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Poison Apple Part 3 |
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Stuart/Vince/Brian | R |
Angst, AU, H/C | Both DeAnna Zankich Sequel is | Trinkets of Deceit Summary: When Stuart met Brian. Warnings: None Author Notes: Spoilers: None. I broke off somewhere between Russell's episodes 5 and 6 and never really returned to his story. Nothing in here will ruin either series for you. |
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Poison Apple (Part Three) Stuart: In keeping with his request, Kate kept the three of them very busy that Saturday. Brian met them for lunch and complained endlessly about the dire boredom of the convention and why he just couldn't be bothered to stay there. After, they went for a long, leisurely museum crawl, spending hours in both the Guggenheim and the Met. Walking through Central Park at sunset, they stopped for a drink at the Boathouse and then got a cab back to Kate's. She made dinner and then they all separated to get ready to go clubbing. Stuart made sure his bedroom door was locked from the inside before he got in the shower. They started with cocktails at the house and continued drinking and dancing until the wee hours. Stuart didn't even know the names of the clubs they went into, he just followed and found the bars and kept himself inebriated--trying to anesthetize his attraction to Brian. He knew that if he could just get through that night, he'd be all right. The three of them laughed hysterically and got on great. Kate took about twenty seven million pictures with her digital camera, threatening to blackmail Stuart with them by sending them out on a company-wide email at Thrive. Brian copped off with a bloke at one club and Stuart and Kate ended up waiting out on the sidewalk for almost fifteen minutes. She smacked Brian in the arm when he came out but he just shrugged. Brian fell asleep in the cab with his head on Kate's lap. As soon as he started snoring softly, she and Stuart smiled at each other like the weary parents of a child in the throes of his Terrible Twos. Kate leaned over and whispered in Stuart's ear. "At least he got his dick sucked back there. Maybe it'll settle him down a bit." "Maybe," Stuart said, knowing better from personal experience. "And then, maybe not." She rolled her eyes, then rested her head on Stuart's shoulder as the cab made its way back to her townhouse just before dawn on Sunday morning. Stuart planned to sleep until he had to leave for the airport so he buried his head under the pillows to block out the gray light of morning creeping in through the windows. In no time he was out, his body exhausted from all the alcohol and the whirlwind of activity that day. He must have been dreaming . . . must have been. Stuart's body tingled and he felt hot everywhere. Sexually hot. He tried to roll over but couldn't for some reason . . . some sort of restraint on him . . . so he stayed on his belly. His cock burned against his skin and he rubbed it on the mattress under him, sighing from the delicious friction. So much pleasure all over his body . . . and yet he was still sleeping . . . dreaming, or so it seemed, of Vince and being kissed and licked . . . rimmed . . . oh, yes, that was it. All that pleasure was radiating out from that one source--that most sensitive orifice. Rubbing his face into the pillow, he expected to inhale and smell Vince's scent there. Instead, it was the light perfume of Kate's house. He was still at Kate's. The realization hit him like a wall of ice water and his eyes popped open. Wriggling against the vice-grip on his hips, Stuart glared over his shoulder to see Brian there. He knelt on the edge of the bed naked, his beautiful cock hard and dark red, glistening at the tip in the grayish daylight. His large hands grasped Stuart's hips and held him tight, immobilizing him. Brian's tongue stroked up and down the crack of Stuart's ass, relentlessly circling his anus with torturing little licks. Stuart tried to move but he felt heavy from that intense sexual pleasure. His instinct was overwhelming and it was telling him to be still--to enjoy, to take full advantage of that lovely tongue bathing. He moaned both from pleasure and frustration and tried to wriggle away again, but each time he moved, his cock rubbed against the bed and he gasped from the sensation. Then, Brian braced himself against edge of the mattress and whipped Stuart over onto his back with a quick, fluid series of gestures. He leaned in close and hauled Stuart up by the hips--until he was almost no longer touching the mattress. Up-ended like that, he felt Brian's powerful thigh prop against his spine to hold him in place, then Brain wrapped his left arm over Stuart's lean