like hot stone in his hand and Stuart rocked his hips, groaning helplessly against Brian's ear. He licked Stuart's earlobe, then took the soft flesh into his teeth and nipped it, making his lover quiver and gasp as he worked his erection in Brian's fist. Through his slitted eyes, Brian saw Vince's hand reach back behind Stuart and touch his anus with fingers he'd wet in his mouth. In another instant, Stuart was coming, shaking and moaning and spilling hot seed into Brian's hand through his sweater. The scent of his semen was rich and earthy. Just like Vince said-it smelled like the sea. Brian touched his finger to the tip of Stuart's spent cock then tasted it. Musky and salty, masculine. Delicious. Brian wanted a mouthful of it to swallow. Instead, he covered Stuart's mouth with a kiss, tangling their tongues inside that warm wetness and breathing deeply as his own cock ached and oozed on his belly. Sitting up again, Stuart grinned down at him, brushing his dark curls back out of his flushed face. "Nice," he said. "Thanks for that." He looked at Vince who was grinning back at him, proudly. "I think you should be the first to have Brian, luv." He moved off Brian's hips and rolled behind Vince on the bed. Vince smiled at Brian, helping him get his sweater off. "Don't worry, your dry cleaner can get the stain out." He tossed the soiled garment off the edge of the bed then leaned over to take hold of Brian's cock again. "Would you like to come this way?" he asked, running his tongue along the big vein down the back of Brian's erection. "Uh . . . yeah. That'd be great . . ." he gasped. "I've been dying for this legendary blowjob." With Stuart gently stroking his lover's back, Vince tilted his head down just a bit-enough to elongate his throat so he could take all of Brian's considerable length without choking. He sucked Brian's hard cock almost all the way down, stopping only when it was clearly a bit painful. Then he moved back, sucking hard all the way up to the tip where he circled the head slowly with his tongue. Brian sighed and closed his eyes, his arms stretching up above his head as he arched his back. When his right hand came down, it rested softly in Stuart's hair and he turned to look at him. Those black curls were unbelievably silky and dense and Brian couldn't help plunging his fingers into them. Stuart closed his eyes and moaned softly, obviously loving to have his hair touched. Good thing, Brian thought, absently. Hair like that was going to get touched no matter what. Suddenly Vince stopped his wonderful sucking and Brian held his breath, looking down to see what the problem was. Vince was looking at Stuart intently. "What?" Brian asked, breathlessly. His fingers were still luxuriating in those blue-black locks. "What's the problem?" Stuart started giggling playfully, returning his lover's intense gaze. "Vince is jealous." "Um . . ." Brian said, his brow wrinkling. "Why are YOU jealous? You're the one sucking my cock." "It's not that," Vince said. "Never mind." He lowered his head again and set about a deep, hard sucking that was meant to make Brian come quickly. Unable to hold on, Brian closed his eyes and let his head drop back on the pillows. The prickling pleasure radiated in a hot gush from his prostate in the center of his body, up through his tingling, pulsating cock and out to all his extremities. He groaned and his breath ran out of his lungs as he shook from the spasms. He felt Vince lift his mouth off his spurting cock just as his semen shot forth. Brian's belly was splattered with his own seed as Vince's tight fist jerked him off, slowly, expertly guiding him through that fantastic orgasm. Okay, fine. Swallowing must be out of the question. Fair enough. As he caught his breath, he watched Vince crawl up Stuart's body and kiss him roughly. He removed Brian's hand from his lover's curls and then Brian got the message. Stuart's hair must be off limits to extraneous sexual partners, such as himself. Okay. That was fine, too. Brian rolled onto his side and reached for Vince's hips as the two lovers were kissing. "Come here . . ." he whispered against Vince's ear. "I didn't know . . . I'm sorry . . ." "Don't be daft," Vince said, sounding distinctly sober just then. "It's nothing. I'm just . . . possessive. We've never done this, really. I'm still finding my feet with it." Brian stared at him as he laid there on his back. "You're kidding me. You've been together a year and you've never had a threesome?" Stuart was lying on his side, softly stroking Vince's naked belly. He pushed Vince's hip back until he was leaning against Brian and then he knelt down and sucked his lover's cock hungrily. "The hair thing is a tenderness issue, right?" Brian whispered. "A lover thing?" Moaning from the pleasure of being sucked by that familiar mouth that knew just what to do and just how to do it, Vince nodded but he didn't say anything. Most likely he couldn't. "Okay . . ." Brian said, understanding. "I get it." He sunk his teeth into Vince's soft, salty neck and left a deep, hot love bite there just as Vince started to come. * * * Stuart: Swallowing, he could taste the gin in Vince's semen. Christ, he'd had a lot to drink. Stuart was amazed his lover wasn't sick, but the truth was, Vince seemed completely sober. He was flushed and glassy- eyed from his orgasm, but he no longer showed any signs of being drunk. The three of them laid in a pile of limbs breathing hard for a few minutes, Brian's fingers teasing the hairs on Vince's belly while he caught his breath. Stuart watched this exchange with acute interest. It was only slightly odd seeing another man touching Vince- and almost not even that because the other man was Brian. They had a pre-existing relationship with this erotic American and it seemed almost right to be in bed together. Organic, in a way, as if this experience just naturally flowed from the previous experience of having phone sex together. Vince leaned against Brian and his legs were intertwined with Stuart's. Brian was raised up on his elbow, with his right hand tickling Vince's tummy. Stuart smiled at his lover, intimately, looking right into his lovely blue eyes. "Where's that water?" Vince asked. Stuart reached over the side of the bed to where he'd left the water bottle. He twisted off the cap and handed it to Vince who drank from it deeply. "I can't believe you guys never had a threesome," Brian said. "Well," Stuart said. "There was the once." "That doesn't count," Vince said. "It wasn't sex-he just watched." "Yeah, but he was a third party present while WE had sex." "He never touched you guys?" Brian asked. "No," Vince said, a bit bitterly. "He just sat on the floor like the good little puppy he ISN'T and wanked himself off while he stared longingly at Stuart." Brian smirked. "We wouldn't be talking about that kid, Nathan, would we?" Stuart's jaw dropped. "How the FUCK do you know about Nathan? Did Kate tell you?" "No," he said. "She didn't. I actually met him tonight. Out in the village. Him and a guy named Alex. Really nelly little girl, that one." That got Vince laughing again and he almost spit water all over them. "That's really strange that you ran into them. What a coincidence." "Mm," Stuart said. "So, what did Nathan tell you?" Brian's light eyes flashed wickedly. "That you deflowered him at the tender