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Monsters, Castles and Lochs Part 1 (continued) |
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Stuart/ Vince/ Brian |
NC-17 | First-Time, Drama, AU | Both DeAnna Zankich Sequel is | Cloudbusting Summary: Brian, Stuart, and Vince meet up once again, and fun ensues. Warnings: None |
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Stuart smiled at him lovingly, then
he peeled off his shirt and tossed it out on the bedroom floor. "Are you
saying you won't have a bath with me?" He took two steps across the narrow
bathroom and then their bodies were pressed together. He could feel Vince's
cock begin to harden in response to the contact. "'Course I'll have a bath with you . . ." he said, his fingers drawn toward Stuart's naked belly. Kissing his forehead gently, Stuart tickled Vince's earlobes with his fingertips. "How about some of that nice wine from last night?" After a moment, Vince nodded, warming to his lover's sensual touch. He took his time kissing Stuart's lips, running his tongue along the plump bottom one slowly. "You get undressed and get in the water," Stuart said. "I'll be right back." He touched his finger to the tip of Vince's nose then made his way to the kitchen. They had opened a bottle of wine the night before and had only shared one glass of it. Stuart brought the bottle and a clean glass back up to the bathroom, just in time to see Vince leaning over the edge of the tub, naked, testing the water with his fingers. He stood in the doorway and just watched his boyish lover for a moment, taking in the smooth curve of his back, the solid definition of his arms and the lovely roundness of his ass. Stuart's eyes fixed on the way the low light played on the short blonde hairs at the back of Vince's neck. He wanted to put a hundred soft, sucking kisses there. Walking over to the tub, he sat on the edge of it and poured some wine into the glass. He swirled it around and sniffed the aroma, then he took a deep sip. Vince turned off the water and stepped into the tub a bit gingerly at first, then he sat down in the hot water slowly. "Want me to bathe you?" Stuart asked. "I want you to get in." He handed Vince the glass of wine and stood up to remove his sweats. Stuart grabbed the camera off the counter behind him and set it on the floor by the tub, then he stepped into the water. "I don't want ANYTHING like what he sent us," Vince warned. Stuart shook his head, smiling. "'Course not. That wouldn't suit your personality, anyway. I just want him to see what you look like." "Why?" "Because," Stuart said, taking the glass and sipping from it. He reached over the edge of the tub for the bottle and filled the glass almost to the rim again. "I want to show you off. Why else?" He gave Vince the glass then reached behind him up into the chrome shelves beside the tub. Moving a few bottles of scented bath oil around, he found a book of matches, then he proceeded to light the votives at the corners of the tub. "We need just enough light." "Is there a flash on the camera?" Vince asked, his eyes widening in self-conscious alarm. "I'm sure we can turn it off." He lit four of the small candles then arranged them along the ledge behind Vince's head. Settling down into the steaming water, Vince drank the wine and visibly tried to relax. "I'm quite nervous," he said, smiling shyly. "I know and it's killin' me." Stuart leaned forward and kissed his lover deeply, tasting the ripe red flavor of the wine on his lips. "You're so bloody adorable. I can't believe that after all this time you're still shy with me." He brushed their noses together slowly, feeling his nipples tighten as his lips grazed the silky blonde stubble above Vince's upper lip. Their eyelashes flirted as they exchanged gentle kisses and Stuart felt his lover's shyness begin to melt away. Stuart reached into the soap dish for the fragrant jasmine and mint scented bar Vince liked. It made great, silky lather and Stuart scooted close to him under the water so he could spread the soap all over Vince's skin with his hands. He used slow, even strokes and circles, smiling as he watched his lover relax and succumb to the pleasure of the light massage. Vince slid down in the tub, his thighs opening around Stuart's hips. Caressing his hands down along Vince's belly, Stuart reached under the water and covered his lover's swelling cock with the satiny lather. He didn't want to arouse Vince too much, he just wanted to get his blood flowing. Soft, pulling strokes up and down the stiff shaft got him sighing and tensing his abs and Vince moaned quietly. Stuart spread his hands down along Vince's thighs under the water, stroking the skin very slowly. Vince opened his eyes and looked at him, the wineglass dangling from the ends of his fingers over the edge of the tub. "Stay there," Stuart said, sweetly surprised by what he was seeing. "Don't move." He reached up and dried his hands on the towel hanging on the wall by the tub then he picked up the camera. He examined it quickly, sorting out how the slick little device worked, then he brought it to his face and looked through the viewfinder. The focusing was automatic so all he had to do was frame the image to his liking. He moved a bit to the right, then down slightly and then he saw what he wanted to see. He pressed the button that froze the image onto the memory card and then he looked down at the back panel of the camera. There it was on the tiny display screen-the exact image he'd seen through the lens. Vince lounging in the steamy water, candles glittering behind him and framing his handsome face and blondish hair in a halo of warm yellow light. His chest was just barely visible above the soapy water, his pinkish brown nipples wet and ripe for sucking. "Look," he said, grinning broadly. He held the camera to the side so Vince could see the small image there. "See how lovely you are?" He laughed and blushed madly, shaking his head. "All right. If you say so." Stuart saved the image and set the camera aside, slipping his hands under the water again. "Brian will think so, too," he said. "He'll probably get on a plane and fly here as soon as he sees it." Vince rolled his eyes and sipped the wine again, holding the glass up for Stuart to drink. He tipped the glass against Stuart's bottom lip and gently poured a bit of the wine into his mouth. Stuart smiled with his eyes and swallowed. Reaching behind himself, Stuart flipped the drain lever and let about two inches of water out of the tub. The difference in the water line had exposed Vince's torso and the tip of his erect cock. The swollen organ extended up his belly in a strong, straight line, the flared head glistening with tiny soap suds and pre-come. Stuart dried his hands again and went for the camera. "Stuart, no . . ." Vince started to move, but Stuart stopped him with a hand on his knee. "Please stay still. Please. Vince . . ." His eyes moved over his lover's body greedily. "You just have no idea . . . trust me. You're beautiful." He brought the camera to his eye again, that time turning it so the image would be framed vertically and he adjusted the lens to pull in close-up. He kept closing in until all that was in view was Vince's body from the tops of his knees up to the spidery edges of his eyelashes. Stuart took the photo and then