hipbones and grasped him all the way across, pressing the brunette's body against his own torso. Stuart was pinned in place, his legs thrown back over Brian's shoulders. He reached for the pillows with his hands, thinking he would pummel Brian with them until he let go, but Brian anticipated this and scooted back on the bed, dragging Stuart with him, out of reach of the pillows. At that point, Stuart's shoulders were barely touching the bed at all and he cursed violently, struggling to no avail. That was the moment Brian chose to impale him with his wet, pointing tongue. The intensity of the pleasure caused Stuart's anus to relax instinctively, opening to the hot, slick little probe. He groaned, his hips lifting into the delicious intrusion before he could think better of it. That was encouragement his mind did NOT want to give. But his body . . . his body was racked by the deep pleasure. "Stop . . ." he hissed. Brian's eyes flashed, staring into his own over the curve of his raised belly. In this position, Brian could see every facial expression Stuart had without compromising the leverage of his tongue. He could feel Brian's strong fingers holding his cheeks apart as he drove his tongue in repeatedly, relentlessly, going in deeper each time and digging at the sparking nerve endings, twirling against them and stroking them roughly. "Brian . . . fuck! . . stop . . . stop!" Both of them knew Stuart meant none of that. Brian pressed his erection against Stuart's back and rubbed it there, grinding skin on skin. With his arms, Stuart reached down and grabbed Brian's thighs, trying to topple his balance. But the impetuous American had a solid stance on his knees and he was not going to be budged. In a split second, Stuart contemplated just crushing Brian's skull between his own thighs, but his instinct immediately overrode that thought. The pleasure would stop if he eliminated the source. To Stuart's sex-starved body, that was just not an option. He had never felt such conflict in his life and he was only vaguely aware of how exhilarated he was. This was the most intense sexual experience Stuart Jones had ever had--this, being imprisoned and manhandled, rendered powerless by his own lust. For all intents and purposes, he was being raped, but of course not really. None of this was happening without Stuart's consent, however reluctant it may be. Again, he groaned, wishing he could find just one speck of control-- just enough to raise mind over matter and force Brian away. But any hope he had of gaining the upper hand was lost in the next second as Brian reached between Stuart's legs with his right hand. He flattened his palm and pressed it against Stuart's throbbing cock, rubbing it fiercely up and down while he continued his unfaltering tongue fuck. That was it. No turning back, no hope of winning left. Shouting and gasping, Stuart's body shook violently as he came. His teeth knocked together in his mouth and his eyes squeezed shut so tightly that tears rolled down the sides of his face. He felt the hot gush of Brian's thick seed against his back, down his shoulders, into his hair. He was still almost completely upside down and his head swam with colors and spots of light. He heard himself moaning repeatedly as the harsh, fantastic shaking ebbed into shuddering. Stuart felt certain he would pass out. Then, just as suddenly as it all started, it ended. Brian released him and let him down on the mattress, almost gently. Staggering on wobbly legs, he wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand and rubbed his cock, milking out the last of his semen. His fingers were wet with it and he held them out to Stuart, raising his brow in an almost affectionate smile. "Wanna taste?" Blinking incredulously, Stuart stared at him for a second. "No," he said, not believing he'd even been asked. "Get the fuck out, Brian." Lying on his back, Stuart's chest heaved with his angry breathing. Brian grinned, his feathery brown hair stuck to his damp cheeks in places. He looked like Peter Pan. "You sure?" "You bastard!" Stuart snapped. "I never invited you to do that." Brian lowered his chin and shook his head slightly. "Oh, Stuart. Yes, you did. And you know it." "Fuck off," was all he could think of to say. Brian chuckled as he walked to the door, pulling his fingers through his messed up hair. "Right," he said. "That's why you just came like a little bitch." Brian walked out into the hallway naked, not bothering to close the door after him. Stuart laid there on the bed until he caught his breath, then he got up to closed the door. * * * Kate: I wake up because I hear Stuart shouting--or I think I do. I sit there for a moment, listening to the house but I don't hear anything more. Maybe I dreamed it. I wait