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Seven Days of Rain -Page 4 | ||||||||||||||
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Stuart/ Nathan | NC-17
| Angst, AU | UK DeAnna Zankich Sequel is | Well Shagged and Sassy Summary: The week long wait begins and neither of the boys are holding up too well under the pressure. Warnings: None Author Notes: Cameron's on his way, don't worry. In the second part of this story, he'll show himself (but not yet--can you tell I'm not keen on writing that character?). Spoilers: QAF 1 - set during Ep. 5 |
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Nathan: For a moment, he was dead certain Stuart wasn't coming back. In a brief break in the afternoon rain, Nathan stood out in front of Hazel's house, hands stuffed in the pockets of his jacket, glancing anxiously up the street looking for the jeep. Then suddenly, it rounded the corner and pulled in at the curb in front of him. Nathan got in. "Hiya,"he said. Stuart offered a crooked smile but it had little warmth. His dark blue suit made his smooth skin glow and his lips looked irresistibly rosy. Nathan wished more than anything that he was welcome to kiss Stuart, but he knew he wasn't. Not that day. "Vince is inside,"he reported. Those sapphire eyes narrowed, coldly. "Did you say you were meeting me?" "Yeah." He sighed, shaking his head. "Christ, Nathan. This isn't a fucking game." Nathan buckled up and turned to the driver, his expression open and inquisitive. "What is it, then? What are we doing?" "We're going for a coffee. We're going to have ourselves a chat." Stuart put the jeep in gear and pulled out into the street, heading for town. Sitting by the window in a coffee house just off Canal Street, Stuart fiddled with the wrapper on a sugar packet Nathan had used in his cappuccino. Nathan was mesmerized by the older man's hands. Long and elegant fingers, perfectly manicured nails, no marks or scars on the silky skin. Nathan knew how soft they were, too. He could feel those hands stroking his body even then. Those two silver rings glinted on the ring finger and pinkie of his right hand, just below that bracelet. The narrow band of silver accented his wrist bone delicately, showing off its lean grace. Nathan remembered Stuart taking off his watch and a chain he was wearing around his neck before they showered together at his flat, but Stuart never took off that bracelet. It was almost as though he wasn't even aware of it being there, it was so much a part of him. Before he even thought about it, Nathan reached out and touched it with the tip of his finger. "This is the same as the one Vince wears,"he said. "Yeah." Stuart allowed himself to be touched, just watching Nathan's finger trace the silver slowly. "Did you get them?" He shook his head. "Hazel gave them to us the summer we both turned sixteen. Far as I know, neither of us have ever taken them off." Stuart took a deep breath and leaned forward on the table. With just that small change in their proximity, Nathan could suddenly smell him. Slightly spicy after shave, the faint minty scent of the gel he ran through his curls to keep them neat and shiny and that warm, clean smell of Stuart's skin. Nathan's mouth watered and his cock stirred. He licked his lips and wished once again that his kiss would be welcome. "Nathan,"Stuart began, his brow knitting seriously. "Things have changed a bit between me and Vince." "What do you mean?"he said and found he had to clear his throat. Stuart looked down into his own coffee--black, double espresso, no sugar. "I mean, we're thinking of giving it a go as a couple." Nathan felt his eyes bug even though he had no intention of showing any reaction on his face. He just couldn't help it. He was completely shocked. "You're kidding?" Stuart's beautiful face softened in a cocky smile. "No, I'm not. It just sort of . . . evolved. Surprised us both, actually." "He must be right chuffed,"Nathan said, then wished he hadn't. The tone had been far more biting than he'd wanted and it made Stuart frown. "Well,"he stammered, trying to recover. "I just meant that Vince is completely in love you and he must be thrilled by this. That's all." "Yeah, well. It just sort of happened." Stuart picked up his cup and sipped from it. Again, Nathan couldn't stop his face from showing the full measure of the shock he felt. "You mean, you've already shagged?! Stuart!" "It's been going on since right after I met you,"Stuart said. "That week, actually. The week the baby was born." Nathan blinked, an idea occurring to him. "Did all that have something to do with it? The baby and me?" Looking out the window at the rain-slicked street, Stuart's expression became cloudy and thoughtful. "I'm thinking maybe it did,"he said. "And I'm pretty sure you still do have something to do with it. You and my son." He took a