looked down at the image to make sure it was exactly right. "Perfect," he said, moving to show Vince, but he shook his head. "No. I don't want to see it," he said, his cheeks darkening with a furious blush. "I don't think I can handle it." Stuart sighed, but figured he shouldn't be pushy. He was probably lucky Vince even allowed him to take that last photo. He set the camera down again, then reached for the wineglass, taking two deep swallows. Placing another kiss on Vince's lips, Stuart stood up and got out of the tub. "Where you going?" Vince said, pouting. "I'm going to see if the reader works. I'm excited. I can't wait." He grabbed a towel out of the shelf and quickly dried off, taking the camera with him down to the computer. He wrapped the towel around his waist and sat in the chair, clicking the little icon for the image reader. He transferred the memory card from the camera into the reader then clicked on the small image that appeared on the screen. After a few seconds, that first perfect photo of his lover appeared in beautiful relief on the monitor. "Oh, excellent!" he squealed. "Vince, this is fantastic! Wait `til you see." "Oh, God," he groaned from the tub. "Can I send them to Brian?" Stuart said, expecting a barrage of protests from his lover, but instead-Vince said nothing. "Did you hear me?" "I heard you." "Well, can I send them to him?" He walked back up to the bathroom doorway and leaned there, looking down at his lover still soaking in the tub. "You're pimping me," Vince said, clearly fighting a grin. Stuart burst out laughing. "You're right!! I AM!! So, can I?" "Bastard," Vince muttered, but he was laughing, too. "Come on . . . just say yes. The photos look beautiful. He'll be green with envy at my gorgeous lover. And . . ." Stuart tilted up one eyebrow, rakishly. "He'll have some lovely images of you to look at while he has a wank. You know what HE looks like, why shouldn't he know what you look like?" Vince just shook his head. "You'll send those photos to him whether I want you to or not. My permission is moot." "That's completely untrue, you twat," Stuart said, gently. "I won't send them if you really don't want me to. But I'm going to drive you mad beggin' until you let me!" Vince sighed patiently, then sat up and finished the glass of wine. Flipping the drain lever on the tub, he stood up and pulled down the towel hanging on the wall. "I want to see them first," he said, rubbing his skin dry. "Of course," Stuart said. He stopped Vince in the doorway and kissed him, wrapping his arms around his waist. "Why won't you let me be proud of you?" "It's not that." "What, then? You're so sexy to me . . ." Stuart whined slightly trying to be more convincing. He held Vince's face in his hands and feasted on his bottom lip in that way he knew his lover liked. Little nips of the plump flesh, then a soft, insistent sucking. Vince got hard again instantly. "I just . . . mmm, I love that . . . I just feel like . . ." "What? Tell me." Sighing uncomfortably, Vince squirmed in Stuart's arms. "Well, you and Brian are . . . both so . . . sexual and sure of yourselves." He frowned, seeming to search for the words that eluded him. "I'm . . . shy, I suppose." Stuart gave him a sweet, loving smile. "Come down and look. I want you to see what I see." He took Vince's hand and lead to him to the desk, sitting him down in the chair. Vince looked at the image on the screen-the first one Stuart had taken that was just of his face and chest. Even he had to admit the photo was quite nice. It was lit beautifully and had transferred to the computer very clearly. Stuart stood behind him and rubbed his shoulders while he examined the photo silently. "See?" Stuart said. "You're completely lovely. Now, let's see the other one." He reached over and moved the mouse, selecting the other small image and clicking on it. Once it loaded and spread out on the screen, the image took his breath away. "Oh, look at THAT! Vince, you have to let me send that to Brian. He'll DIE. I might die!" "Hush!" he groaned miserably, covering his face. "Christ, Stuart. I can't stand it. No, you can't send them." In a flash, Stuart swung his leg around and straddled Vince's lap, pulling his hands away from his face. "You've got to be joking. Are we looking at the same photos?" "We're looking at the same photos, we're just SEEING them very differently. Bloody hell, Stuart, I said no. I'm too embarrassed. Let's take some of you and send them to Brian." He rolled his eyes. "Brian already knows what I look like. Every bloody part of me, in fact. I want him to see why I refused him." Vince looked at him, incredulously. "That doesn't make sense." Taking a deep breath, Stuart said, "it makes sense to me. And it will to Brian, as well. Trust me." He smiled again, pulling out his most coquettish, flirty little grin. "Pleeeease let me send them? I really, really, really want to . . ." Vince couldn't help chuckling a little. "You're mad, you are." Finally, he sighed and relented. "Fine. Send the bloody photos to Brian." Gleefully, Stuart stood up just long enough to turn himself around, then he sat back down in Vince's lap, facing the computer. He felt his lover's hands slide around his waist and Vince kissed the back of his neck softly. "I love having you in my lap," he whispered. Stuart wriggled around, playfully. "I love BEING in your lap." He went to the email program and typed in Brian's address. To: BrianKinny@Pittserv.com From: S&V@demon.uk Brian, Thought I'd share. Stuart. (attachments) ****************** He inserted the photos and then sent the message, settling back against Vince's body in the chair. "You know, we should just move the sofa over here." "Or move the computer over to the bed," Vince suggested. Stuart giggled, leaning his head back for a kiss. "We should get back to the list while we're waiting." "In a minute," Vince said. His fingers tugged the little knot that was holding Stuart's towel around his lean waist and worked it loose. Softly, he tickled the insides of Stuart's thighs, the delicious sensation making him hard instantly. Vince licked his neck and gently chewed his ear lobes, pressing his own erection against his lover's backside. "Are we shaggin', then?" Stuart asked. "Certainly looks that way," Vince answered, rocking forward to stand them both on their feet. He took Stuart's hand and led him back up to the bedroom. * * * Brian: Upon returning from a long lunch meeting, Brian flopped into his chair and put on his headset to check the voicemail. While he punched in the endless code numbers to get into the system, he looked over the emails he'd gotten while he was out. Bypassing several work- related addresses, he went directly to Stuart and Vince's, clicking the message open. "Ooohh . . ." he said to himself, reading the quick note and moving the cursor down to the first attached photo. "What have we here, Stuey?" The image opened immediately with his fast server and Brian's eyes widened. "Sweet!" He scrolled down the large image, taking in all the details of Vince Tyler's face and his naked chest. "It's clear to me now," Brian murmured. "I'd marry him, too." He went to the other image and opened it, his jaw dropping when it appeared on the screen. "Ouch. You just want to bite him right there-" Brian touched his finger to the screen right over Vince's tight