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Storm Warning Part 2 |
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Stuart/ Vince | NC-17
| Angst, AU | UK DeAnna Zankich Sequel is | Poison Apple Summary: Kate stirs things up one more time for the boys before she heads back home to America. Warnings: None |
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Storm Warning (Part Two) Stuart: Kate had someone on the speakerphone when he came to her office door. The male caller had a voice that interested Stuart. It was deep and a bit scratchy with an East Coast American accent that had been smoothed either by extensive travel or education. He sounded bored in an arrogant, over-privileged way and something about his tone was strangely comforting. Stuart leaned against the door and waited for her to look up, feeling sad all over at the sight of the packed boxes in the room. She was ready to go back to New York on Monday and had spent the last day boxing up all the files she'd had pouched from her Manhattan office to Manchester. The room actually echoed it was so bare. "Hi, poodle," she said to him. "Stuart's here," she told the caller. "Park yourself." She nodded to the chair opposite her desk. "`Park yourself,'" the caller mimicked, disdainfully. "You need to come home, Red. You're starting to sound like them. Hi, Stuart." "This is my obnoxious friend, Brian," Kate explained by way of introduction. "Hello, Brian," Stuart said, taking a seat. "He's an ad guy, too," she said. "Aren't you, butthead?" "Mmm," Brian replied. The click of keyboard keys filtered through the background on his end of the line. "Stuart, I saw your picture from last weekend," he said. "Yeah?" Stuart said, his brow furrowing as he tried to recall the photo in question. "Remember, I had Sandra take pictures of us with my new digital camera?" Kate said. "I emailed them to Brian so he could put a face to the name." "She talks about you endlessly," Brian said. "I insisted on seeing what you look like." Kate grinned, apparently pleased that her two friends were chatting with each other. "I'll bet she's never said a word about me, has she?" Brian went on. Stuart chuckled but did not respond. The truth was Kate had mentioned him several times, always in connection with her best friend at home. He seemed to recall that Brian was her best friend's younger brother. "Why the hell would I talk about you?" she said, sardonically. "I hate your guts." "Oh, get over it, bitch. You know you want me." "Right. I want you so bad I can taste it, Bri. You. The little asshole that put worms in my bra when you were ten." "You certainly didn't have any tits to put in there. The cups were going to waste." "Ha ha," she said. "Okay, we're going out to lunch. Say goodbye to Stuart." "Goodbye, Stuart," Brian parroted. "Maybe I'll get to meet you one day." "I'd like that," he said, watching Kate smile as he and Brian spoke. "Talk to ya next week, Red," Brian said to her. "Safe journey home." "Thanks, honey. Kiss your sis for me." "Will do." He hung up and the line went dead over the squawk box. Kate reset the receiver and then she grinned at Stuart. "Hungry?" she said, brightly. "How can I eat?" he moaned. "You can't leave, Katey. Just transfer here." "I hate it here," she said, pouting. "The only good thing about here is you. You transfer to New York." "No way," he said. "The only good thing about New York is the food." "Oh, thanks!" Kate laughed. She got out from behind her desk and grabbed her handbag. "Speaking of which, I'm starving. Take me out and feed me. We should get drinks." She looked at her watch. "Yeah, it's after eleven. Cocktail hour! Let's get drinks." She shouldered her bag and picked up her overcoat, looking at Stuart with a big grin. He was still sitting in the chair across from her desk and he offered her a melancholy smile. Taking her small hand in his, he kissed the back of it and held it against his face. "Don't do that," she said, her eyes reddening and her voice sounding slightly pinched. "I need to be drunk before you start all the mushy goodbye crap. Besides, we're going out dancing tomorrow night, right?" Kate stepped forward and pet his curls affectionately. "Yeah," he said. "We're dancing. Right." He kissed her hand again then allowed her to pull him up to his feet. They laced their arms around each other's waists and walked out the door of that very