a few more minutes and still there are no sounds. Just a weird nightmare, I guess. But I know I won't be able to sleep again for hours, my heart's beating so fast. * * * Stuart: He brought his bag downstairs with him when he finally emerged at 1:30, showered, dressed and ready to get a taxi to the airport. Kate was curled up on the big white couch, a cold washcloth over her forehead. She peered at him from under the cloth as he snuggled beside her. "Hi, bunny," she said, softly. "I'm severely hung." "Yeah. I feel like crap, too," he said, glancing at his watch. He had to get going. "Where's Brian?" "Gone. He left at 10:00." Kate took the cloth off her forehead and squinted at him. "Did he behave himself? This morning I could have sworn I heard you shouting or at him something, but I wasn't sure." Stuart looked down at his hands that were folded over his belly. He didn't answer right away, just sat there contemplating. "He didn't behave," he said finally. Kate sat forward slightly, her eyes wide. "Oh, God," she said, miserably. "What the hell did he do?" Shaking his head, Stuart said, "nothing I didn't allow him to do, so don't you go feeling responsible. He just . . . caught me completely off guard." "How?" she asked, her expression suggesting that she wasn't sure she wanted to know. Stuart grinned, playfully. "Have you ever woken up with a tongue in your ass?" Kate blinked, then reached behind the couch to the sofa table there and grabbed a framed photograph, holding it up for Stuart to see. The photo was of her husband, Richard, dressed in his golfing finery-- plaid trousers and a plain Isod shirt, his graying hair combed down neatly. His smile was innocent and kind and he looked like someone's very sweet but rather shy uncle. Without a word, Kate waited until she thought Stuart had gotten a good look at her husband, then she put the picture frame back. "Now, let's not have any more of that sort of question, all right?" she said and then she laughed. "Clearly, I have never woken up with a tongue in my ass. But I imagine it would be quite . . . distracting." He grinned. "Um, yeah. Anyway . . . I didn't fuck him, but it was . . . bloody graphic, nonetheless. Your Brian is . . . a very sexual person." Kate looked at the clock on the fireplace mantle and groaned softly. "Tell me about it on the way to the airport," she said, standing up and grabbing his hand. "I don't want you missing your flight back home to Vince." Stuart let himself be hauled off the couch and all but dragged over to the door with his bag. He dug out his sunglasses and put them on while Kate got her handbag. They went down the street a bit to le Parker Meridian hotel and grabbed a taxi out in front. Flopping into the back seat, Stuart sighed, his own hangover making him momentarily whoosie. "Spill it," Kate said, leaning against him in the seat. Stuart told her the whole sordid tale about how he woke up in that very compromising position and how Brian had been completely unrelenting. What he left out of his recount was the way the experience had made him FEEL. He didn't want to tell Kate that he'd been so aroused by Brian's fierceness that he was unable to control his own actions. Stuart didn't want her to know that he was that weak. "Jesus," she breathed after he was finished with the story. "So, he didn't fuck you?" "Nope. I chucked him out right after he came. Figured it was the only moment I'd get when he would listen to me." She looked at him through her very dark Donna Karan shades. "I hate to tell you this, bunny, but if he didn't fuck you . . . he's not done with you. It's almost worse that he's got a taste of you now. He won't give up." Stuart smirked. "That's a long way to travel just to fuck me. I mean, I'm a fantastic shag and all, but I dunno if its worth all THAT." "Thing is," Kate said. "You could be the crappiest lay in the Western Hemisphere and Brian wouldn't care. It's that you refused him. I know him, Stuart. He's . . . a sex crazed loon." She said this last with a smile having chosen comic words, but her meaning seemed to be very serious. "He has business in London," she told him. "He's been to the UK a bunch of times in the last few years. I'm just saying . . . I don't think he's done with you. I saw the way he looked at you." Kate peered over the edge of her glasses at him. "And I saw the way you looked at HIM." Stuart shook his head, decisively. "No. I don't fancy him. He pissed me off. I have a lover that I adore and who I want to make happy. I'm not interested in playing stupid fucking games with your Brian Kinney." Kate pursed her lips but said nothing. She just looked at him. "I'm not!" Stuart insisted. "I really don't fancy him." "But you couldn't resist him this morning," she pointed out. Stuart