belly. "Yum. Nice, thick cock. Damn. Thank you, Stuart." He closed the images momentarily and clicked the reply icon. Reply To: S&V@demon.uk From: BrianKinney@Pittserv.com SJ Looks, money, wit, charm and a fucking delectable squeeze. Bastard. BK ****************** * * * Vinc e: Sti ll flushed from his orgasm, Vince put on his robe and went down to the kitchen for some water. He'd left Stuart napping under the comforter. As he passed the computer, he stopped and looked at the `new message' prompt a bit guiltily. He knew he shouldn't read it until Stuart woke up, but the temptation was brutal. Sighing, he figured he'd be forgiven after all the stress he'd gone through trying to decide if they should send the photos at all. Vince sat down at the desk and opened the message, reading it quickly. He couldn't help but smile. Clicking the `reply' icon, he started typing. Reply To: BrianKinney@Pittserv.com From: S&V@demon.uk Brian, Stuart's having a nap right now as I just shagged him within an inch of his life. Saw your message and thought I'd say hello. Glad you enjoyed the photos. I was quite shy about sending them. Guess I'm just not as confident as you and my boyfriend. Any more images you'd like to share with us? Vince *********************** He sent the message, then went to the kitchen for a bottle of water. By the time he came back, Brian had replied. Reply To: S&V@demon.uk From: BrianKinney@Pittserv.com Hey, Vince. If Stuart's asleep, aren't you breaking the rules by mailing me? B ************************** Vince read the reply and thought about it for a moment before he wrote back. Reply To: BrianKinney@Pittserv.com From: S&V@demon.uk He IS here, he's just asleep. I don't think he'll mind tonight. What are you wearing? *************************** He chuckled to himself at the silly clich, taking a deep drink of the cool water. Brian's reply flashed on the screen momentarily. Reply To: S&V@demon.uk From: BrianKinney@Pittserv.com I'm at work right now so I'm all trussed up in a Hugo Boss suit. Dark gray double-breast with a teal shirt and tie. My black Kenneth Cole's. Being freshly fucked, I'm assuming you're naked. At least I'm hoping you are. When were those pix taken, anyway? ************************** Vince set the bottle down on the desk and typed his response. Reply To: BrianKinney@Pittserv.com From: S&V@demon.uk Believe it or not, they were taken about an hour ago in our bathtub. We were making sure we knew how to use our new camera before we went on holiday this weekend. And, yes. I'm naked, but I'm in my robe. It's a bit chilly in Manchester tonight. *************************** Just as he pressed `send', he heard Stuart's footsteps padding across the hard wood floor. His heart leapt in his chest and he turned to his lover with a sheepish little smile. "Sorry," he said. "I was so anxious about the photos, I couldn't wait to read his reply." Stuart rubbed his eyes sleepily and walked over to the chair, naked. He sat in Vince's lap and kissed him on the lips. "You are so naughty," he said, his voice still a bit raw from sleeping. "Where's that hairbrush?" Vince giggled, blushing like mad and cuddling Stuart close to keep him warm. "Did he like them?" Stuart asked, turning to the screen. "What's he said?" "Here," Vince opened the last of the messages and let Stuart scroll through his whole exchange with Brian. He seemed to especially like Brian's initial response. "Told you," he said, grinning proudly. "He's jealous of me, now. I like that." Vince just shook his head. Just then, Brian's reply to Vince's last message appeared. Stuart clicked it open. Reply To: S&V@demon.uk From: BrianKinney@Pittserv.com Where are you guys going this weekend? Can I come along? *********************** Stuart leaned over to type a reply. Reply To: BrianKinney@Pittserv.com From: S&V@demon.uk Brian, I'll be shagging Vince in the Highlands this weekend. No, you can't come along. But we'll be thinking of you occasionally. Stuart ************************** He sent the message then snuggled back into Vince's arms, shivering slightly. "Put something on," Vince said. "Don't want to. Just hang onto me." Vince did so, gladly. They only had to wait a few moments before Brian wrote back. Reply To: S&V@demon.uk From: BrianKinney@Pittserv.com Scotland, eh? Sounds romantic. I'll look forward to being thought of. Occasionally. Shag. You guys are actually serious about that word, aren't you? It's not just an Austin Powers thing, after all. ************************* They both laughed when they read that last line. "Bloody Yanks," Stuart grumbled, typing his response. Reply To: BrianKinney@Pittserv.com From: S&V@demon.uk We have no comment to that. Enjoy the photos of Vince while we're away. We'll talk to you early next week. Stuart and Vince ************************** Stuart turned to his lover in the chair. "Let's go back to bed. I'm tired." "We haven't eaten," Vince said. "We'll eat later. I really just want to snuggle with you and sleep right now." Not being one to ever turn down an offer of snuggling with Stuart Jones, Vince let himself be lead back to bed. * * * Stuart: Vince was terribly pale as the plane took off on Friday. He gripped the handles of the first class seat and grit his teeth as the jet's nose lifted into the brisk Manchester morning. Reaching over, Stuart squeezed his lover's cold hand and placed a kiss beside his ear. "It's all right," he said, soothingly. "It's a really short flight. We'll be there in no time. Just hold my hand and keep breathing." Vince turned to him and tried to smile. He was so beautiful when he was feeling that vulnerable. Stuart just had to kiss him. Vince had packed and repacked three different times before he was finally satisfied with what he brought. Stuart could tell he was nervous, but he wasn't sure why. True, they hadn't been away together in ages, but that didn't seem like enough of a reason for his lover to be so jumpy. Maybe it was just the flight. Vince truly hated to fly. Stuart had taken that into consideration, but the train ride to Inverness from Manchester was over eight hours and involved at least two changes. Too much trouble for such a short weekend. Stuart hoped Vince would relax once they arrived at the hotel. Or at least the surprise of being so close to Loch Ness might distract him from whatever was bothering him. Holding Vince's hand tightly, Stuart kissed his cheek again. The flight was blessedly uneventful and the driver was waiting for them outside baggage claim in Inverness. The white-haired man held up a sign that read "Mr. Jones" and Vince playfully burst into a chorus of "Me and Mrs. Jones" but replaced the Mrs. with his Mr. "Oh, that's the first time I've EVER heard that," Stuart said, sarcastically, but he was glad to see Vince's sense of humor had returned. Must have just been the flight that had him edgy. The driver took them down the extremely scenic A82 toward a province called Invergarry. The morning was bright and sunny but cold and the heater was on in the plush towncar Stuart had hired. Vince looked out the window with wide eyes as the narrow road wound through dense trees and steep hillsides. "Oh my God," he murmured. "It's so lovely." Stuart watched him looking at the scenery and he just smiled. And then, the road turned wide and a sign appeared on the left indicating they were