age of fifteen. He pervert." "That just came up in a conversation?" Stuart asked, sarcastically. Laughing, Brian nodded. "Uh, yeah, actually. It did just come up. He was hitting on me and I asked him how old he was. He told me-he was all proud of it, too. Sixteen, like that's going to put me at ease or something." "The age of consent is different here," Vince informed him. "Sixteen should put you at ease." "Oh. Well-that's too fucking young, in my opinion. Not that it matters. Anyway, the age of connect is eighteen where I live and even THAT's too fucking young on the wrong person. Nathan seems all right, but I've got this kid . . . this seventeen-year-old at home that I wish I'd never met. He's just . . . not getting the message." "Sounds familiar," Vince muttered. "I mean, he seems smart and all. Intelligent, but he's just not being very mature about all this." "He wants you to be his boyfriend, right?" Stuart said. "Says he's in love with you." "All that." Brian reached for the water bottle and Vince handed it to him. "I'm sure he'll get over it, but it's really . . . sticky right now." He took a drink of the cool water and swallowed. "Is that what happened with Nathan?" "Um . . ." Stuart hedged and Vince looked at him. "Nathan is the one night stand that never went away," Vince concluded. He looked up at Brian. "Careful with your young one. It might go the same way. Don't treat him like shit, like Stuart did." "But, I don't want to encourage him," Brian said. Stuart shook his head. "It won't work, being a bastard to him. Trust me. I tried that. The worse you are, the more he'll adore you. Just be honest with him and tell him to sod off. Gently, though. And then let me know if it works." He giggled and took the water bottle back, taking a long drink. "I'll keep you posted," Brian said. He laid down on his back and stretched, showing off his nice abs and his smooth chest. Vince rolled onto his side on the bed and leaned on his elbows, looking at Brian's handsome, chiseled face. "Tell me something." "Sure." "Why did you do that to Stuart in New York? You knew he was with someone. Didn't that matter to you?" Brian cocked his head to the side and returned Vince's gaze openly. "No. It didn't matter at all. I wanted him so badly, that I just didn't give a shit." He paused as he let his words hang in the air. "Vince, now that you've met me-I can't imagine that surprises you." Vince gave him a small smile. "No," he said. "Truth is, I think I understand. I think I always did. When he first told me about it, I was thinking . . . God, that fucker! Who does he think he is? And then . . . the more I turned it over in my mind . . . it just made sense. I mean, I know how bloody lovely Stuart is, and how big a flirt." "I didn't flirt with him," Stuart said and both Vince and Brian smacked him, playfully. "The FUCK you didn't!" Brian said. "That's shit and you know it. You were torturing me. And you loved it." Stuart's cheeks burned and he snickered. "All right, all right. But, look at you," he nodded to Brian. "How could I NOT flirt? You're such a cheeky bastard, too." "Is that good? Cheeky? You guys keep saying that to me." "It can be good," Vince said. "But not the way we mean it," Stuart finished and they both laughed again. "We mean that you're being sort of . . . a brat," Vince explained. "Insolent. A bit rude. Cheeky." Brian nodded. "I accept that." He looked at Vince again. "So, have you forgiven me?" "I don't think I was ever angry with you. Well, maybe for a few minutes, but . . ." "Vince, you threatened in writing to break my legs. I think you were a little pissed off." Stuart chuckled, rolling over to spoon up along his lover's warm, naked side. He stroked Vince's back with his fingers while he laid there, petting slow circles down his spine. "Right, well. I reckon I was, a bit. But, it wasn't about what you did, it was more about the fact THAT you did it. You were just so . . ." "Nervy," Stuart finished. He looked up at Brian with a little twinkle in his eyes. "Cheeky." "Gotcha," Brian said, grinning. Stuart laid his head on Vince's back and trailed his fingers down along his spine to his tailbone. He circle the hard cap of bone softly, tickling the skin over it. Vince moaned and he could hear it inside his lover's body with his ear against his back that way. "What did you do to me that day?" he whispered, his fingers pressing into the soft flesh under Vince's tailbone. He tapped the skin there gently and Vince lifted his hips into the touch. "Here," Brian said, reaching forward and moving Stuart's hand just a bit down. "Tap your fingers like this." He used the exact same motion Vince used on him the week before-tapping his index and middle fingers in quick, even rhythm just below the tailbone. Stuart frowned. "How come everyone knows this trick but me? That's really something I should have known." Vince laid down on the mattress, relaxing. "Ooooh, that feels lovely . . ." "Have you got a vibrator?" Brian asked. "In that drawer, behind you," Stuart told him. Reaching back, Brian opened the drawer in the night table and let out a little whistle. "Whoa, now THAT's a goodie drawer, boys. I thought mine was bad. Look at all this stuff." He held up a huge black rubber cock and balls that made even his own impressive endowments look meager. "Yikes," he said. "Vince likes that one," Stuart teased. Grinning contentedly, Vince played along. "I have to be in the mood." Brian laughed softly, returning the dildo to the drawer. Then he reached in again and brought out a small vibrator, three inches long and about an inch and a half in diameter. "Perfect," he said, turning the switch on the bottom of the device to test the battery. Once it hummed to life, he laid on his belly and whispered to Stuart. "Lube?" "Under the pillow," he whispered back, pointing to the pillow next to Brian's side. He reached under and fished around in there until he came out with the little bottle of lube. He flipped the top and squeezed a bit into his hand, closing his fingers over it to warm it. Then he smeared the slick substance over the tip of the softly buzzing vibrator. "Keep doing that with your fingers under his tailbone," Brian instructed. He balanced himself on his elbows and looked up at Vince who was watching them over his shoulder. "Can I lick you?" he asked. "Oh, yes . . ." Vince said, smiling. Brian winked at him, then put a few kisses on top of his tailbone before he leaned around Stuart's hand and extended his tongue, stroking up and down Vince's warm opening. Stuart's cock twitched as he watched Brian do that his lover, his eyes following every move intently. He kept up that even tapping making sure to maintain the same amount of pressure and speed-just like Vince had done with him. He shivered when Vince moaned in pleasure and his smooth thighs opened wantonly. Brian nipped at the dark pink ring of skin with his teeth, then lapped it again, circling it over and over with his wet tongue. Unable to stand it, Stuart leaned forward and slipped his tongue into the mix, swirling it around Brian's and teasing Vince's anus in a hot, erotic tag team. "Oh. My. God." Vince leaned up, trying to see what they were doing. "Oh, fuck . . . that is so incredible . . . I wish I could see you . . ." "That's what thing I didn't see in your goodie drawer," Brian said. "No