empty, echoey office. Sitting by the window at Kate's favorite Italian café down the street from Thrive, Stuart sat morosely swirling his Chianti in his glass. He hadn't said anything for about ten minutes, he'd just been sitting there digesting his pasta and staring out the window at the very gray sky. It would rain by nightfall--and rain like a bitch, by the color of those clouds. He tried not to dwell on the fact that Kate was leaving--his fun friend, his confidant, his new partner in crime. He would miss her so much, it actually surprised him. But they had spent almost every waking hour together since she'd arrived a month ago. It stood to reason they would have bonded. Still, he was sad and sad was an unfamiliar emotion to Stuart Jones. "Look at your little face. You're killin' me," Kate said. She reached over and wrapped her fingers around his wrist. "I know," he said. "I'm sorry. It's actually quite strange for me to be so emotional." "That's most likely shit, but I'm honored nonetheless. I hate to see you so sad, bunny. You have to smile for me. I want to hear that wonderful Stuart giggle at the airport as I get on the plane." "Oh, you think I'm going to see you off, do you?" he grinned, finishing his wine. Kate laughed. "There's my Stuart. Selfish and bitchy." She winked at him, pouring the rest of the wine into her glass. "So, what's the plan for tomorrow? Vince IS coming, right? I'll go drag him out of that flat by his ear if he tries to re-neg." "He's coming," Stuart said. "Some of his mates are going to join us, too." "Cool! Anyone fun?" Stuart thought about that. "You'll probably love Alex. And he'll love you, too. Vince's mother might come." "Ah, the infamous Hazel Tyler," Kate said, lifting her eyebrows. "I hope she does. I would love to meet her." She tipped her glass and sipped from it, eyeing him playfully. "What about the kid?" "What, Alfred?" "No, dumbass. Although I'm sure you'll give him his own membership to Babylon for his first birthday. I was referring to that Nathan." "Nathan who?" he said, irritably. Kate chuckled. "Oh, come on. Don't tell me you haven't been thinking about him." "I always think about him, Katey. That doesn't mean shit. Don't alcoholics always think about having a drink? Besides, he's not one of our friends . . . not really. I mean, we might run into him like you and I did, but it's not like he would be invited. Not by us." "You haven't been down to the village since we went, have you?" He shook his head. "Vince has. He goes a few times a week with his friends." "And you're not worried about him being down there on his own?" "He's with his friends," Stuart repeated. "And even if he wasn't, no. I'm not worried." Kate smiled at him but she didn't say anything for a bit. "You two should have a wedding," she said finally. "I've actually been thinking about that," he said. "Vince would love it." She winked at him. "Can I be your maid of honor?" "Oi, what makes you think I'M the bloody bride??" he laughed and finished his wine. Kate chuckled, mischievously. "I can just see you . . . all dressed in white lace, tiny flowers arranged in your beautiful curls, clutching a bouquet of roses. You'd be lovely." "Fuck. Off." He felt his cheeks burn as he laughed. "Besides, Vince looks better in white." "I know you keep swaggering around and telling me what a dog you are sexually, but ever since I met you guys I've always thought Vince was the top in your relationship." Stuart's jaw dropped and he stared at her. "Are you fucking kidding?" "No," Kate said, obviously taking the piss. "Sweetie, it's always the rude, bossy boys who roll right on their backs in bed. Didn't you know that? Brian tells me that if you want to get fucked, look for the nelliest, swishiest, girliest queen you find. And if you want to fuck someone, go for the aggressive, butch boys." "But I'm not butch OR queeny," he said. "I'm just sexy." Stuart grinned, batting his eyes. "So, does that mean you like everything?" Kate said, batting back. The server brought their bill and they waited to continue until they were alone again. "Yes," he said. "I like everything." "Brian tells me he used to be exclusively a top until the first time he got rimmed," she said. "He said he'd never wanted cock in his ass so badly. The need was almost painful. According to Brian." Stuart nodded, concurring. "I don't think I ever even thought about getting fucked