long breath and looked down at the table, thoughtfully. His black eyelashes made spidery shadows on his cheeks. "I've been thinking about that night I met you on Canal Street." "What about it?" "I almost didn't stop,"Stuart said. "I could tell you were bloody young and I didn't know if I wanted to get involved with you. I thought you might get too attached to me. Imagine that." Nathan looked down, blushing madly. "Sorry." "No need to be. Nathan,"Stuart leaned forward a bit more, lowering his voice. "I didn't know you were a virgin until I had you on your back. You weren't acting like it. Vince said he could tell by looking at you, but I couldn't. I had no idea. I didn't expect you to be really experienced or anything, but I didn't think you were a virgin. You should have said." "Why?" He shook his head. "Because. I would have . . . I don't know. I wouldn't have been such a twat." "I don't think you were,"Nathan said, honestly. "You're saying that because you've got it in your head that you care for me. You should have . . . it would have been better for you if you'd had someone nice for your first time." He said this last very softly, almost under his breath and he watched Nathan's face closely as the words hung in the air. Nathan took a deep breath and looked in the older man's dark blue eyes, intently. "Stuart, I know you don't want to hear this but . . . I'm . . . I . . . I thought you were great. You were lovely to me. I wish I hadn't acted like such a mong afterwards because I keep thinking you might have . . ." Stuart was shaking his head slowly, definitively. "I would have done exactly what I did, no matter what. Trust me." Nathan looked away, embarrassed but feeling emboldened by the intimacy of the conversation. "The first time I showed up at your flat you sent me away. You said you'd had me. You said it like that meant you weren't allowed to have me again, but then . . . you did. That day I came to Hazel's. And then again the other night. It's like you sort of--" "Can't resist you?"Stuart offered, his eyebrows lifting expectantly. "Well . . ." Nathan didn't know what to say. He didn't want to insinuate anything that would insult Stuart--not when he was being so forthcoming. "I don't suppose I can, for whatever reason,"Stuart said. "I mean, that night when that other bloke was there--that guy I met on the internet . . . Nathan, you understand that if I'd let you in, it would have been too complicated. I could see all those feelings you were having all over your face. I had to send you away and I had to be a right bastard about it, as well. I was hoping to make you hate me." "I know you were,"Nathan said. "I did, too. Right then. At that moment. And then I just couldn't stop thinking about you. You were always in my head. Every minute. I know I shouldn't have come to Hazel's but I . . . had to. I had to be near you." "Why?"Stuart asked, seriously. "Because . . . I sort of love you and I want you to . . . I don't know. I suppose I want to learn from you." Stuart breathed a sarcastic laugh. "Learn what? How to be a serial shagger and a complete bastard? Oh, that's lovely, Nathan. Just what a young man needs in life." He shook his head, but he was smiling bitterly. "If you want to learn from someone, you should learn from Vince. Or Hazel. The Tyler's are fantastic people, in case you haven't noticed that yet." Nathan thought of the confrontation he'd had with Hazel and Vince only a short while before and he cringed. "Well, neither of them are very happy with me right now,"he muttered. "I don't want to know,"Stuart said. "I'm sure I'll hear about it later. Listen, the reason I wanted to see you was to tell you about me and Vince and to ask you again to sort yourself out as soon as possible. Your presence in Hazel's house is really upsetting him and . . . Vince has got enough to deal with right now." Nathan looked at him again, suddenly feeling like he was going to cry. "I said I would and I will. I'll get out as soon as I can." "Okay. Good." He looked at the boy for a long time, a small, sexy smile playing around his lips. "What?" Nathan's own smile increased in its heat. He batted his eyes, flirting. "I bet you're thinking about shagging me again, aren't you?" "Fuck off,"he said, winking. "Come on, I'm taking you back to Hazel's. Unless you want me to take you back to your mother's house." "Not today, thanks,"Nathan said. He finished his coffee and stood up, following Stuart out onto the street. They crossed over to where the jeep was parked and got in. As he strapped on the safety belt, Nathan looked at his companion hopefully. "So, you and Vince are officially a couple now--or is it still being negotiated?" Stuart slipped on his sunglasses even though it was still overcast and drizzling. "Why?"he asked, starting the engine. "I just wondered. I mean, if you two haven't