hand mirror." Stuart blinked. "Right. I'll take care of that first thing tomorrow." They smiled at each other and laughed softly at the absurdity of the conversation. "Please don't stop . . ." Vince pleaded. "It feels so good." They both bent down again, their tongues sliding passed each other and licking the salty skin of Vince's opening. They stroked each other's tongues, rubbing their noses together and all the while Stuart never stopped the tapping. At one point they got their faces close enough that both their tongues were licking that small circle of sensitive skin, which almost sent their willing captive over the edge. When Vince was wiggling on the bed and gasping desperately, Brian sat back up, holding the small vibrator to the wrinkled opening. He pressed the lubricated tip inside the ring of skin and held it there while Stuart tapped below his tailbone. Vince had stopped breathing and was holding very still, looking over his shoulder to see as much as he could. Stuart kissed his lover's back and smiled into his eyes. Brian carefully slid the little vibrator in further until an inch of it had disappeared into Vince's body. Just enough to stimulate the tight ring of muscle. Then, he turned the switch on the bottom of the vibrator to full speed. He and Stuart locked eyes and Brian smiled. "Here we go," the cheeky American said. Vince grabbed handfuls of the pillows and tensed all over, his entire body trembling as the contractions ripped through him. He panted and whined and cried out like he was in pain, shuddering as the last of the spasms drained away. "Oh . . . Christ!" he gasped, dropping down face-first on the pillows. "That was fantastic!" Brian nodded, triumphantly. "Amazing, what the human body can do," he said, sliding the vibrator out and turning it off. Stuart turned Vince over and cleaned his lover's belly with his tongue, lapping up the musky semen and kissing his hot cock. Vince played with his hair lovingly, eyes half closed in bliss. "Like that?" Brain said, lying beside him on the bed. "Lovely," Vince replied. Crawling over him, Stuart rolled Brian onto his back and straddled his naked hips. Looking down, he grinned at their American bed partner playfully. "Something tells me that you don't get cock up your arse very often. Am I right?" Vince chuckled. Brian smiled up at him like a bratty child. "Topping is easier. And, when you're dealing with a bunch of guys you don't know, it's also safer." "Yeah," Stuart agreed. "But, do you LIKE being fucked?" "Of course I like being fucked," he said. "But, it's a trust thing, isn't it." Stuart tilted his chin and looked at Brian closely. "I agree that it is," he said. "But . . . you will have to agree that you owe me one. No? Trust or not." "You knew I wasn't going to hurt you, Stuart. I had no intention." "Nor do I," he said slowly, bending over to slide his tongue into Brian's mouth. He could taste Vince in that kiss. "But I do intend to give you a right good shafting." Brian's eyes drifted closed briefly. "Take me, baby. I won't fight. You'll love it-I'm tight as hell." "I'll just bet." Stuart bit his bottom lip then reached for the lube bottle Brian had left on the mattress. He moved down so he could raise Brian's long, well-muscled legs up over his shoulders, then he looked over at Vince. "Do you want to do this, luv?" "I'm going to put the condom on you," he said, still lying on his back. Vince looked gorgeous there, his cheeks pink and his eyes glowing blue. His soft hair was disarrayed and his lovely body was relaxed and at ease. "You are so beautiful," Stuart whispered to him. "I'd have to be, wouldn't I?" Vince returned, gently reminding them both of that sweet moment after he'd proposed. Stuart wet his fingers with the lube and warmed it briefly before he slid his index finger into the tight furnace of Brain's ass. He groaned and closed his eyes, opening his legs a bit wider. Vince leaned forward and stroked Brian's cock very slowly, running his tongue along his earlobe and throat. Two fingers and Brian's brow crinkled but only for a moment. Three fingers and he clenched his teeth, but then he relaxed and rocked forward begging for the contact. Stuart slid his fingers out and raised up on his knees so Vince could fit the condom onto his straining erection. It had been ages since they'd used condoms and it felt strangely erotic to have one on. Vince's sexy gaze as he stroked the thin sheath of latex onto Stuart's cock almost made him come right there. He looked away, concentrating, trying to focus on the task at hand. Brian was willing and ready and he reached down to help guide Stuart's cock inside. "Want me to go slow?" Stuart whispered. Brian just shook his head. "Fuck me. Give it to me like you want to . . . give it to me hard." Licking his lips, Stuart let Brian take his swollen cock and shepherd it into his body as he took short breaths and closed his eyes, trying to take it all without complaint. Stuart went slowly, anyway, truly having no desire to hurt Brian. He was all about pleasure at that moment and he wanted all three of them to feel good. Brian's cock reached up his belly as it swelled to its full length. Sweat stuck his light brown hair to his face and his perfect lips were infused with color. When he closed his eyes, he looked so young . . . and once again, Stuart was reminded of Nathan Maloney. He leaned forward on his hands and braced himself, spreading his knees for more leverage. His heart was pounding and his nipples itched and he felt his anus constricting hungrily. Brian was incredibly tight and his hot inner muscles squeezed Stuart's cock ruthlessly. He heard himself mumbling something about how good it felt and he looked down at Brian's handsome face, trying to discern if he was in any pain. Vince was kissing Brian deeply, their tongues wrestling and their noses brushing each other. Looking down at Brian's throbbing cock, Stuart licked his lips as he watched two big drops of pre-come pulse out of the slit and slide into the soft hairs on Brian's heaving belly. He reached down with his finger and scooped up the drops, then he sucked that finger into his mouth. Salty and tangy. Lovely. He started moving slowly at first, drawing his cock all the way out, then sliding back in with a bit more speed. He rolled his hips in that little figure-8 motion until he found all the tender spots inside Brian's body. Stuart could tell when he hit one because the lustful lad would moan loudly and his fingers would tense around Vince's arm. Stuart watched them kissing while he fucked Brian, his focus never leaving the soft connection of their mouths. He had no idea it would be so erotic to watch Vince with Brian. He'd seen his lover kissing blokes over the years but never anything like that. That sort of kissing had been reserved for Stuart over the last year. Instead of feeling jealous, Stuart just felt proud. And terribly, painfully aroused. He knew he was going to come any second so he slowed down and teased Brian's thighs with his fingertips, trying to increase the pleasure sensation for him. He could tell Brian was close, but not close enough, and he knew he wouldn't be able to hold out for as long as it would take to finish him off. Thinking quickly, he leaned forward enough to reach behind Brian into the night table drawer where he grabbed