approaching Loch Ness. Stuart watched Vince lean forward, his eyes sharply focused and intent as the large, gray body of water loomed up ahead. "Stuart, look . . ." he said with childlike wonder. "Can't you just FEEL it?" Stuart rested his chin on Vince's shoulder and looked out the window at the huge lake. Of course Stuart had seen Loch Ness on maps and in pictures and nature programs where it looked like nothing more than a narrow runnel of water snaking through the Great Glen. But up close its dark, choppy expanse reached on and on through the sloping Highland hills, fed by the cold North Atlantic miles away and ancient as time itself. Anything could be in there and the air around the shoreline felt palpably charged with possibility. He scooted close to Vince on the seat and put his arms around his waist. "It is quite ominous, isn't it?" he said. "I just KNOW she's out there," Vince said, wistfully. "I've got to get out on one of those boats with all the sonar equipment and see if I can find her." He looked back at Stuart with his eyes sparkling. "Maybe she's just been waiting for ME to come along. A friendly face that won't try to lock her up in a zoo or anything." Stuart kissed his lover's cheek. "Well, then I reckon you won't mind that I went ahead and got you a ticket on a boat just like that. It goes out tomorrow morning and you spend the whole day going all `round the lake looking for evidence of the monster. I thought it was shit when I first read about it, but Sandra did some research and found out that this tour is actually run by scientists and marine biologists-people that do this all the time because they're obsessed. I mean, in company like that you never know WHAT you might find." Vince just stared at him with frank amazement. "Oh my God! You did that for me?" "'Course I did. Couldn't bring you all the way up here and not have you go out and look for Nessie. What's the point of coming to Scotland otherwise?" He grinned hugely and turned around, giving Stuart a tight hug. "That is completely fantastic! Oh. My. God. I'm so excited!" Stuart almost exploded from happiness and he hugged Vince back as hard as he could. "I thought you might like that." Vince touched his forehead to Stuart's and looked in his eyes. "It must have been expensive, though." He just shook his head. "Vince, who cares? Just go and enjoy it. That's the point, after all." "You're not coming with me?" "I'd just annoy you, complaining about the cold and being a skeptical bastard. You don't want me there." "Are you saying you don't believe in her?" Vince said, incredulously. Stuart shrugged. "Well . . . don't you think that if some huge dinosaur was swimming around in Scotland all these years that someone would have found it by now?" "That's because she doesn't WANT to be found," Vince insisted. "How else do you think she's survived all this time?" He smiled brightly then turned back to the window. He held Stuart's hand as he watched the dark water pass. "Ah, I can just feel it, Stuart. I know she's there." He sighed, smiling at Vince's enthusiasm. "Well, then she probably is." Vince stared out the window transfixed until they left Loch Ness behind on their way to the hotel. * * * Vince: The driver had to double back because he missed the turn off for the remote Glengarry Castle Hotel. Down a damp, tree-darkened gravel road the car passed the medieval ruins of the old Glengarry castle that was surrounded by a chain link fence to protect it from tourists. About half a mile further, the road opened up into the neatly landscaped carpark of the hotel. Stuart had only seen the hotel in brochure photos that truthfully hadn't done the place much justice. The reality of the homey gray building was far more than he'd hoped for. It was lovely, actually. Warm and quaint with just enough of an air of antiquity to make it charming, but not so much as to make it seem run down. The driver brought their bags through the rustic entrance and up to the front desk where a young redheaded girl greeted them. Her nametag read "Monique". "Mr. Jones and Mr. Tyler?" she said in a musical Australian accent. "Yes," Vince said, seeming delighted by her knowing their names. "How are you?" "Wonderful, thanks. I trust your journey was nice," she continued. "You came up from Manchester, right?" Monique glanced down at the reservation book. "Right," Vince said. "It was fine, yeah. Although, I'm not much of a flyer." She laughed, politely. "Neither am I. We're just about to start serving lunch, so you're just in time. We'll get you settled into your suite and then you can come down to the dining room whenever you like." Stuart approached the desk and began filling out the short check in form. A young man in a blue sport coat came to take their bags to their room. Vince glanced around at the paintings and interesting decorations that lined the lofty but small lobby. There were two rooms off the main hallway that appeared to be lounges or sitting rooms. Through the open doors, Vince could see that both rooms were flanked by windows overlooking the shimmering Loch Oich. Wonderful cooking smells filled the entire space and his stomach rumbled. "It's completely lovely," he said softly, for Stuart to hear. The handsome brunette winked at him as he finished with the checking in procedure. "Right," the cute redheaded girl said. "Here's the key and William here will show you the way. Mr. Jones, I believe we've taken care of all your requests for the room this afternoon but if there's anything we might have missed, don't hesitate to ring." "I'm sure it'll be fine," Stuart said. "Thank you." He took the key and they followed the young man who'd taken their bags up a wide set of carpeted stairs that creaked nicely under their weight. Stuart hooked Vince's fingers with his own as they ascended, offering him a secret smile. Vince's blood rushed at the sight of that smile and he had to look away, shyly. He imagined that must be what a bride felt like on her way to the honeymoon suite-full of anticipation and secret desires but scared to death all the same. Something about being in a posh hotel with Stuart was making everything between them seem different- more serious. In one way, it was a lovely feeling, but it was also a bit troubling. Their room was on the third floor and it overlooked Loch Oich like the windows downstairs. The young man called William opened the door for them and ushered them into a beautifully appointed suite with a warm fire crackling on the stone hearth. Vince's eyes passed quickly around the room, gathering all the details at once. The main room had a small balcony with glass doors opening onto it and the elegant furniture around the room reminded him of a rich French parlor. A small, highly polished dining table was placed just inside the window and on it was an ice bucket with a bottle of Champagne perched decoratively inside. Off to the right was the bedroom and through the door, Vince could see a huge, king size bed with a canopy over it. It was the nicest room Vince had ever seen, much less actually stayed in. Stuart walked straight over to the Champagne and examined the bottle, then he made a quick tour of the entire suite before returning to the main room. He offered William a gratuity that Vince couldn't see and asked him to thank Mr. McCallum for arranging everything to his