leaned forward and looked hard into her eyes. "Katey, until you actually have the experience of waking up with someone's tongue in your ass, you can't talk to me about resisting it. All right?" He was grinning but he was dead serious and they both laughed. Sighing, she slumped back on the cab seat. "So, will you tell Vince?" Without even thinking about it, Stuart said, "No. It's stupid. I didn't even kiss him. No. I'm not going upset Vince with that. For the most part, it was nothing more than a glorified wank." "Does it upset you?" she asked. "Cuz you know how corrosive guilt is. He'll know something's up if you let it eat you inside." "How can I feel guilty about something I had no control over?! No! I don't feel guilty." He looked out the window as the tall buildings of Manhattan moved along the landscape and slipped behind them. "I don't." "Kay. Just be sure about that." He offered her a forced smile then he lowered his head into her lap and sighed, heavily. "I can't believe I have to miss you again now," he said. "I know," Kate said sadly, petting his curls. "This long distance thing sucks." Stuart brought her small hand to his lips and kissed it affectionately, wondering when he would see his friend again. * * * Vince: Standing in the first class arrivals area at the British Midland terminal, Vince's belly felt like it was full of frightened, frenzied moths. He couldn't wait to see Stuart, but he knew his instinct would tell him straight away if his lover had been up to no good. Vince was so anxious after having let Stuart be on his own for four days that he just didn't know what to do with himself. As the passengers began to disembark and come down the ramp, he swallowed and wiped his sweating hands on his jacket. Stuart was wearing his sunglasses as he got off the plane--most likely sleepy and hungover and not feeling at all like shagging, which would be much to Vince's disappointment. He smiled when he saw Vince and took the shades off, stuffing them in his jacket pocket. Vince had to keep himself from running into his lover's arms, he'd missed him so much. He couldn't wait to touch Stuart's face, to kiss him, smell him and squeeze him close. Keeping himself contained, he walked up to the handsome brunette and kissed him once on his warm lips. "Hiya." "Hey." Stuart looked tired but gorgeous and he smiled into Vince's eyes lovingly. "I missed you so much," he said, leaning in close and pressing his body against his lover. Vince put his arms around him and squeezed, pulling Stuart so close they were mashed together. "I'm so happy you're here." Hugging back, Stuart nuzzled his neck. "Take me home and shag me before I explode." Vince grinned from ear to ear, giving him another quick but very hot kiss. His body shivered from the slight stubble over Stuart's upper lip and he brushed the tip of his nose across it. "Take me home, lover . . ." Stuart said, his tone gently warning. Vince figured he'd best do as he was told so he laced his fingers with Stuart's and they left airport. Stuart entered the flat and dropped his bag right by the door. He took off his jacket and laid it over a barstool then he tugged his red sweater over his head and tossed it aside. His jeans came off next and then his shoes and socks and by the time he was at the shower door, he was naked. Vince followed close behind him picking up the clothing and tossing each garment into the hamper, then he quickly undressed himself as Stuart ran the shower to warm the tiles. He got in, smiling over his shoulder at Vince, then he tipped his head back under the stream of water and got himself all wet. Vince closed the shower door and grabbed the shampoo bottle, squeezing a generous amount into his open hand. "Come here, you," he said, and Stuart turned around leaning his head back so Vince could wash his hair. As he worked the luxurious suds into Stuart's silky black curls, Vince spoke softly in his ear. "How was the flight?" "Long," Stuart said, sighing into his lover's wonderful touch. "God, I missed you." Vince stood flush against the brunette's back, pressing every part of their bodies together. He stroked the fragrant lather over Stuart's neck, gently pulling his wet, soapy hair between his fingers. Vince reached around his lover's body and began gently sudsing Stuart's soft pubic hair, washing it lovingly. "How's Hazel?" Stuart breathed, stroking Vince's sides and hips with soapy fingers. "Good. Fine. Sends her love." His heartbeat racing from his lover's touch, Vince ran his tongue over Stuart's ear lobe, softly biting it with his teeth. He felt Stuart's cock brushing his hand as he gently washed his heavy, plump balls. Vince weighed them with his hand cupped against Stuart's body, testing unconsciously for their