until the first time some bloke rimmed me. It certainly changes your perspective." He grinned, cheekily. "Did you tell me Brian was gay? I don't remember that." "I guess not," she said. "I thought I had . . ." "Is he hot?" Kate eyed him, shaking her head. "Oh, no. I'm not doing that with you. I already got you busted once with your lover, I'm not getting in that again!" "He is, isn't he?" Stuart teased, leaning forward on the table. "Yes. But in a chiseled, male-model kind of way, not in an earthy, sexy way. He's pretty, Brian. Statuesque, even. But he doesn't . . . I don't know . . . exude like you do." "I'm not meaning to compare," he said. "Have you got a photo of him?" "Why do you care what he looks like? You're married." "Yeah, but I'm not dead! I'm curious. I liked his voice. And he's seen ME." She shook her head, reaching for her handbag. Rifling through the contents, she took out her leather-covered planner and opened the snap. After sorting through some loose pieces of paper and business cards, she produced a photograph of herself with two other people--a young woman around Kate's age and a young man. Stuart took the photo and examined it, closely. Brian was quite tall--almost a head taller than Kate in that shot--and he had sleek, light brown hair and hazel-brown eyes. Full, voluptuous lips, great skin. In the photo, he reminded Stuart slightly of Nathan. "Nice," he said, handing the photo back. "Big cock? "How the fuck would I know? He's a shithead most of the time, but you gotta love him. That's my best friend there. His sister." She put the photo back then closed the planner, stuffing it into her bag again. "What are you and your loverboy doing tonight?" "Stayin' in." "Such an old married couple," she groaned. He offered his crooked grin. "We're stayin' in to shag all night, Kate. Or, to be exact, Vince said he wanted to have my cock in his mouth for hours tonight. How many married couples do you know who do that?" Kate smiled a bit wistfully. "You two are really going strong," she said. "I bet that surprises you." Stuart shrugged. "Yeah. Does a bit. I would have thought he'd be sick of dealing with me by now." "He's madly in love with you, Stuart. He'll never get sick of you. Makes me jealous, the way he adores you." Stuart only smiled, thinking of that morning and of how Vince had brought him coffee and toast in bed. How they made love for so long they were both late for work. When he looked up, Kate was smirking. "Must have been a nice morning. I can always tell when you're thinking about sex. You get this sparkle in your eyes and this sexy little smile." He leaned forward and kissed her forehead, trying not to think about how much he would miss her. "Are we ready?" "Yeah. Let's go." Stuart left cash for the bill and then followed her out the door. For some reason, the image of Brian's face seemed to have burned itself into Stuart's memory. Brian was exactly the sort of man he would have cruised in his single days--the sort of bloke Stuart would have had in twos whenever the spirit moved him. Something about the expression on his face . . . so smug and confident. Although the impulse dismayed him slightly, Stuart wanted to know more about Kate's young friend. * * * Vince: Spooning on the couch in front of the telly, Stuart wiggled back against Vince's body, stretching his neck and presenting it for kissing. Vince gently bit him then kissed the spot just below his ear, up into that soft hollow behind the lobe. He knew Stuart loved that and he smiled to himself when his lover sighed with pleasure. "Didn't you say something about sucking my cock for hours?" he asked, rolling onto his back and then turning into Vince's arms. "I believe I did mention that, yeah." Vince smiled and moved in for a long, wet kiss. He felt Stuart's growing erection pressing against his own and he moved his hips slightly to get some friction going. Kissing his way down Stuart's neck, he lifted the close fitting black t-shirt and ran his tongue along those dark, silky nipples. Vince closed his eyes and focused on the task of sucking them until they were tight against his tongue, then he tugged them with his teeth and licked them in circles until Stuart began to tremble with anticipation. He moved down on the couch, rolling Stuart onto his back and propping up his head with some throw pillows. "Can you see?" Vince asked as he slipped Stuart's