request. William assured him he would pass the compliment along to the owner, then he gave them a gracious nod and left them alone. "Blimey," Vince said, walking into the bedroom. To his delight, there was a fireplace in there as well, also glowing with a warm blaze. The room smelled faintly of roses and as he looked around, he spotted the giant bouquet sitting on the small antique dresser. A card stuck out of the bunch of blooms. "Those are for you," Stuart said from behind him. He walked over to the bed and stretched out on it, smiling as Vince went to open the card. "I can't believe all this, Stuart," he said, plucking the card out of the fragrant cluster of roses. He lifted the flap of the small envelope then slid the card out. To his surprise, the message was written in Stuart's handwriting and not some generic script penned by the local florist. "What, did you have this card sent up here?" "Yeah," he said, his dark eyes sparkling with loving mischief. "Sandra sent it in a packet with some . . . other things." He smiled, cryptically. Taking a deep breath, Vince read what was written on the card. Vince, To celebrate our romantic holiday I want to give you something special. But you'll have to wait and see what it is . . . I love you. Stuart Feeling like he might burst with emotion, Vince crawled onto the bed and laid down beside his lover. They tangled around each other like they always did when they were lying down and Vince kissed Stuart's lips very gently. "I love surprises," he said. "Really?" Stuart teased. "I would have never guessed." Vince looked at the card again, reading it over and over before tucking it into the pocket of his shirt. "You hardly ever write that down." Stuart frowned slightly. "I suppose I don't write to you very often. I live with you. I tell you enough, don't I?" Vince felt badly that his lover had taken his comment so seriously. He rolled over and hugged him, stroking his smooth forehead with kisses. "I didn't mean that," he said. "I just meant that I really loved that you wrote it down. You know what a bloody sap I am-I'm going to keep that little card until the day I die. Not that it'll be any big surprise to you, but I've kept everything you've ever written me. Even stupid notes you wrote me in school. I have this box . . ." he stopped, realizing he was wittering on and he let out a shy laugh. "Sorry. I don't know why, but I'm bloody nervous. It's like this is our first date or something. I'm talking away like a twat." Stuart rolled over on top of him and ran his fingers through Vince's short silky hair. "I know what you need," he said, smiling. "I think we should go down and have a nice lunch to fortify ourselves and then we should spend the entire day up here in this bed, in front of that fire, making love until we're both sore." Vince sighed, letting his eyes drift closed at the thought. "Yeah," he said. "I think that would sort me right out." Stuart giggled softly, rubbing their noses together. One more kiss and then he got off the bed, reaching back for his lover's hand. Stuart: Stuart woke up sore everywhere-but in the best possible way. He stretched and yawned, snuggling in the warm fluffy hotel blankets. It would have been the perfect way to wake up on a holiday morning, except Vince wasn't there. He sat up frowning, looking around the bedroom. Just as he was about to call out Vince's name, he caught sight of a sheet of paper on the pillow beside him. It was hotel stationary with Vince's neat, but slightly playful handwriting on it. Stuart rubbed his eyes and picked up the note. Stuart, The boat leaves at 9:00 so I had to meet the car downstairs. Didn't want to wake you. You look like an angel when you sleep. They said at the front desk that the tour takes most of the day. I expect to be back in time for dinner. I'll miss you today like I always do when I'm not with you. Thanks for this-so much. I love you. Vince He'd written a few x's and o's after to indicated hugs and kisses and Stuart smiled at the sweet childlike gesture. He was really craving hugs and kisses just then. Feeling a bit blue that he'd be on his own all day, Stuart decided he'd sleep some more. Glancing at the clock on the night table, he noted that it was only half ten. He'd already missed breakfast but he could wait for lunch to eat. Pulling the soft blankets around him, he curled up against Vince's pillow, inhaling the familiar scent there. His cock stirred as it always did when he smelled Vince and he rolled onto his back so he could touch it. Stuart closed his eyes as his fingers drew up and down his growing erection. He thought about the night before and how they had made love on every available surface in the suite, only to end up on the soft carpet in front of the bedroom fireplace. The small blaze smelled of cedar and birch and burned with low, amber light. Vince had been lying on his back with his legs up around Stuart's shoulders, the warm illumination from the fire glowing on the ends of his dark blonde hair. His eyelashes were like spun gold as he looked up at Stuart-blue eyes full of love, lust and encouragement. Vince had whispered over and over how much in love he was, almost chanting it against Stuart's ear like a mantra. He could feel the heat of Vince's body while he laid there in the bed and Stuart sighed. Momentarily, he got up and crossed the room to where they had left the bottle of Kama Sutra oil near the hearth. The room was chilly on his naked skin and he hurried back to the blankets with the oil. Wrapping himself up again, he pressed his nose into Vince's pillow. He uncapped the little bottle and wet his fingers, then he reached down to spread the oil over the length of his cock. He licked his lips and breathed a soft moan as the liquid heated on his skin. Stuart spread his thighs wide under the pile of blankets, reaching down between his legs to gently tug his balls. His cock stiffened deliciously under his light touch as he coated the silky skin with his oily fingers. Moaning outloud he stretched his erection from root to tip. His hips lifted instinctively as he increased the speed of his stroking and he filled his lungs with air, holding his breath for a long moment. Once he felt the slight buzz from being deprived of oxygen, he let all the air out in a long sigh, feeling his skin tingle everywhere. As he continued stroking, his thoughts fragmented into erotic memories and bits of romantic imagery. His first thought was of the night before. While they were lying on the soft rug in front of the bedroom hearth, Vince had drifted off in his arms murmuring softly. Stuart had watched him sleep for hours. Vince's golden lashes rested on his still cheeks glistening in the low firelight. Stuart had imagined what Vince would look like when he was older. He'd followed the smooth curve of his lover's young, handsome face with his gaze and pictured every change as it might occur. His smile lines would likely deepen beautifully and the twinkle in his eyes would gain intensity as he aged-no doubt glinting more with each new experience and adventure. While he watched Vince's face, Stuart decided he wanted to be the cause of that growing glint. He wanted to give Vince the experiences that would enhance him over the years. He wanted to be make Vince happy. His next fragment of thought was a memory from the past