another condom. Vince looked up at him and Stuart held the new packet in his teeth. They smiled at each other as Stuart's hips worked more and more rapidly and then he was off-coming hard and panting as he rubbed his tingling cock in that hot, velvety ass. Vince took the new condom and opened it quickly, moving alongside his lover. Stuart paused long enough to roll the rubber on Vince's straining cock, then he lifted Brian by the backs of his knees. He slid out, then moved Brian over to Vince's lap and watched in salacious awe as Vince's cock entered that well-used but still unsatisfied hole. "Am I too much for you, Stuart?" Brian gasped-still cheeky even on the edge of an orgasm. Stuart winked at him. "Tonight you are," he said, sitting back on his knees to watch while Vince finished the task at hand. Brian squirmed at the new intrusion. Vince's cock was wider than Stuart's and was probably smarting a bit, but he didn't seem to mind too much. After a moment, they were rocking together in a quick, erotic rhythm, moaning and sighing and increasing their speed rapidly. Stuart reached around and pulled on Brian's aching cock and in a matter of seconds, they were both coming. Vince bowed his back and shoved his erection in as deep as possible as Brian bucked underneath him, his cock kicking in Stuart's hand. Grinning, Stuart got off the bed and went into the bathroom. He grabbed a hand towel and wet it with hot water, then grabbed a dry one as well, taking both back to the bed. Vince was lying on his side next to Brian and they were snogging again, both breathing hard and petting each other. "Christ, what a mess," Stuart teased, crawling back on the bed with the towels. He cleaned Vince first, fluffing his light brown pubic hair with the dry towel playfully. Brian sighed appreciatively at the touch of the warm towel and he kissed Stuart while he cleaned him. "That feels great . . ." he whispered. The three of them stretched out on the bed together with Stuart in the middle-on his back with Vince on the right and Brian on the left. As he toyed with their hair, he noticed how similar their coloring was. In another life, they could have been brothers. "Brian, how long are you in Manchester?" Vince asked, sleepily. "Tonight and tomorrow night." "You should stay with us . . . I mean, instead of at your hotel." "You'll most likely be here most of the time, anyway," Stuart said. Brian draped his arm over Stuart's belly and sighed, snuggling close. "Yeah. Maybe." He was almost asleep as well. Smiling, Stuart rested his head against Vince's and settled into the lovely warmth of those two beautiful bodies. (Monday night, early evening) Hazel: She saw Janice at the bar as just she came up the stairs at Via Fossa. Walking up behind her friend, she gave Nathan's mother a big hug. "How are you, luv?" Hazel asked, placing a kiss on Janice's cheek. "Actually, I'm doing quite well. And you? You look wonderful!" "Oh," Hazel brushed her hand through the air, dismissively. "I look the same, but you're sweet to say so. You haven't been waiting long, have you?" "No, actually, I ran into Nathan and Alex on the sidewalk just now. They were telling me about some handsome American bloke they met tonight who knew Vince and Stuart." "Really?" Hazel said, suddenly very curious. "Did they say his name?" Janice's brow wrinkled. "They did . . . hang on, I'll remember." She concentrated for a moment then her pretty face lit up. "That's it! Brian. His name was Brian. I don't think they told me his surname." "Hm. Funny. Vince has never mentioned having an American friend called Brian. Just that Kate, really." Janice brightened even further. "Right! That's how they know him- through Stuart's friend, Kate, in New York. Alex said this Brian told them he'd met Stuart when he was there visiting her a few months ago." Hazel frowned. "What?" Shaking her head, Hazel waved for the barman and ordered them two gin and tonics. "I just . . . I didn't care for that Kate. I had a feeling about her. She was too much like Stuart and they were just so too bloody close. Two peas in a pod." "You don't think he would be interested in her romantically!" Janice said, aghast. "Oh, God, no! What I mean is, she was just the same sort of personality as him-had a HUGE diamond on her finger and wasn't behaving the least bit married. If you know what I mean. She had an air of . . . too much independence and that usually spells trouble. I dunno. Might just be my imagination. But, I had the distinct feeling she was going to cause problems for my son. Vinnie didn't care much for her, either. Well, he said she was all right, but he was glad she was leaving because she took up so much of Stuart's time." Janice paid the barman when he brought their first round and the two women toasted each other. "Did Vince tell you that anything bad happened in New York?" She bit her lip thoughtfully. "No . . . but that certainly doesn't mean nothing DID. He doesn't tell me everything, you know. I am his mother." She smiled at Janice and they both laughed knowingly. Hazel sipped her drink. "Actually, he does tell me quite a lot." "Yes," Janice concurred. "I've always been envious of your close relationship with him." Hazel smiled warmly at the compliment. "Well, he's someone I would have chosen as a friend if I'd met him in another situation, so I'm sure that lends itself to our success. You and Nathan will get there, don't worry. He adores you." Janice shrugged, stirring the few ice cubes in her glass. "Perhaps. But he's nowhere near being friends with me at present." Hazel squeezed her arm gently. "Give it time. He'll come around." "Are they back from their holiday?" Janice asked. "Stuart and Vince?" "They were due back today," she said. "Haven't heard from Vinnie yet, though. They're probably knackered from traveling." "Alex said Brian was asking after them-asking if the lads were back from Scotland." Again, Hazel frowned. "I reckon Stuart became friendly with this Brian when he was in New York, but Vince has never once mentioned him. That bothers me for some reason." "Would Vince tell you if Stuart had an affair?" She took a deep breath, thinking about that question. "I can't be certain. I believe he would, but . . . now that they're so close and everything is all about their partnership . . . he's likely to be more protective of Stuart than when they were just mates. Before all this lovey stuff, Vince would whine and complain to me daily about Stuart's antics. But since they've been a couple . . . I actually hear very little complaining." "Well," Janice said, smiling. "Let's hope that's because there is little complaining to do." She and Hazel drank to that, but Vince's mother couldn't deny the creeping feeling of dread she felt upon learning about this Brian being in Manchester. She told herself she would have to ring them at their flat in a little while, just to say hello. Make sure everything was all right. Hazel's `mother's intuition' was piqued. * * * Kate: I'm staring at the phone, dying for it ring and dying even harder for it to be Stuart on the other end. Fuck, where ARE they???? I know they're back from their trip, he said he would be in the office tomorrow. I'm pulling my hair out wondering if Brian has found them. God, Stuart-just call me back!!! * * * (Very early Tuesday morning) Brian: He slept like a stone