pajama bottoms down over his hips. "Yeah . . ." Stuart raised up slightly as Vince removed his silky trousers, then he wrapped his legs around that firm waist. Vince pressed his lover's thighs apart, stroking the long muscles there with his palms. Stuart's skin was naturally soft and Vince could spend hours just petting him. Well, he would spend hours petting him if Stuart could handle it. Being pet always drove the wanton brunette crazy with lust and he would end up attacking Vince after only a few minutes of being touched. Smoothing the soft hairs on Stuart's belly with his fingertips, Vince nestled into position between his lover's legs--one knee on the floor to brace himself against the couch. This way his back wouldn't get tired too quickly and he could continue his oral pleasuring for a much longer time. Stuart was fully hard already, his thick cock heavy with coursing blood. Vince started with kisses all the way around the shaft and soft, tender licks along the salty head. He cradled Stuart's balls in his warm hand, gently massaging them, tugging slightly and rolling them against each other in that way he knew Stuart liked. Then he moved the tightening testicles out of the way and lowered down to taste Stuart's anus. Just a bit of attention for now, not too much . . . Vince didn't want him too excited just yet. Stuart moaned and stretched luxuriantly, his dark blue eyes closed and his lips parted. He licked them repeatedly as they darkened and swelled slightly with his arousal. Vince couldn't keep his eyes off his lover's face as he took Stuart's cock into his mouth. He was rewarded with pre-come warming his tongue as he sucked the swollen head with just enough pressure to titillate the nerve endings, but not enough to promote an orgasm. Vince intended to be there for a while, enjoying the powerful sensation of sucking cock to the fullest. His tongue swirled along the shaft as he lowered down, inhaling the soft musky fragrance of Stuart's silky pubic hair. God, he loved that smell. Holding still for a moment, Vince just breathed deeply, heating his lover's cock with his breath as he exhaled and humming softly to create vibration. Stuart shivered and stroked his fingers through Vince's hair lovingly. "God . . . I love that . . ." Stuart moaned. Vince repeated the action several times before changing tactics, driving his lover into a frenzy of writhing and sighing. Grinning happily, Vince shifted gears and dropped down again to tongue Stuart's hot little anus. He spread his thighs wider and gripped the brown leather cushion beneath him, holding his breath as he concentrated on not coming. Vince knew what he was doing--Stuart did this all the time when he was getting sucked off. The combined physical pleasure and psychological turn-on of it were so intense to him that he would come almost immediately if he didn't exert some conscious restraint. Vince was patient, he wanted Stuart to wait, as well. Not only did he adore pleasing Stuart with his mouth, but Vince was in the mood to give him an orgasm that would melt him from the inside out. He'd been looking forward to this all day. Glancing up at the brunette's handsome face, Vince could see that he was suffering. He kissed his way up Stuart's cock then continued up his torso to his lover's plump lips. Kissing him deeply, Vince whispered to him. "Do you want to come now and I'll just get hard again?" Stuart's fingers gripped Vince's shoulders as they kissed and he urged his lover back down--gently but insistently. "Yes . . . please . . ." Vince smiled and lowered himself down on that shuddering, weeping cock, that time sucking firmly and with intent. He made a tight, wet vacuum of his mouth and teased Stuart's anus with his pinkie as he drew the orgasm up and out of his lover's body. Stuart arched under him and his tight belly trembled as he let out a deep, guttural moan. Then Vince was swallowing as the thick, salty seed filled his mouth over and over again. He savored the clean, musky taste, already sorry that first blow job was finished. He knew it wouldn't take him long to get Stuart hard again, but there was something about that first erection. It was always firmer and more sensitive. Vince made a trail of sensual kisses up Stuart's belly until he got to his chest where he stopped and rested his chin. He breathed in through his nose to taste the semen still in his mouth and