week. A simple thing really, but something that had effected Stuart on a very primal, erotic level. They were relaxing in bed one morning having coffee and reading the paper. Stuart was munching toast and Vince was commenting on an article he was reading. Stuart had laid across Vince's lap to reach over the edge of the bed for a section of the paper Vince had discarded and once he was there, he just stayed there. It was comfortable being stretched out like that. Vince had pet his naked back and thighs absently with the tips of his fingers while he read, not really paying attention to what he was doing. He stroked the edge of Stuart's tailbone as he laid there and then he started a slow, very gentle tapping with his index and middle fingers just below the curve of the bone. Stuart's tailbone was slightly pronounced as though it had in fact very recently been used to support a tail. Vince often teased him about his catlike mannerisms, saying this must be Stuart's first life as a human. That thrumming continued just below his spine and after a moment, Stuart had realized his body was warming everywhere. He felt lazy and hot and his cock was swelling like mad and he groaned contentedly, lowering his head onto the bed. Vince continued that gentle but relentless tapping on that same spot for several minutes and then suddenly, Stuart came. Hard. All over the duvet spread across Vince's lap. His boyish lover had chuckled softly, soothing the warmed skin on Stuart's thighs with his fingers. The rest of that day, Stuart had been starving for sex. He felt itchy and hot inside and needed to be fucked. They'd had sex four times before the day was done and Stuart accused Vince of putting a spell on him. Innocently, Vince explained that there had been no magic involved. He had simply been tapping Stuart's prostate with his fingers and the chemical released by that stimulation was the reason for his increased desire. Only vaguely did Stuart wonder how his sweet, childlike Vince would know such a thing about the human male anatomy, but the question didn't last long enough in his mind to make him ask about it. That memory sent him over the edge as he laid there on his back in their hotel room bed. He came deeply, pulling his balls and moaning outloud, not giving a toss if anyone heard him. Vince loved to hear him moan. He considered it a badge of honor-a Kudo for a job well done. Stuart always made sure he put his voice into his pleasure sighs, making those sounds his generous lover so greatly deserved. He dozed off again after a few minutes, his nose still buried in Vince's pillow and his hands gently warming his momentarily satisfied cock. But that satisfaction never lasted long. Hunger drove him down to the lobby at half passed two that afternoon. Monique was at the desk and she smiled brightly at him as he came down the wide stairs dressed in an oversized white jumper and black jeans. He debated putting on shoes as he had no intention of going outside, but he figured coming down to the main part of the homey hotel in his socks might be a bit much. "Hello, there," Monique greeted. "I was wondering if we would see you today." Stuart smiled almost coyly. "I must have been really tired. Couldn't wake up." "That's how you know you need a holiday," she said. "Would you like a sandwich? I'm afraid you've missed the lunch sitting, but I can have the kitchen make you something and bring it into the library if you like." "Sounds lovely," he said. "Whatever's easy. Tunafish or whatever." "I think they might have some nice roast beef," Monique said, picking up the phone on the desk. She pressed some numbers and after a moment spoke into the receiver. "Yes, hello, it's Monique at the front. Do we have anything nice for a sandwich?" She waited while the person on the other end explained the options. "They do have roast beef," she told Stuart. "Does that sound good?" He nodded. "And coffee, please." "Of course." Monique gave the order to the kitchen then hung up the phone. "It's a lovely day out," she said. "We have the doors and windows open in the library to let in the sun. Quite nice in there." At her suggestion, he looked through the large wooden door to the open windows in the library. The light fragrance of roses and freshly cut grass filtered in on the breeze. Stuart smiled and thanked her, then he wandered into the library. The room was empty except for one woman seated on a fancy settee by a window. She was looking out at the lake even though a large book was open on her lap. As Stuart approached her, she turned to him and smiled sweetly. He guessed she was around his mother's age and she had thick dark hair and brown eyes. Her manner was open and self- assured. "Hello," she said in a softly drawling American accent. "Hi," he said. "Mind if I join you?" "Not at all. I just asked Monique for some tea and cakes. I felt like something sweet. I'm sure she'll bring too many for me, so you'll have to help me eat them." "Oh, thank you. Actually, she just got me a sandwich. I missed lunch." He walked around the couch in front of the settee where the woman was sitting and almost tripped over the body of a prone Irish Setter lying there on the rug. The woman offered an apology. "That's Billy. He's always under foot." Billy regarded him blandly, apparently not the least bit concerned about Stuart's presence. He stepped over the dog and sat on the couch opposite the woman. "As you can see, he's not much of a watchdog," she said. "Unless I'm being threatened bodily by a rabbit or a squirrel. Then-lord! Watch out." Stuart liked her instantly and he smiled as he extended his hand over the small, delicate coffee table between them. "I'm Stuart Jones." She leaned forward to shake. "Pleased to meet you, Stuart. You have such a lovely accent. I'm Rebecca Kincaid, but everyone calls me Reb." "Reb. That's sweet." "Holdover from my youth. Are you Irish?" "Yeah. You're American, I'm guessing." "Guilty. From Georgia, to be exact. Lived there all my life just outside Atlanta. Have you ever been to the States?" "Just, actually. I was in New York last month visiting a friend. Didn't get as far South as Georgia, though." "Well, it's lovely there," Reb said. She turned to look out the window again. "Nothing like this . . . Scotland is so . . . majestic. I'm always in awe of everything when I come to Europe." Stuart noticed that Reb had very long, dark hair that was wound up in a neat bun at the back of her head. Her skin was smooth and only slightly wrinkled and a pair of simple diamond stud earrings glinted on her lobes. The only other jewelry she wore was a narrow gold watch and a plain gold wedding band. She sat there with a small blanket over her legs and a pink cardigan draped across her slim shoulders. "Are you here on your own?" he asked, making conversation. "No," Reb said, turning her attention back to him. "I brought my niece, Andie. She's out on a boat this afternoon looking for the Loch Ness monster of all things." Stuart laughed. "She's out there with my boyfriend, then." "Oh, really?" Reb said, smiling. "Boyfriend, is it? I never would have guessed. Well, I hope they actually SEE something. Seems like a crazy waste of time to me." "You never would have guessed what?" he said, without a hint of challenge. Stuart was simply curious. She raised her eyebrows. "That you were