fullness. He wasn't aware he was doing this, but Stuart was. He turned his face to Vince and kissed him. "I've been good," he whispered. "Don't worry." Feeling a slight pang of regret in his chest, Vince almost apologized. But then he was being kissed again and he lost his train of thought. All he could do was play with Stuart's tongue and suck on his lips, desperately needing to taste that delicious mouth. Vince needed to replenish his Stuart fluids. Turning into the kiss, Stuart wrapped his arms around Vince's neck, rubbing their erections together and purring a little moan. The soap in his pubic hair spread across both their torsos, giving their movement a silky lubrication. Their cocks reached for each other, rubbed along side each other and seemed to want to wrap around as they pressed together. Vince stepped forward a bit, tilting Stuart's head back slightly to rinse the shampoo. He licked that exposed throat as the hot water ran down his lover's back and Stuart's hips never stopped moving. The friction increased between them until they were both moaning and sighing, their cocks throbbing with hot blood. "God . . . I missed you . . ." Vince murmured into Stuart's ear and then he came all over that tight belly, shaking and groaning and pulling Stuart close. Stuart trembled in his arms and pumped his cock against Vince's belly in short, quick strokes. His semen felt hot even under the shower and Vince cradled him until he stopped moving, secretly thrilled by the starved passion he felt in Stuart's body and the primal sound of his little whimpers. Stuart had been dying to come and that was a good sign. They kissed wetly, savoring each other as they finished their shower, touching everywhere with tongues and hands that seemed to be getting reacquainted as though they'd been apart for ages. The curves and smooth planes of Stuart's body felt like heaven to Vince's hands and he wanted to caress that satiny skin all night. "Take me to bed," Stuart whispered, leaning on his lover slightly. He was tired and jet lagged, but still very much aroused and his cock was already swelling again. They got out and slowly dried each other off, rubbing the towels gently over their shower- heated skin. Vince dried Stuart's curls with covetous attention, squeezing the water out of each ringlet with the soft towel. Leading him by the hand, Vince walked into the bedroom and turned around to kiss his lover's warm lips. "Are you hungry?" he asked. "I made that casserole you like." Stuart giggled softly as he pushed Vince down on the bed. "The one with the baby peas and the chicken?" "That's the one." Vince laid on his back and caressed Stuart's arms as he crawled on top of him. "I love that." "I know." They smiled at each other and Vince pulled him into a kiss. "And I have some of that French bread we found at the corner bakery and a lovely chocolate cake Hazel made for you . . . whipped cream." Stuart licked his way up Vince's belly, stopping to nurse on each of his nipples gently. The soft, hungry sucking made him shiver. He sighed. With his dark blue eyes glinting, Stuart grinned up at Vince. "I'd like to have you as a starter if you don't mind." "Not at all," Vince said. "Start wherever you'd like." He chuckled, kissing Vince's belly just above his navel. He sat up on the mattress and kneeled, lifting Vince's legs up by hooking his knees with his hands. Stuart placed his lover's legs over his shoulders, kissing the soft down of blonde hairs on the inside of his thighs. Then he lifted Vince by his hips up and up until he was resting on his shoulders on the mattress. The backs of his thighs held up his weight against Stuart's shoulders and his lover leaned forward even further, looking down at him and grinning. Vince smiled, reaching back to place his hands against Stuart's hard, sinewy thighs. "I saw this in a porn video once," he said. "Some American tape." Stuart licked the sensitive creases on either side of Vince's balls, nuzzling the warm sacks and breathing in deeply. "I'm going to lick you until you come, Vince. Ravage you with my tongue, yeah? Would you like that?" Grinning lustfully, Vince's cock stretched along his belly, tingling in anticipation and wetting his skin with pre-come. "I believe I would, yeah. But I really wanted you to fuck me tonight." "Oh, I plan to," Stuart said, bracing his right thigh against Vince's spine to hold him up. Gently pressing Vince's cheeks apart, he extended his tongue and tickled the sensitive round of flesh, never losing their eye contact. "Nice?" he whispered. "Oh, yes . . ." The position was dead erotic to Vince and he found himself getting very turned on. He could feel Stuart's cock burning against his back and he closed his eyes just for a second to increase the