his own cock twitched hungrily in his trousers. Stuart played with Vince's hair as he laid there composing himself. "I can never hold out when you have me in your mouth," he said, grinning. "I know," Vince replied, feigning arrogance. "I'm just too good." "You are. You're fantastic. It's like being tortured with pleasure." Stuart licked his lips and wriggled under Vince until he was in position to flip him over. "Now I'm going to torture you . . ." Vince took a deep breath, happily squirming out of his sweats and dumping them over the side of the couch. He played with his semi- hard cock as Stuart watched, teasing it to its full length slowly. With his stormy blue eyes twinkling, Stuart extended his tongue and licked the sensitive slit of Vince's cock head while he continued to rub the shaft. Stuart loved to watch him masturbate and Vince always felt so naughty and hot doing it in front of him. His balls tingled as they tensed and drew closer to his body and he let out an unstable moan. "All right," Stuart cooed. "Stop that now. Let me do it." He moved Vince's hand away gently, replacing it with his own. "You have other things to do with your hands." Vince laughed softly as he dug his fingers into Stuart's satiny curls. His lover's hair was a bit longer than normal which made the ringlets more pronounced and Vince tangled his fingers in them, tugging and stroking and petting. The warm, slick texture of Stuart's healthy hair sparked against his palms like it was electrified and Vince lifted his hips greedily into the hot, wet mouth pulling on his cock. He wanted to say something about how wonderful it all felt but he could only make sounds that resembled words as he closed his eyes and got carried away with the pleasure. Digging his toes into the brown leather of the couch, Vince trembled and whined as he struggled to make that fantastic feeling last. His hands worked in Stuart's hair and he tried to still his hips and remain somewhat calm. There was very little hope for any of that, though, and in no time he was surrendering to the most intense orgasm he'd had in weeks. Granted, they were all wonderful, but this one had a particular brightness to it that made it stand out to his senses. Maybe it was because he knew Kate was leaving in two days and he would once again have Stuart all to himself--despondent, though he may be. The intimacy of sucking each other was also a factor, cocooned in the safety of their home and free to express whatever degree of lust they desired. Vince loved being alone with Stuart. He always had. Still gasping from his own pleasure, Vince rolled Stuart over again and crawled down between his legs. Stuart was already hard as was always the case when Vince played with his hair like that, so he went right to work on their second round of oral play. They ended up falling asleep in a pile on the couch with the television on, both of them drained and content. Not a bad way to spend a quiet evening at home. * * * Kate: Vince and I are lying on their huge bed watching Stuart get dressed. God, he is so hot. He's standing there in these tight black chinos and no shirt, hands on his narrow hips, staring accusingly into the open wardrobe. Three shirts have been tried and discarded, lying on the bed in limp heaps like dead soldiers. He just can't decide what he wants to wear. "Why not wear that dark red one I like?" Vince offers. "It's at the cleaners." "How about that turquoise jumper?" "Too hot. I want to dance tonight." Vince looks at me and shrugs, giving up. I figure I'll give it a try. "Why don't you go like that? Or better yet, go naked." Stuart looks over his sculpted shoulder at me, his eyebrow cocked. "I don't think my boyfriend would be comfortable with that." "What do you mean?" Vince teases. "Your boyfriend loves seeing you naked. I just don't want anyone ELSE seeing you. Well, I suppose they could see you, but they can't touch you." Stuart winks at him and Vince blushes. They are so cute together, I could barf. But in a good way. Vince is attired nicely in jeans and a dark brown button down that I think is Prada but I can't be sure. The color is great with his skin tone. He looks flushed and golden and his blue eyes are all sparkly. We're sipping some great red wine and listening to an old Yaz record. Reminds me of high school--also in a good way. "He's going to miss you terribly, you know," Vince tells