gay, darling. I never would have thought so." Stuart chuckled. "That's a first." Reb shrugged unselfconsciously. "Maybe I'm just nave. Certainly wouldn't be the first time I've been the last to know something juicy." "I don't know how juicy it is," he said, softly. For a long moment, she just looked at him with a little smile on her face. "What his name, your boyfriend?" "Vince." Reb set her book aside and leaned forward, holding out her hands to him. "Let me see your left hand," she said. Stuart sat forward enough to reach across the table. She held his hand in both of hers, at first examining the platinum ring appreciatively and complimenting him on it, then she turned his hand palm up. She had a pair of eyeglasses hanging on a chain around her neck and she slipped them on, squinting down at the pattern of lines in his skin. A small gust of wind off Loch Oich lifted the rose bushes outside the window and the sweet scent of the blooms and the cold water drifted into the library. Stuart glanced around the room at the dcor and the paintings realizing he felt very much at ease in there. He liked the warmth of this woman's touch and he smiled at her with his eyes, wondering what on earth she was going to say about the lines in his hand. "See this line here?" Reb began, her fingernail gently tracing the line that arced around Stuart's thumb. "This is your life line. See how it's so deep? Unbroken and strong. That means you'll have a long, healthy life." She smiled at him over the top of her glasses. "That's good to know," he said. Reb inspected another line, turning his palm toward the light from the window. "This one here is a bit fainter . . . see this line reaching from your life line to this line at the top? This other line here is your heart line-the love line, if you will. That little line connecting the two is placed at your fifteen-year mark. How old are you, Stuart?" "Thirty." "And when did you meet Vince?" "We met in school when we were fourteen." She raised her eyebrows again. "You've known your boyfriend since you were children?" "Yeah. We were actually best friends until a year ago. Then we . . . thought we'd give it go as a couple." She grinned, touching the platinum ring with her fingers. "Seems like you made the right decision, no? I'm assuming this is a commitment ring." "Yeah. So far, it's going pretty well." "Well . . ." she said, looking down at his palm again. "This must be when you met." She traced the fainter line again as it reached from his life line to his heart line. "It's the only line of its kind in your hand. Most people have several lines that cross from their life line to their heart line-indicating several different loves over the course of their lives. According to the map in your palm, Vince is your one true love. You should consider yourself very lucky that you found him." She folded Stuart's fingers into a lose fist gently, then turned his hand sideways to see the deep creases below his pinkie. "It says here that you will have one child." He smiled feeling a pleasant little chill run through him at her accuracy. "I have that child. A son. Alfred." Reb nodded, giving him his hand back. "See? The Greeks believed that each individual was handed a scroll at birth that described intricately the path of that person's life. There was no way to veer from it, no way to change it. It was one's destiny. That map is said to be represented by the lines in your palm. Seems to be quite true for you." "What about you?" he said, reaching for her left hand. He opened her palm and looked inside. "Me," she said, musingly, also looking into her hand. "See here how my love line and life line connect right there?" "Early on," Stuart noted. "Yes. I met my husband when I was ten years old. Of course I didn't marry him until I was nineteen, but we were friends all through childhood just like you and Vince. We were married for thirty-one years before he died." She ran her index finger down her life line and pointed to a wide break near the lower middle. "There it is. I was fifty-one when I lost him. You can see the break right there in my hand. Interesting, huh?" Stuart gave her hand a little squeeze and offered a consoling smile. "I'm sorry." "Oh. That's okay. It was four years ago now. Of course I miss him every day, but I have to think about it like he's on an extended vacation and that I'll see him when he comes back. Otherwise, I'm sure I'll go insane from it." Reb smiled sadly but she showed no signs of crying which Stuart found quietly amazing. He was just about to ask her more about her husband when Monique came into the library with a tray laden with plates, a coffee pot and a tea pot. She brought the tray to the table between them and set it down. Just as Reb had imagined, there were enough little cakes and biscuits on the plate to serve six people and there was also a lovely roast beef sandwich on the tray for Stuart. They thanked her and asked if she could join them for a cup, but Monique sweetly declined. She said she would be right outside at the desk if they needed anything. Stuart spent the rest of the afternoon talking with Rebecca Kincaid in the library and it wasn't until the sky changed to the soft gray of evening that he even thought to look at the time. It was just after 5:00 and they could smell the luscious aroma of roasting chicken coming from the kitchen where the staff was preparing for the first dinner seating. "I hope they make it back soon," Reb said, glancing at her watch. "I didn't even ask if they were going to feed them on that boat. Andie will be starving." Stuart had learned that Andie-or Andrea-was Reb's sister's thirteen year old daughter and that the two were traveling all across Europe over the next two months. Reb and Andie got on extremely well and spent lots of time together at home, so this long journey was a special treat to them. She said her sister had been ill and getting Andie out of the house for a bit had been good for everyone involved. At half passed five, Billy suddenly sat bolt upright on the carpet at Reb's feet and let out one low bark as he stared fixedly at the library door. "Shhh," Reb admonished. "Be quiet Billy, or they'll make me put you on the porch." There was a commotion in the lobby as several people came in the front door and Billy barked again. Not two seconds later, a tall, reedy young girl stepped into the library dressed in a big green anorak and jeans. The dog lunged toward her and jumped on the girl's chest with his big paws. She laughed musically and ruffled his fur. "Billy, calm down," the girl said, walking toward Reb. "Hi, Auntie Reb," she said, kissing Reb's cheek. "Did you see anything?" she asked her niece. "I think we did," Andie said, her brown eyes dancing excitedly. "There was this one huge thing floating down near the bottom outside that castle . . . what's it called . . ?" "Urquahart," Stuart answered. "Right," Andie said, smiling at him. "Sounds so nice when you say it," she said. "Anyway, we were looking at this sonar screen and there was a bunch of black dots that the captain said were schools of fish and they were all swimming around this big black spot. The captain said it was probably a big cluster of plants or a rock formation or something, but he didn't remember seeing it there before. For the longest time we thought that big black spot was