for almost four hours, waking up suddenly just before dawn. Lying on his side in the same position he'd fallen asleep, he stretched and adjusted the pillow under his head. Brian was tender inside and the backs of his thighs ached. He couldn't recall the last time he'd had his ankles in the air and he knew he would feel like a truck had hit him when he tried to get up and walk. Through his blurry eyes, he could see Stuart and Vince sleeping on the bed beside him. They were about two feet away from him on the large mattress, spooned against each other with Stuart in front. Vince's chin rested against the brunette's neck and his arm was wrapped around Stuart's waist. His relaxed hand cupped Stuart's cock and balls possessively. Brian wondered if they slept like that all the time or if it was an unconscious reaction to his presence in their bed. Either way, it was dead sexy and he couldn't stop looking at them. Sighing, he closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep, even though his jet lag was telling him he should be up and moving around. It was only nine at night to his body and he would normally be out dancing with Michael and the boys at that time. The sleeping couple stirred and he opened his eyes again, watching them. Stuart turned in Vince's arms and rolled his lover onto his back in their sleep. Stuart's lean legs slipped up around Vince's hips and he snuggled like that for a moment, burrowing his nose into Vince's neck. After tugging the comforter up over them, Vince's fingers sank into those black curls. They were both still asleep and all these actions were completely unconscious. Brian watched them for a long time. He wondered if Vince was even aware of Stuart's weight on top of him. He didn't seem to be. They just lay there, relaxed and sleeping, connected everywhere they possibly could be. Brian wondered what the proposal had been like. Had Stuart cried? He couldn't imagine. But if Stuart Jones would ever cry over something, it would only be something that had to do with his Vince. After watching them together that night, Brian wondered if they had any idea how fascinating they were. He didn't think he'd ever met two people more meant for each other. Soulmates. The real thing. What must that be like? Stuart stirred again, wiggling the comforter off them with his movements. He must have been too warm. With the cover gone, Brian could see that Vince's arms were around him, cradling him while they slept. Vince's face was turned toward Brian and he appeared to be sleeping soundly. Then his big blue eyes slid open. Brian smiled into his gaze and Vince smiled back. "Are we keeping you awake?" he whispered. Brian shook his head. "Jet lag. It's dinner time to my body." "Right. Do you want a sleeping pill?" "No, thanks. Go back to sleep. Didn't mean to wake you." "You didn't, HE did." Vince rolled onto his side gently, placing his sleeping lover on his back. He pulled the comforter up around Stuart's perfect naked body to warm him and the brunette groaned slightly as he reached for the pillow under his head, snuggling into it. "He always does that. Climbs on me when he's sleeping." Brian watched Stuart for a moment, thinking how innocent he looked while he slept. "He needs a lot of attention, doesn't he?" he whispered. Vince leaned his head on his hand and rubbed his sleepy eyes. "Yeah. I reckon he does. No bother, really. I can't stop giving him my attention so it works out just fine." He offered a slightly self-deprecating smile that Brian found terribly charming. "He really loves you," Brian said. Vince blushed slightly and looked away. "I'm sure you've noticed it's quite mutual." Brian took a deep breath, picking at the edge of the comforter that was draped over his belly. "Vince . . ." "Yeah?" "I just . . . wanted to say . . . I'm sorry about New York. I mean, I'm sorry to you. I still can't apologize for wanting him and for acting on it, but . . . when he said he had a boyfriend, that was just an abstract image to me. Boyfriend. Some vague, faceless person I didn't need to care about. But, then I met you and . . . I mean, it was already after the fact and too late and everything, but I just wanted to say. If I'd known you, I never would have done that." Vince had been watching him closely, seeming to listen carefully to every word he was saying. "Have you ever been in love, Brian?" "No. D oubt I ever will be." "Why is that?" Still picking the edge of the comforter, Brian frowned a bit. "I guess I just . . . don't require that." "That's shit," Vince said. "Everyone requires love. Different people need different types of love, is all. But we all need it." Brian shook his head. "I don't know, Vince. I can't imagine ever being in a relationship. Having a kid is weird enough. The whole love thing . . ." "You have a child?" "Yeah. A baby. He's only about a month old." Vince had the strangest expression on his face. He looked at once amused and frightened. "Let me guess," he said. "You have a close lesbian friend and she and her girlfriend wanted to have a child so they asked you to donate sperm." Brian blinked. "I must have told you about it, right?" "No," Vince said, laughing a little. "Stuart, are you awake?" Stuart groaned but didn't open his eyes. "I wish you bastards would zip it up so I could sleep," he muttered. Vince ignored him. "Wake up, luv. You've got to hear this." "Mmmmm . . . what . . ?" Vince whispered to him. "Brian's got a baby." Stuart looked at him, blinking a few times to clear his eyes. "What, with him?" "No. I mean, he has a baby at home. A boy, as well." "What do you mean, `as well'?" Brian said, suddenly very interested in this topic. "Stuart has a baby with his lesbian friend, Romey," Vince explained. "Well, Alfred's not a baby anymore, he's a year next month. But the situation is exactly the same. Romey and Lisa, her girlfriend, wanted to have a child and they asked Stuart to be the father." "That is so weird," Brian said, feeling a little chill. "It's not THAT weird," Stuart mumbled. "Happens every day. I know three different men that have done it and only one of them is gay." He rolled over again, turning into Vince's body and nestling. He sighed, apparently bored with the conversation and intending to go back to sleep. "Alfred, is it?" Brian asked Vince. "Yeah. He's lovely. Has Stuart's hair and Romey's eyes. Nice combination. There's photos of him all over the flat." "They're close-Stuart and his baby?" "Yeah," Vince said. "They get on well, in fact. He's quite good with children, even if he hates to admit it." "I don't hate it," he said against Vince's chest. "I just don't want to make a big deal out of it. I wanted him as much as Romey did, but I didn't want to be a full time father. Just . . . you know, around if he needs me." Vince looked up at Brian. "What about you? How do you feel about being a dad?" Brian breathed a laugh and pulled his fingers through his hair. "To tell you the God's honest, I really don't know how I feel yet. It's all just . . . overwhelming right now. It could have been me with Lindsay. We could have been together instead of her and that bitch Melanie." Vince chuckled. "I'm assuming you and Melanie don't get on." "Uh, no." "Well, that's another thing you two have in common." Stuart rolled onto his back to look at Brian. "Has she taken out a life insurance