me. "It's very mutual. I want to take him back to NYC with me but he said he won't go. Some nonsense about having a lover here who's a mind-altering shag." "Oh, yeah?" Vince says in Stuart's direction. "Anyone I know?" "Nah," he retorts. "You've never met him." Stuart reaches into the wardrobe again and takes out another black shirt, this one has a bit of a shine to the fabric. "I don't like that," I say. "It's too gay." He giggles. "Have we met?" "I'm just saying. If you want to LOOK like a big fuckin' sissy, wear it. Otherwise, pick something else." Vince is laughing now, almost rolling on the bed. He likes it when I pick on Stuart. It amuses him. Going to the drawers inside the wardrobe, Stuart takes another tactic. A dark blue, short sleeved knit shirt with a nice little collar comes out of the top drawer and he slips it over his head. Turning to look in the full-length mirror, he fixes his hair and checks out the complete look. "Great color," I say. "That one's good. Go with it. You need a hair cut, by the way." "Bite your tongue!" Vince says, scolding me. "It's perfect right now." "Good for tugging," Stuart says, crawling on the bed and stretching out between us. We both touch his hair and play with his ringlets like he's some life-size doll. Lapping up the attention, he flashes that sly grin that I know I'm going to miss like crazy. He takes Vince's glass and drinks from it, then rests his head on his cute lover's lap. Vince continues to toy with his curls and I sigh, thinking I could watch them do that all night long. "Are we going, or what?" Stuart says. "Let's boogie," I say. We all get off the bed and finish our drinks on the way down to the kitchen. Vince's cell phone rings as we're getting on our coats. "Hi," he says into the little Nokia. "Yeah, we're leaving now. Do you want to meet us or should we pick you up? Right. Okay. We'll see you at Via Fossa, then. Okay. Bye." He drops the phone into his jacket pocket and we start out the door. "Hazel?" Stuart asks. "Yeah. She's meeting us." Stuart stops by the phone in the livingroom and calls a taxi for us, then we leave and file into the hallway. As we get into that deathtrap of an elevator, I start to feel a bit anxious about meeting Vince's mother. I have the sneaking suspicion she won't think much of me. * * * Hazel: Covering Vince's eyes from behind, Hazel leaned in and whispered to her son. "Guess who?" "Err . . . uh . . . some mad tart that just happened to have given birth to me?" Vince grinned as he turned and gave her a kiss. "Hiya! Haven't seen you in ages." She loved that he was glad to see her and she gave him a good squeeze before moving on to greet Stuart. "How are ya, kid?" They hugged and she pulled on his hair in the back as she stood up. "What's this? You trying to look like a rock star now?" "Wha'? It's not THAT long!" he said defensively. "Christ, all right. I'll get a haircut." Vince stuck out his bottom lip and pouted. Hazel decided she didn't want to know. She sat down beside her son and smiled cheerily at the pretty redheaded girl at the table with them. "Hazel, this is my friend, Kate Stephani," Stuart said. "Kate, this Hazel Tyler, Vince's mother." She reached over and shook Kate's hand, clocking that huge diamond ring. "Nice to meet you," Hazel said. "Blimey! Careful you don't go swimming wearing that. Sink straight to the bottom." She reached out for Kate's left hand and got a closer look at the ring. "That's quite something, love." "Thanks. It's a pleasure to meet you, Hazel. I've heard so much about you." "All of it unfortunately true," she said, laughing. "Especially if you heard it from the Irish brat. Cheeky little bastard knows all my secrets. How long are you in Manchester?" "Only one more day," Kate said. "But I've been here a little over a month. My flight back to New York is Monday morning." "Aw. Well, I hope you had a nice stay." "I have, actually. Thanks to Stuart. He's been looking after me so I don't get bored when we're not working." Hazel glanced at the brunette and watched him watching Kate. Stuart seemed to be hanging on her every word and regarding her with great fondness. It was strange seeing that expression on his face. Hazel had never known Stuart to have any close friends other than Vince. "Well, who needs a drink?" she said, reaching into her handbag for her wallet. "We've got a tab going, Hazel," Stuart said, pushing her