just rocks and then it moved!!! It just moved really quickly and then it was gone!! They tried to find it again, but they couldn't get the boat close enough to the shore so the sonar could reach all the way to the bottom. It was so cool, Auntie! It was sort of scary, though, you know, imagining that it MIGHT have been . . . you know, Nessie!" Vince appeared in the doorway of the library in his heavy brown leather jacket and gloves. His cheeks were flushed beautifully and his face lit up in a smile when he saw Stuart sitting there. He crossed the room and sat very close to Stuart on the sofa, pressing their legs together. "Hiya," Vince said, beaming. "Hey. Andie was just telling us about that big black blob on the sonar that you lot think was Nessie." "It WAS, Nessie!" he insisted, brightly. "What else could it be? Andie was there; she saw it, too! We know what it was." He grinned at the girl and she laughed. "Vince was just as excited as I was," she reported. "It was so cool!!" He looked at Stuart with his lovely blue eyes twinkling. "Miss me?" "Yeah." "What have you been doing all day?" "Talking with Rebecca, here. She's had a very interesting life. She and her husband came here to this hotel a few times over the last ten years. She's got loads of stories about this place." "Yeah?" Vince looked at Reb with his characteristic open smile. "I've heard all about you from Andie," he said, extending his gloved hand to her. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Vince Tyler." "Hello, there," Reb said, giving his hand a good squeeze. "I've heard all about you, too. Your Stuart is very much in love with you, young man. He never stopped talking about you." Stuart actually blushed, shaking his head and giggling. "God . . ." he groaned. Vince nudged him with his elbow then he leaned in to whisper. "Fancy a little walk?" Stuart turned to him and brushed their noses together. Vince's was still cold from being out on the lake. "I'll just get my jacket." He gave Vince a quick kiss, surprised to find his lover's lips were very warm-almost hot. The lovely contrast made him tingle. He excused himself and trotted up the steps to their room, letting himself in with the key. He stopped in his tracks when he opened the door, looking around at their suite with wide, surprised eyes. The fireplace was going full blaze and there was a bottle of Champagne in an ice bucket on the table. Glancing to his right, he could see the edge of the bed through the door and there was something about the duvet that made him walk in there. The fire was going in there, as well, and the room was deliciously warm. The bed was made but turned down and the fancy white duvet was dusted with red rose pedals. "What the . . ?" he looked around the bedroom more thoroughly and found a pile of pillows and a soft blanket had been placed in front of the fireplace-the same place where they'd fallen asleep the night before. It looks so cozy there and he wanted to just fall down into it and relax, but he knew he had to get back downstairs. A bit curious about all the preparations having been made in their suite, Stuart planned to ask Monique at the desk if she knew anything about it. He knew he hadn't asked them to arrange the room that afternoon, so it must have been Vince. Curious. He grabbed his jacket and went downstairs. As he crossed the landing above into the lobby, he saw Vince waiting for him at the desk. He was chatting with Monique and they were laughing about something so Stuart decided not to bring up the changes in their room. He figured Vince was just being romantic and let it go at that. "Ready?" Vince said, holding out his hand as Stuart came down. "Yeah. Where are we going?" "There's a path down to the lake that's quite lovely," he said, leading Stuart to the front door. "I have us down for the seven o'clock sitting for dinner. I thought we'd eat with Andie and Reb, if that's all right?" "Yeah, great," Stuart said. He held Vince's hand and they walked out the large wooden front door. Turning to the left, they proceeded through an iron gate out to the hotel's side garden. Roses bobbed and swayed in the breeze and pinkish heather bushes rustled as they walked passed on their way to the gravel path leading to Loch Oich. They didn't talk for a while, just strolled along looking at the scenery and occasionally giving each other a flirty little glance. Their fingers were softly linked. Down at the shoreline there was a small dock with three rowboats tied to it. They sat down on the edge of the dock and snuggled close together. It was cooler there with the dense trees near the water blocking the sun for most of the day. The sweet smell of wet leaves and fresh water mixed with the ever-present scent of the wood-burning fires from the hotel. Stuart leaned back against Vince and kissed his cheek. "I'm glad you had fun out there today," he said. "It was fantastic. Brilliant. I really think we saw her." He grinned playfully then turned Stuart's face toward him for a proper kiss. "Well, at least Andie thinks so." "Right," Stuart giggled. Vince stared out at the lake a bit wistfully for a moment, his blue eyes following some sheep scattered high on the hill across the water. "Do you remember the first time you stayed over at mine when we were in school?" Stuart nodded. "'Course. I sent you that photo of us in that chair- the one Hazel took." Smiling, Vince leaned back a bit so they could look at each other. "Do you remember falling asleep with your head on my chest?" Thinking hard, Stuart had to shake his head. "No. Did I?" "Yeah. We were up `til all hours talking about God knows what, like we do, and you just fell asleep. While you were talking, actually. You just . . . fell asleep in mid-sentence." Stuart chuckled. "Must've been a scintillating topic if I managed to bore myself to sleep." Vince laughed softly. "I confess that I have no idea what you were talking about. I was just listening to your voice. I just remember that you fell asleep like that-your head on my chest. And I remember staying there for ages just watching you. You were pressed against me with your arm over my waist and your right leg sort of draped over mine." Vince looked at him. "I played with your hair that night . . . really softly so it didn't wake you. But I did it for hours." Stuart kissed him, their lips meeting in the cool air and warming each other. "I knew then," Vince went on. "What?" "I knew I wanted to be with you every day for as long as I lived. I knew I wanted to touch you and please you and make you laugh and feed you and hold you and listen to you. Watch you. Love you. I felt like I'd found this huge piece of myself that I didn't even know was missing." Stuart touched his forehead to Vince's and sighed, suddenly more pleased than ever that he was finally going to propose to this wonderful man. Like he'd done for the passed few weeks, Stuart's mind raced over his plan again. The wine, the bracelet, the things he planned to say. Smiling to himself, Stuart couldn't wait until the next night. "You're going to make me cry," he said, softly. "You never cry," Vince replied. "You're the strong one. I think I knew that, too, that night. I think I knew that you had everything I didn't have-you had all the things I needed and hadn't been given." |
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