policy on you yet? Watch out for that. As soon as she does that, you can't trust anyone you meet. Anybody could be a hit man." Vince nudged him. "Oh, be fair. Lisa's not that bad. I rather like her, myself. She's quite lovely. Has these beautiful eyes." "You like everybody," Stuart said. "I don't. Didn't like Brian one bit when I first heard about him." Brian chuckled. "Yeah, I can imagine." Stuart sighed impatiently, sitting up on the mattress. He scrubbed his fingers through his curls and rubbed his eyes, yawning. "Why are you two awake? It's the middle of the bloody night." "You woke me up," Vince said. "And Brian wasn't sleeping. His body- clock is all off." "Right," Stuart said. "Do you want a Valium?" "Vince already peddled drugs, thanks. I'll just take a nap later." Stuart raised his eyebrows. "You think we're going to let you sleep later? We have plans for you. I'm sorry, lad, if you want to rest you'd better do it now." He grinned playfully, ruffling Brian's hair. "Come here." He laid back down, spooning up against Vince and reaching back for Brian's hand. "Lie next to me. You'll feel tired in a little bit. It's a body heat thing." He grinned with his dark blue eyes and laid his head back down. Brian and Vince made a human sandwich out of Stuart, wrapping their arms around his body and snuggling close. Brian took advantage of the opportunity to bury his nose in Stuart's neck, luxuriating in the soft tickle of his fragrant curls. He closed his eyes and relaxed, amazing himself by drifting right off. At half passed six, he woke up again and found he had rolled over onto his back. Stuart and Vince were still tangled together, their deep, even breathing matching each other's. Brian pulled on his jeans and crept quietly down to the kitchen where he located the kettle and filled it with water. He rooted around until he found a jar of instant coffee and then he leaned against the counter and waited for the water to heat. From there, he could look back and see his two delicious hosts sleeping peacefully in their bed together. He had to admit he really liked the way they seemed to predict one another's movements and thoughts. Something about it intrigued him-the synchronicity of it all. It was like watching the inner workings of a very fine timepiece. He took the kettle off the burner before the roiling water made too much noise, then he made himself a cup of coffee. Carrying the cup into the living room, he sat on the cushy brown leather couch and picked up the latest issue of Vanity Fair from off the coffee table. He leafed through it with mild interest, noting the how European everyone looked in the slick photos. The American aesthetic of beauty was so different from theirs. The only thing the two cultures really had in common was the language-and that was often in dispute. Brian set the magazine aside and looked around for something else to read. A bookcase beside the couch was stuffed with videotapes and notebooks and he figured that stuff must belong to Vince. Stuart was too self-absorbed to be a pack rat. Brian glanced at the two prone bodies up on the bed to determine that they were still sleeping. Satisfied that he wouldn't be seen, he reached into one of the shelves and slid out a worn-looking dark green notebook. Carefully, he opened the book on his lap and saw first a tiny plastic bag with a lock of dark hair in it. Stuart's hair, no doubt. Brian examined it closely and decided that it was. Just as he went to turn over the first page of the book, a rustling sound drew his eye up to the bedroom. Wrapped in a white blanket, Stuart padded down the steps and over to the living room where Brian sat. He rubbed his eyes and brushed a few arrant black curls off his forehead, then he wagged his finger at Brian. "You naughty boy. Put that back." Brian smiled, feeling embarrassed but knowing that it wouldn't show. He closed the green notebook and replaced it where he'd found it. "Sorry. I was curious." "Don't be sorry for that," Stuart said, his voice low. He walked over to the couch and sat down beside Brian-very close. Their legs were touching through the soft blanket and the rougher fabric of his jeans. "I read it, too. Vince's journals are very enlightening." "Anything good in that one?" Stuart shrugged. "Yeah . . . Some stuff I never knew about him." He looked at Brian directly, arresting him with those sapphire blue eyes. "Why are YOU so interested in Vince?" "I really didn't know that was his," Brian lied. He'd known the book belonged to Vince as soon as he'd seen the carefully preserved lock of black hair. "You didn't give me a chance to read anything, so don't worry. His secrets are safe." Stuart looked across the room at his lover who was still sleeping soundly in the big bed. The comforter almost obscured his body but they could both see him breathing evenly. "I think he has a ton more secrets than he's letting on." "Yeah?" Brian sipped his coffee, waiting with great interest for Stuart to elaborate. Stuart reached for Brian's steaming cup and drank a sip of his coffee. "Mm," he said upon tasting the instant brew. "That flavor reminds me of lean times. College." His smooth brow creased slightly and he seemed to be fending off an unpleasant memory. Stuart shook his head and returned his attention to the previous topic. "I just mean that Vince isn't one to share his experiences unless you ask him about them. Even then, he's quite vague. I think he's had loads of things happen to him that he's never said anything about. Once in awhile, I'll see something in his eyes . . . something . . . unusual. Nothing I've seen before. That's when I know he's remembering something that he hasn't ever told me." "Are you absolutely sure he's being faithful to you?" Brian asked. "No," Stuart said. "But you can't be absolutely sure about anyone, can you? I've never asked Vince if he's had other men since we've been together, so he's never told me. But that surely doesn't mean it hasn't happened." "Don't you think you would know?" "Probably." He sipped the coffee once more before handing the cup back. "But I'm not looking for it, am I? I'm just riding along in oblivion thinking he's never going to do anything wrong because he's Vince Tyler. And Vince Tyler would NEVER do anything wrong. He's too good." Brian watched the sexy Irishman closely while he spoke, noting the tinge of sarcasm in his tone. "Are you sure you're in love enough to get married?" Stuart looked at him sternly. "That question's rude." "Oh, and rude is an issue?" In spite of himself, Stuart snickered. "Fuck off. You Americans don't know how to behave." "Hey, now. Don't blame the whole country for the social flaws of one uncouth fag. Besides, I don't understand why you think I'm being rude. It's just a question." "A very personal question." Brian batted his eyes. "Stuart, you've had your dick in every reasonable orifice of my body over the last twelve hours. I guess I didn't think anything was too personal anymore." "Sex isn't intimacy," Stuart said. "Haven't you learned that?" "Oh, yeah," Brain said. "I've definitely learned that. So, ARE you in love enough to get married?" Stuart blinked, licking his lips. He stared at Brian for a moment before he offered his answer. "I've likely been in love with Vince enough to marry him ever since the first moment I saw him." "Ick," Brian