wallet back into her bag. "Have whatever you want. Our waiter is over there--the cute one with the ponytail." She frowned at him momentarily, then caught the eye of the handsome young waiter approaching their table. She ordered a Bacardi and Coke and told him to keep them coming. Sitting down next to Vince, she leaned in to whisper to him. "Have you told me about this Kate?" "I haven't hardly seen you," Vince said, turning to speak more privately to her. "She and Stuart are getting on really well." "So, I see. And why wouldn't they?" He cocked his head and looked at her, curiously. "Meaning?" "Meaning . . . they're the same bloody person in two different bodies." "You just met her!" Vince said. "How could you know what she's like?" Hazel shook her head. "I'm not wrong. She's trouble for him." Vince pursed his lips and his lovely eyes shifted nervously. This expression had been a clear indicator that he was hiding something ever since he was old enough to have the need to hide things. Hazel grabbed his chin and forced him to look at her. "What?" she demanded. "Nothin'. Mum, it's . . . private, really. He wouldn't want me to go on about it." "What's he done?" Vince squirmed in his chair and took her hand away, holding it in his lap between both his own. "It's nothing. Kate's just a bit of . . ." "An instigator, no doubt," Hazel whispered, smiling cheerfully at the lovely redheaded girl from New York. She didn't care if Kate Stephani did know they were talking about her. No concern of Hazel's, that. She just wanted to get to the bottom of whatever was going on between her son and his devilish lover. "Yeah, well. Right. Anyway . . ." Vince leaned in and whispered right into his mother's ear. "Stuart got into it a bit with Nathan a few weeks ago and Kate was there. I wasn't, unfortunately. I just heard about it." "Into it how far?" she asked. "It wasn't . . ." Vince glanced over his shoulder to see Kate and Stuart chatting away, not looking in his direction at all. He turned back to Hazel and whispered again. "It was minor, really. Nothing terrible. It wasn't a shag or anything. We've sorted it, anyway. I'm just . . ." Vince sighed, smiling at her a bit wearily. He kept his voice very low, only for her. "I'm really glad she's leaving is all. It will be a huge relief." Hazel raised her eyebrows and touched her forehead to his, still keeping the conversation between them. "Just because she's not here, doesn't mean she's out of your way, Vincent. I can tell by the way he's looking at her. He'll miss her like mad when she's gone and he'll go to New York to see her. He'll go without you, as well." Vince blinked at her, unhappily. "She's already asked him to come." Hazel nodded. "See? I'm never wrong. Where's my drink?" She looked around irritably for the cute waiter with the ponytail. "And," she continued, pulling him in close again. "She'll keep apologizing to you for getting him into trouble. That's the game." "Mum, how the `ell do you know all this?" Vince insisted. She just looked at him. "How many gay men do I have as friends? Loads! I've seen thousands of little lovelies like her--girls that run with beautiful gay boys just to watch them interact with each other. It's quite titillating, mind you. Now, I don't want to go so far as to use that awful term `fag hag', but if the shoe fits . . . And who would know the size of that shoe better than me?" Vince laughed, gently. "She seems to really care for him," he said. "I'm sure she does. It must be like being close friends with a male version of yourself! What's not to love? Just watch her, Vinnie. Don't give her too much time alone with your man." The waiter brought her drink and another round for the rest of the table. Hazel took two large sips of her drink, carefully observing the interaction between Stuart and his newfound friend. Something in her bones ached with foreboding. Was this little redhead going to be responsible for making Stuart slip up in an unforgivable way? As she smiled at her son again, Hazel sighed. She'd told Stuart all the way back of the beginning of their romantic relationship that it was only a matter of time until he blew it. Until he broke Vince's heart. Was that time now and at the hands of this pretty American girl? Watching Stuart's profile, Hazel resigned herself to that fact that only time would tell. |
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