feeling. Whenever he closed his eyes while he and Stuart had sex, all his other senses heightened, making the experience seem more intense than it already was. With his fingers digging into the tops of Stuart's thighs, Vince pressed his shoulders into the mattress and tried to lift up even more. Anything to increase the penetration of that hot little tongue. The sensation was so delicious that he craved more stimulation, rolling his hips wantonly. Stuart held onto him firmly, stroking Vince's skin with his free hand. Sighing desperately, Vince reached through his spread legs and plunged his fingers into Stuart's curls. "I want you inside me . . ." he gasped. Stuart slipped his tongue out for a moment, running it up the length of Vince's left thigh. "Don't you want to come like this, love?" "I want to come with you inside me . . ." He was having a hell of a time breathing and he couldn't figure out if it was the up-ended position or his deep, intense arousal. The craving for Stuart's touch was almost unbearable and Vince shifted and wriggled until he was on his back again. He pulled Stuart down on top of him, kissing him deeply, tasting himself on those silky lips. He reached under the pillows for their favorite lubricant and pressed the little bottle into Stuart's hand. "All right, all right," he said, grinning. "My impatient lover . . ." Stuart slicked his fingers and slid them inside Vince's body, wiggling them gently against his swollen prostate. When he got the desired moaning and sighing, he began sliding his fingers in and out until Vince begged him to stop. "Please, luv . . . I'm dyin' for you . . ." Vince groaned. In the next instant, Stuart slipped his cock inside, pushing all the way in and holding there. Vince squeezed his lover's arms and wrapped his legs around Stuart's back, lifting his hips into that wonderful penetration. "Oooo . . . my . . . God . . . yeees . . ." Stuart smiled at him adoringly, giving him a deep kiss. Then he supported himself with his arms on the mattress and began a long, slow fuck that had Vince's toes curling. He felt so swollen and sensitive inside and with his eyes closed he could feel all the lovely contours of Stuart's cock as they rocked together in that slow rhythm. Vince was in heaven again with his lover home and in their bed--his Stuart, his partner. God, how he'd missed him. Four days apart was an eternity when you were in this kind of love and Vince felt himself quickening again now that Stuart was with him. They held each other tightly as their pace increased, sighing against each other's ears, kissing and nuzzling. Stuart came first, shuddering through his very deep orgasm and Vince felt his hot fluid pumping inside him. That always did it--the sensation of being filled with that wet heat. He groaned and held his breath as he felt Stuart stroking his cock, drawing out the very eager orgasm waiting there. Lying in a pile of limbs on the bed, Vince pet Stuart's hair as he slept for about an hour. He moaned when he woke up and curled against his lover for warmth, perfectly content to just stay there all night. Vince would have been happy to do so if the phone hadn't started ringing. Stuart rolled off of him and wrapped himself up in the covers as Vince reached over to grab the receiver off the night table. "Hello?" "Hi, honey. It's Kate." "Oh, hiya. He got home fine. He's right here, napping." "Good, I'm glad," she said. "Don't wake him up. Just tell him I called to make sure he got back to you safely. And, Vince--thanks again for letting him come see me." He laughed a bit self-consciously. "Well luv, I'm not his keeper. He can do what he likes. He missed you something terrible, though." "Yeah. Me, too. Anyway, give him a kiss for me and ask him to call me when he gets a chance." "Will do. Bye, now." "See ya." He hung up and rolled onto his side to look at Stuart. The handsome brunette slept soundly in a bundle of blankets and sheets, his dark curls beautifully disheveled on the pillow. Vince could have looked at him all night if that bloody phone hadn't rung again. Rolling back over, he grabbed the receiver for the second time. "Yeah, hello?" The line was silent except for a faint crackling. "Hello?" Vince repeated, straining to hear. The line remained silent but was obviously open, the crackling seeming to echo slightly. He waited a moment longer and still nothing happened on the line, so he hung up. When he looked back at Stuart, his dark blue eyes were open. "Who was it?" "No one there. I mean, it sounded like someone was there and just not saying anything." "Nathan?" Stuart suggested. Vince shook his head. "Nah. Why wouldn't he talk to me? Besides, he hasn't stalked you in months. It was probably just a wrong number." He sat up and stepped