teased. Stuart nudged him in the ribs with his blanket-covered knee. "You're a right twat, you know that?" This made Brian laugh and he covered his mouth to keep the sound down. "You never said that to Kate, did you?" "Of course I did," he said. "Unfortunately, that's a reflexive slang word for me. I can still feel the handprint on my cheek where she slapped me." "And you deserved it, believe me. That is not a pretty word. Especially for such a very pretty boy." Brian winked, reaching over to lift up the edge of the blanket that covered Stuart's belly. "You naked under there?" He peeked inside. Stuart breathed a little giggled, softly nuzzling Brian's ear. Feeling encouraged, Brian leaned forward to set his cup down on the table, then he shifted on the couch and turned to face the other man. He supported his weight with his hands on the soft backrest of the couch, then he bent forward and gave Stuart's lips a light kiss. The blanket had slid back enough to expose that lean, well-defined chest and Brian kissed his way down Stuart's neck until he came to those dark satiny nipples. He kissed them first-one at a time-then he sucked them, gently until he heard Stuart sigh. Brian lifted his chin and kissed that sexy boy again, marveling at how hot he felt and how quickly he'd become aroused. Stuart Jones did something to him. Something to which Brian Kinney was unaccustomed. His attraction for this man was palpable, mean almost. It made Brian weak and capable of stupid behavior. "You shouldn't touch me without Vince here, right?" Brian whispered. Kissing him, Stuart said, "I think the rules might have changed a bit now. But, be quiet anyway." "Ooohhhh, a secret?" His teeth captured Stuart's bottom lip and chewed a bit roughly. "Just a little one . . ." Opening the blanket, Stuart put his arms around Brian and pulled him down on top of him until they were both lying back on the soft leather couch. Stuart's hands quickly unbuttoned Brian's fly and pushed his jeans off, dropping them over the side and onto the floor. Brian sighed into Stuart's kiss, reaching down between them to touch both their cocks. He rubbed both of the hot, stiff shafts until they were straining and slick and then he pressed them together, spreading his legs on either side of Stuart's hips. He tilted forward with his weight on his arms, raised his hips back just a bit for the right position, then he started rubbing their erections together between their taut bellies. Stuart's thighs opened wantonly then gently gripped Brian's ass as he added his own rhythm to their movement. He swallowed and sighed, his beautiful eyes half-closed in lustful pleasure. His hot fingers pulled Brian's nipples and gently played with the hairs on his tummy- tugging them and smoothing them until Brian couldn't help moaning from the opposing sensation. He covered Stuart's mouth with his own and slid his tongue inside, wetly stroking all the sensitive spots in there. They ground against each other like schoolboys, rutting and grunting and grasping each other's bodies frantically, trying to make sure the other did not break the contact. They rode against each other, panting, both of them beginning to sweat a little. Stuart's fingers dug into Brian's hips, holding on to the bones there and guiding his motions to the left slightly. His lean, agile right leg came up around Brian's back and braced against him-giving him just the right amount of leverage. Stuart plunged his tongue into Brian's mouth as he started coming, trembling hard as his hot seed wet Brian's throbbing cock. Brian's orgasm was delicious and it felt like being tickled all over at once. He moaned against Stuart's damp neck, rubbing his cock frantically up and down in that warm, slick space between them. Just the right friction, just the right pressure. Oh, yes. It was good to be a boy. He collapsed on top of Stuart, licking the salty skin of his neck ravenously. God, he tasted good. Brian reached down between them quickly and collected a dollop of Stuart's semen while it was still warm. He tasted it like he'd wanted to for ages. Stuart watched him put his fingertip into his mouth and then lick his lips, never taking his eyes off Brian's face. "Nice?" he asked, whispering again. "You taste so clean," Brian told him. "How do you do that?" "I have no idea. Really. I think my spunk tastes terrible." Brian smiled, rolling off to the side and stretching out. "I love doing that. Belly fucking. It's so hot." Stuart sat up and reached over Brian's head to the window ledge behind the couch. He pulled a few sheets of tissue out of a box sitting there and wiped his skin clean. Brian watched him do this with mild fascination and then out of the corner of his eye, he saw Vince walking down the bedroom steps and coming toward them. He was carrying something in his hand-something that flashed in the low morning light. Brian squinted at the object trying to figure out what it was. As Vince got closer, he held the shining thing up and Brian realized it was a silver hairbrush. "Uh oh . . ." Stuart said, eyeing his approaching lover playfully. "I'm in trouble." Vince was smiling but he was trying to be stern. He stood beside Stuart holding the brush up so they could both see it clearly. "You know you deserve it," Vince said. Stuart rolled his eyes and sighed dramatically, then he tugged Brian's legs and moved him on the couch so he was sitting up again. Stuart laid over Brian's lap, stretching out with his head supported on his folded arms. Brian stroked the smooth, warm skin of that perfect ass. "It was really my fault," Brian said. "I put the moves on him." "Oh, don't worry," Vince told him. "You'll get yours." He winked at Brian as he knelt down on the rug in front of him, pressing the back of the silver brush to Stuart's buttocks. Vince held Stuart's chin so they were looking at each other. "You were being bad, having Brian when I was sleeping. You know that, right?" Stuart nodded. He knew. "So, now I have to spank you. It's the only way to punish you." Again, the brunette nodded and Brian felt his cock twitch against his own thigh. He was amazed by Stuart's resilience. He didn't think he'd be able to get hard again that quickly himself. He set the brush on Stuart's lower back then pet his skin, lovingly. Without letting go of his lover's chin, Vince reached down between his legs and gently urged his thighs apart. Brian could see him cupping Stuart's balls-weighing them. He looked at Vince curiously. "He's still full," the cute one said, softly. "He needs to come again. At least once more." Brian shook his head. "Damn, how much sex do you give this boy, Vince? He's a fucking nympho." Vince chuckled softly. "I'm afraid that has nothing to do with me. He was born that way." He picked up the brush again and pressed it to Stuart's cheeks again, then he turned it over and gently scraped the soft bristles down the insides of Stuart's thighs. He sighed and shivered and Brian felt Stuart's cock lengthen and heat up with blood. Vince turned the brush over again and smacked Stuart's right cheek quickly. The sound was great-a perfect, crisp crack of metal on skin. Clearly, Vince had done this before. His touch was deft and expert. Brian watched in quiet amazement as this seemingly innocent blue eyed Englishman spanked his ornery lover's ass repeatedly with that