actually committed to it yet, then I might have a chance for one more shag. You know, before you're out of circulation and all." Lowering his chin, Stuart looked at his passenger over the edge of his shades. "You are the cheekiest bastard I have ever met, Nathan Maloney. Did you hear none of what I just said to you in there?!" "I heard you, Stuart. I was just saying . . ." Nathan was playing with him, but of course he was half serious. If he'd learned one thing about Stuart Jones, it was that there was always a possibility of getting him to shag you--no matter what he said. "Can I at least have a kiss, then?" Stuart took off the sunglasses and regarded Nathan sternly. "Lips only, mind you. If you put your tongue in my mouth, I'll bite it off." Nathan nodded his agreement, leaning forward to meet half way. Stuart smiled slightly, then closed the gap between them. Their lips touched softly, once, then again. The second kiss lingered and Nathan breathed into it, languishing the feeling, knowing it was the last taste he'd get of this man for some time. Still, something in the hesitation of that second kiss spoke to Nathan on a primal level and let him know that he wouldn't be waiting too long. * * * Stuart: When he got home, there was a message from Vince on the answer phone. "Hiya. Thanks for the new phone. Sandra brought it 'round this afternoon. I guess you've got the number. Anyway, I just thought I'd better let you know that I'm seeing Cameron again tonight. Giving him that proper date we talked about. I'm leaving the mobile at home, so I won't be reachable. I'll ring you later. Lots o' love." Stuart let all the air out of his lungs in one long exhale. Fine, then. This was the right thing. At least he felt better knowing Vince was actually giving himself a choice. Right. Stuart could handle this. It was his idea, anyway. Taking off his suit coat, he headed for the bedroom to undress. Might as well go out for a drink. Bound to be some hot stranger out there that needed a good shafting. * * * Cameron: I swear I recognize that woman on the other side of the room--there, with that older man. He looks familiar, too. I've seen them somewhere . . . where was it? Right! Phillip Delaney's funeral! She was stuffing half the buffet into her handbag. I tell Vince this and she's making him nervous for some reason. We were having a nice evening until we came here. He wanted to go for a drink on Canal Street, even though he'd never say that. I know he was hoping to run into his friend, Stuart. Been talking about him all night, in fact. And lo and behold, here he is. Stuart Jones. Pissed out of his mind and hanging on Vince like they're lovers. I know I don't have the right to be possessive of him--this is only the second time we've gone out--but this Stuart is just such a . . . bastard. Who's he kidding with that hair? He just sent Vince off to get us drinks and now he's standing here in front of me, leaning on the railing, sparkling at me like I'm going to fall for his childish, flirty games. I'm not fourteen, after all. I've seen a million blokes like him. "So, what does an Account Director do?"I ask, trying to be polite in Vince's absence. " I direct accounts,"he laughs. How witty. I'm overwhelmed. "Some of it's shit,"he goes on, slurring. "But some of the clients are good. Manchester indie labels, that sort of thing. I could do it in my sleep. I dunno, I've been thinking. About moving. I'm looking around." "What for?"I ask him, for the sake of conversation. And I'm marginally interested in his next move. Clever, this one. He wants me gone, that's certain. He's probably not even aware that he's in love with Vince, but it's all over him like a bad suit. "I don't know . . ." He's cagey, now. He actually bats his eyes once. "There's always something better just . . . waiting to come along. Don't you think?" Finally Vince returns with the drinks, bless him. He's watching his friend with furtive interest, wary, wondering what the hell he's been saying. "You took your time,"I say. "I missed you." And then I play my hand. I grab the little cutie and kiss him, hard, making sure to give that bastard Stuart a good view. I can feel Vince tense in my arms but he warms to me soon enough. Nice kiss, actually. He's got a gentle way about him that's quite enticing. "Don't mind me,"Stuart grumbles and as soon as he speaks, Vince breaks the kiss and turns to him. Stuart's buggering off down the stairs, looks back once and there's something in the exchange between them that hits me like a firm shove in the chest. "Where's he going?"Vince says, his tone a bit worried. "Up his own ass,"I answer, wishing it were true. But I smile, trying to gloss over my rudeness. He's sweet, Vince. Smiles back. Gives me some hope. Like, if I could just get him alone long enough, I might have a chance with him. * * * Day Five. Vince: At half passed two in the morning, Vince got a cab to Stuart's flat. He took the stairs because the lift was noisy and it was so late. Didn't want to wake the neighbors. He used his key, let himself in and crept silently across the wood floor to the bedroom. The lights were off but a night light in the bathroom illuminated the glass encased room enough for him to see that Stuart was by himself in the big bed. Vince had no idea why, but he needed to see that with his own eyes. He needed to know Stuart had gone home alone. Vince could hear him breathing. The slow, even respiration of someone sleeping off too many drinks. He stood there in the doorway of the room just looking at his friend lying there. After a moment, his eyes adjusted fully to the minimal light and he could make out the details of Stuart's face. Boyish, relaxed, smooth skin, dark red lips, black eyelashes, all framed with those cherubic curls. He always slept on his side with his arms out and the top leg bent. This made for a lovely curve at his waist and hip. Vince admired him lying there for a long time and then he tip- toed carefully up to the other side of the bed. Reaching into his jacket, Vince took out a small white envelope and placed it lightly on the pillow Stuart wasn't using. Then, he left the room and went quietly back to the front door. Carefully, he closed it behind him, turning the lock with his key. * * * Stuart: The alarm jolted him awake and Stuart opened his eyes just enough to slam the damn thing silent. Fuck, he hated that clock. Rolling onto his back, he sighed and scrubbed at his eyes with his fists. Thursday. Vince had two more days to make his choice. Suddenly, Stuart's mind was assaulted with the repeating image of Vince and that twat Cameron snogging last night. Right there in front of him like Cameron thought it was some sort of power play. The image made Stuart's stomach churn. He got up and went straight to the bathroom for a long, much needed piss. It made him feel considerably better. Thinking he would just get coffee at the office, Stuart got in the shower and proceeded to get ready for work. It wasn't until he was dressed and almost out the door that he spotted the envelope on the pillow. He walked over and picked it up, his brow knitting curiously. Where the hell had that come from? There was no writing on the outside at all so he tore it open and took out a delicate card. On the front was a simple photo of a bridge over a river in a pretty rural setting. Stuart opened the card and read Vince's handwriting inside. Stuart smiled at the memory that bit of poetry brought up. He hadn't thought of it in years. The first day he'd come to school after his family had moved over from Ireland, he walked into an English class and saw Vince standing at his desk with a book open, reciting that stanza of Poe's "Annabel Lee". Fourteen-year-old Vincent Tyler had looked up when Stuart walked in and smiled in this pure, almost stunned way--as though he'd just happened upon something incredible and rare and he was the only one seeing it. Vince still looked at him that way, every once in a while. Stuart smiled at the memory that bit of poetry brought up. He hadn't thought of it in years. The first day he'd come to school after his family had moved over from Ireland, he walked into an English class and saw Vince standing at his desk with a book open, reciting that stanza of Poe's "Annabel Lee". Fourteen-year-old Vincent Tyler had looked up when Stuart walked in and smiled in this pure, almost stunned way--as though he'd just happened upon something incredible and rare and he was the only one seeing it. Vince still looked at him that way, every once in a while. With his eyes stinging just slightly, Stuart put the card in the pocket of his suit coat and walked out the door. * * * Vince: Rosalie caught him just outside his office. "There was a delivery for you,"she said, brightly. "I signed for it and put it on your chair. It looks like a present." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "It's not your birthday, is it?" "No,"Vince said. "Not for three months. Thanks for accepting the delivery." "Oh, my pleasure." Rosalie smiled at him again before she went on about her business. The package on the chair was about the size of a brick and it had a good weight to it. Vince shook it next to his ear trying to hear anything rattling inside, but the little parcel was silent. His name and the address of the shop were printed neatly across the top, but there was no indication of who the sender might be. Peeling the brown paper away, Vince revealed a shiny black box with a silver ribbon tied around it. He untied the ribbon and lifted the tight fitting lid. Beneath a square of cotton was an elegant, round silver picture frame. Under the glass was a fifteen year old photograph of him and Stuart