off the bed, walking over to the wardrobe to grab a pair of sweats and a shirt. "Are you hungry, luv?" Stuart groaned, stretching. "Mmmm . . . yeah. Starving, in fact." "Right. I'll heat up the casserole. You rest. Oh, Kate called to see if you got home all right. She wanted you to ring her when you felt like it." "Okay," he said, sleepily. Vince went down to the kitchen to get the food together. He'd already completely forgotten about that strange phone call. * * * Stuart: Rolling over, he grabbed the phone off the night table and dialed the long string of digits for Kate's number from memory. He waited while the line connected to America, lying on his back on the fluffy pillows. Through the glass walls he could see Vince bustling in the kitchen and he smiled, very happy to be home. Kate's line rang three times before she answered. "Hello?" "Hi, luv. It's me." "Hi, bunny. You didn't have to call me tonight. You must be exhausted." "Yeah. I'm all right, though. How's your head?" "Better. Took a little nap with Prince Vicodin after you left. Made all the difference. So, have you made your adorable little lover sore yet?" He chuckled. "Not yet, but I'm not finished with him. The jetlag's slowin' me down. I'll have him walking with a limp by the time he falls asleep, don't worry. Is Richard back yet?" "Tomorrow. He said he was sorry he missed you and Brian." "Mm," Stuart said, his heart racing at the mention of Brian's name. "I'm sure I'll catch up to your elusive husband at some point." "Yeah. He thinks I made you up," she laughed. "Anyway, go be with Vince. I just wanted to check on you and say goodnight. And thanks for coming. I can still smell you in the house. Sort of like you're still here." He smiled, sadly. "Don't make me cry," he said. "I'll talk to you tomorrow, all right? Thanks for having me, luv." "Talk to you tomorrow. Bye." Hanging up, Stuart got out of bed and went for a piss. He put on his robe and a pair of socks then went down to the kitchen and sat on a barstool. Vince put a big glass of water in front of him. "Drink all of that," he instructed. Stuart smiled and picked up the glass. While he drank, he watched his lover dish the steaming casserole onto plates. It smelled fantastic and his stomach growled. Vince put a plate in front of him then gave him a fork, tenderly kissing his nose. "You're pampering me," he said. "I missed you. Want some wine?" Stuart nodded, poking the delicious smelling casserole with his fork. Vince took an open bottle of Chardonnay out of the fridge and poured them each a glass. Bringing them to the counter, he finally sat down with his own plate. "Do you want some of the bread?" "No, let's save it for breakfast," Stuart said. "This is lovely. Thank you." "Pleasure." Vince smiled, sipping his wine. "Can I ask you something?" he said. "'Course." Picking up his fork, Vince leaned forward on the counter but didn't take a bite yet. His brow was knit slightly and he regarded Stuart with a curious expression. "Did we watch that tape together?" "What tape?" Stuart asked, having no clue what his lover was on about. "The one I mentioned--the American porn tape where the two blokes used that position you did tonight. I don't remember us watching that one together." Swallowing the food in his mouth, Stuart sighed, taking a drink of his wine. "Truthfully, I don't remember seeing it at all. It just came to me when I was on the plane thinking about shagging you. Actually," he leaned forward and lifted his eyebrows lasciviously. "I've got all sorts of naughty plans for you." Vince blushed beautifully and looked down at his food. "I can hardly wait," he said. "I was just wondering. You hadn't ever done that before. I mean, we've been shagging several times a day for almost a year and you've never done ANYTHING like that before. Just struck me, is all." Stuart shrugged. "Vince, sweetheart, I don't want you to get bored. Just because we've been having sex for a year doesn't mean I've shown you all my little tricks." He winked, giggling playfully. But his heart was pounding like mad. He was not enjoying lying and he didn't think he would be able to go on without confessing his little tryst with Brian Kinney. "Stuart," Vince said, smiling sweetly. "I could shag you three times a day, every day for eighty years and never EVER get bored." Grinning seductively, Stuart said, "only eighty?" Laughing, Vince leaned over and kissed his lover and Stuart tried to clear his mind of every single thought he'd had about Brian. If he could just keep that bloke's image out of his head, he thought he would be all right. Besides, the memory would fade after a few more days back home, wouldn't it? Stuart very much hoped it would. |
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