silver brush. Stuart's cheeks reddened under the loving onslaught and he bounced and wiggled on Brian's lap, his hot cock damp and throbbing against Brian's thigh. Vince's technique was almost staggering. He used quick, gentle smacks for sound value and every once in a while he would actually give Stuart's ass a good hard spank with the brush to keep up the level of tenderness on his skin. The session went on for almost five minutes and then Stuart lunged off Brian's lap and tackled Vince down on his back on the rug, kissing him ferociously. The brush went skittering out across the wood floor near the kitchen. Stuart backed his lover against the ottoman in front of the fuzzy white chair near the telly. Vince's lovely face was flushed with lust and the exertion of spanking and he caught Brian's eye just as Stuart hoisted his legs up over his shoulders. Vince held onto the cushion of the ottoman with his arms and groaned as he was impaled. His eyes slid closed in abject pleasure and Brian reached for his own swelling erection. They fucked frantically while he watched, moving with such practiced precision that Brian was mesmerized-and brutally turned on. In no time, they were both shouting and coming and Vince's fingers were tangled in Stuart's hair, pulling the curls gently as they rocked against each other. Brian's fist flew on his tingling cock and then it erupted, splattering semen across his belly. It was like having his own live-action porn movie and Brian grinned. They all just stayed where they were for a few minutes, catching their breath and calming down. Vince rolled over on top of Stuart and gently separated their connection from that position. Then he stood up and reached down for Stuart's hand. He led Stuart back to the couch and laid him down, covering him with the white blanket. Stuart rolled onto his side and snuggled up like a little kid, closing his eyes. Vince stood there naked, watching him for a moment until Stuart fell asleep. Then he looked at Brian and offered that deceptively sweet smile. "Hungry?" Laughing softly at the absurdity of the question, Brian nodded. "Yeah, actually. I'm starving." Vince nodded toward the kitchen. "I'll make breakfast. Be right back." He went up to the bedroom and grabbed his pajama bottoms and a t-shirt while Brian wriggled back into his jeans. Walking up to the kitchen counter, Brian sat down and watched while Vince went about making them a proper pot of coffee. "We both have to work today," Vince told him. "But we'll be home by five. Feel free to stay here if you'd like." Brian ran his hands through his hair to straighten it. "Actually, I think I'll probably just get going." Vince opened the fridge and took out a loaf of bread. "Why? Thought you were staying the night with us." He was flirting and Brian loved it, feeling a little rush in his belly at the sight of the expression. "I know . . . but I think I've changed my mind." "Was it something I said?" Vince asked. He shook his head. "Not at all. I just . . ." He glanced back at the couch where Stuart was sleeping soundly in a bundle of white blanket. "What?" Vince said, putting two slices of bread into the toaster. He walked over to where Brian was sitting and leaned on the counter across from him. Taking a deep breath, Brian said, "I think I like him too much." "I could have told you that," Vince said, smirking. "In fact, you might actually have feelings for him. I could see it on you last night. And now . . . just then. When I caught your eye right before he put his cock in me . . . I could see it." Brian just looked at him for a moment before he continued. "Maybe it's YOU I have feelings for." Vince shook his head. "Nah. You fancy me and you like me, but you're interested in Stuart. He's got your attention on a deeper level." He shrugged, dismissively. "I wouldn't feel bad about it. Everyone falls in love with Stuart. In a way, it's inevitable." "I'm actually very interested in you, as well," Brian said. "You're the one who managed to tame that wild little kitten." Vince raised his eyebrows. "Stuart seems tamed to you?" Brian had to think about that. "Maybe `tamed' is the wrong word. He seems . . . calm. Secure. Enough so that he's willingly staying put. I'm dying to know how you did that." "Well," Vince said. "I haven't done anything like that. In fact, I've insisted on him being himself-warts and all. I fell in love with him just like he is. If I wanted something different, I would have chosen a different man." Brian grinned. "So, you just let him play, then? Let that little kitten chase all those shiny toy balls across the rug until he wears himself out." Vince smiled. "Exactly. And then he always curls up in MY lap." The toast sprang up and he turned around to take it out. Setting the hot bread on a plate, he placed it in front of Brian with a knife and some orange marmalade. "My mother made that. It's quite lovely." "Great," he said, opening the little jar. Vince brought him some fresh butter as well then put two more slices of bread in the toaster for himself. "Can I ask you something?" Brian said. "Sure." He spread some of the butter on one of the slices of toast, looking at Vince with his chin lowered. "You and Stuart are both incredible lovers but your styles are completely different." "Meaning?" "Meaning . . . you didn't learn from him, as would be the obvious assumption." Vince grinned, turning around to check the kettle. He scooped some coffee into the chrome and glass press while he seemed to consider his response. "Well, I've learned about his body and how to please him specifically, but no . . . he wasn't my initial teacher. Every time he would have some bloke, I'd have to hear all the gory details about it in the morning and I actually learned a great deal about what he likes from that. He probably didn't realize he was schooling me in how to please him, but he was. I used all that information to my advantage when we first became lovers. He kept telling me how amazed he was at my skills when the truth of it all was that I had just been a really good listener." Brian spread some of the sweet smelling marmalade on his toast and bit into it. Vince had been right, it was very good. Around that mouthful, he went on. "Have you ever cheated on him?" Vince looked at him but said nothing. He only smiled and took the steaming kettle off the burner. Brian chuckled. "Okay, fine. You're not saying. That's cool. What about before?" "What do you mean?" He poured hot water onto the granules in the press about half way up, then swirled the water around to wet all the loose coffee. The scent of the brewing grounds filled the kitchen immediately. "I'm imagining it was something like this," Brian said. "You guys would go out to the bars together and he would pick someone up. He'd go off and leave you and not see you again until the next day. There's a ton of time there that you never had to account for. He would never ask you what you did, right? He'd never ask if you got laid after he went off with his trick for the night." Leaning on the counter by the cooker, Vince squinted thoughtfully. "He would only ask me about the blokes I pulled if he actually SAW me do it with his own eyes. Otherwise, you're right. What he didn't see, he di
n't know existed. Hence, he never asked." |
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