piled together in a chair at Hazel's house, both of them in their pajamas and socks, an entire bowl of popcorn overturned and littered around them. They were laughing like loons, so hard their eyes were squeezed shut. Vince barely remembered his mother taking that photo, but he recalled the moment like it was yesterday. It was the first time Stuart stayed over at his house and Hazel had tried to make it special. After all, Stuart was Vince's first real friend. She made pizza by hand and had popcorn for them while they watched old science fiction movies on telly. They stayed up all night, talking quietly with their heads on pillows in Vince's bed. So many stories to tell, so many secrets to share. Vince recalled falling asleep in the first light of dawn listening to the soft music of Stuart's beautiful Irish accent. He placed the frame on his desk right beside the phone and sat back in his chair. He looked at the photo for a long time just thinking, remembering. Then Rosalie appeared in the doorway, breaking his concentration. "Was it a present?"she asked. "Yeah,"he said. "From my best mate, Stuart." "Something good?" He held out the frame and she walked over to take it, holding it carefully in both hands. She smiled brightly when she saw it. "Blimey, that's so sweet! Is that the two of you?" He nodded. "We just met a few months before that was taken." Rosalie handed the frame back to him, smiling into his eyes. "Well, look at you. He sure made you happy. That must be a good memory." Vince laughed, his cheeks burning. "Yeah." * * * Stuart: The phone was ringing as he opened the door to the flat and he skidded across the wood floor to grab it before the machine picked up. "Yeah?" "Hiya." "Hey,"he smiled. "How was your date?" "Umm . . . I'll tell you later." "Did you get shagged? Sure seemed like he planned to shag you." Vince hesitated, then breathed a laugh. "Long story. I'll just tell you later. What're you doing tonight?" "Dunno. Wanna come 'round for a drink?" "I could do with a drink,"Vince said, playfully. "Well, come on over then." "Shall I let meself in?" "Why not? You seem to be an expert at that." Stuart hung up, grinning, and went to take a shower. * * * Vince: He arrived half an hour later and used his key on the front door. Stuart was in the kitchen dressed in a simple dark red t-shirt and a pair of silky pajama bottoms with a tiny pattern on them. He looked decadent and gorgeous and ready for sex--like he always did. His curls were loose and slightly damp from his shower. He offered Vince a sultry smile as he continued his task of mixing a screwdriver. "Want a drink?"he asked. "Definitely." Vince closed the door and walked over to sit on one of the bar stools. He slipped off his jacket and laid it over the stool beside him, leaning his arms on the counter. Stuart set about mixing a tall gin and tonic, his eyes occasionally flitting in Vince's direction. Every time they made eye contact, Vince felt a tingly little rush in his belly. Amazing, that after all those years Stuart Jones still had the same effect on him. "You look fantastic,"Vince said, meaning it. Stuart only grinned, obviously knowing how he looked. He placed the gin and tonic in front of Vince, then tapped his own glass against it. "Cheers,"he said, softly, watching his friend over the rim of his glass with those storm-colored eyes. Vince took a few deep sips of the tart drink before he said anything else. He needed a bit of liquid courage. "So, tell me." "What?"Stuart said. "Tell me what the fuck you did with Nathan Maloney yesterday." Smiling like the cat that ate the canary, Stuart rolled his eyes. "God, Vince. I don't know if I should tell you. It was so . . . sordid. I'm surprised we weren't arrested, being in the middle of town like that. Broad daylight, loads of people looking at us." He shook his head, dramatically. "I should really be stopped, corrupting a kid like that." Vince couldn't keep from laughing, knowing full well Stuart was joking. "Right. What did you do?" "You won't believe." "Try me." Stuart took a deep, mock-theatrical breath. "All right. If you insist on knowing. Nathan and I . . . HAD A COFFEE TOGETHER! Call the police!!" He threw his arms in the air, laughing. "Bastard,"Vince said. "You had a coffee and then you shagged him." "Nope. Just had a chat. Then I brought him back to Hazel's. Guess you were gone by then. He told me you were there when I picked him up. Vince,"he was serious, then. "I didn't do anything but talk with him. Really." "You didn't even kiss him?"Vince said. "Did he say I did?" Shaking his head, Vince looked down at his drink. "He didn't say anything at all to me. I just assumed." "Well, I did kiss him. But it was only a peck." He leaned forward over the counter, using his arms to lift himself off the ground. Balancing on his belly on the flat surface, he leaned so he was only a few inches from Vince. "Two pecks, all right? But no tongue. I told him if he stuck his tongue in my mouth, I'd bite it off." Vince could smell the soap on Stuart's skin mixed up with the warm scent of his hair and the light, clean fragrance of his freshly laundered shirt. His lips looked soft and slightly swollen and the bottom one glistened in the center with moisture from his drink. "I . . . have to kiss you,"Vince said, a bit desperately. "I haven't kissed you in days and you're killin' me right now." He leaned forward and opened his lips over Stuart's, kissing quickly, then going back for a deeper taste. Their tongues played together in the air between their mouths, stroking each other and tickling deliciously. Stuart tasted of orange juice and mint and Vince sucked that plump bottom lip. Stuart brushed his nose over Vince's then slid back on the counter, standing on the floor again. He watched his friend with a questioning smile. "Are we shagging tonight or what?" "Yeah,"Vince said, without hesitation. "But we're talking first." "All right." Stuart walked out of the kitchen and proceeded across the wood floor to the couch. Vince watched him go, loving the way the slick fabric of his pajamas hinted at the fine, lean body underneath but wasn't tight enough to really show anything. The effect was enticing and mesmerizing combined with the graceful, feline roll of Stuart's natural walk. He wasn't affecting anything here, he was at home, relaxed, in the easy company of his best friend. He'd left that strut he reserved for his potential conquests out on Canal Street for the night. Before he sat down on the couch, he looked over his shoulder at Vince, eyes flashing impishly. "Admiring my ass?" "Uh huh,"Vince answered right away. Stuart winked, turned around and slipped down into the brown leather cushions, his legs outstretched in front of him. He balanced his drink on his thigh, watching Vince receptively as he remained seated on the bar stool across the room. "You going to tell me about your date?" Taking his drink, Vince stood up and crossed the room to sit beside Stuart on the couch. He took a deep breath, but didn't begin speaking right away. "Was it bad?"Stuart pressed. "No. Not at all. I mean, he's nice. We had a nice evening. That is, until we ran into you." Stuart smirked, looking away. "I'm sorry, Vince, but that Cameron's a twat." "Yeah, well he didn't think much more of you,"Vince said. "He said you hit on him." "What??!!" Stuart's jaw dropped. "That's what he said. When I was away getting the drinks, he said you made a pass." "Vince,"Stuart sat up, turning to his friend on the couch. "First of all, I would never do that to you and second of all . . . that bloke couldn't be LESS my type. I would never have looked twice at him." "That's what I told him,"Vince said. "He was quite certain, though. I had to explain that being flirty like that was just your personality. That's how you are. Almost wrecked my date, you bastard." "I didn't make a pass,"Stuart said, steadily. "I know." Vince smiled, taking another sip of his drink. "I mean, it might have still been all right if the other thing hadn't happened." "What other thing?" He chuckled, his cheeks turning red. "Well, later on I took him back to mine and we were just starting to get into it. You know, snogging and rolling around on the bed and all. And then he . . ." Stuart settled back on the couch with an interested smile. "Yeah . . ?" Vince sighed. "He had my cock in his mouth and I just started to come when I . . . sort of . . . closed my eyes and said your name." Stuart took in a breath, his eyes getting huge. "No!! Christ, Vince, you did NOT!" Crumpling in a fit of embarrassed laughter, Vince covered his face with his hand. "I did!! Oh my God, it was awful. It wouldn't have been so bad if we hadn't just been talking about you and how much of a bastard he thought you were! And then, for that to happen . . . uuuugggghh! Stuart, I feel terrible about it, I really do." "I don't blame you! I think he's a fucking twat and I feel terrible about it!!! What happened next? What did he do?" "He just got up and left. It was the worst! Oh my God, I can't even tell you how bad it was. He just got his jacket and his keys and walked right out the door. No words, nothing. He just left." "Vince, you HAVE to phone him and apologize,"Stuart said, soberly. "That's fucking horrible. I feel like I should phone him and apologize!" "I know, I will do. Tomorrow." Vince finished his drink and got up to make another. Standing in the kitchen, he glanced back at Stuart who was watching him from the couch. "I reckon I couldn't get you out of my mind." Stuart spread his hands. "Well, I guess that settles it, then. I mean, unless you want to try to find someone else to date between now and Saturday." Smiling, Vince took his fresh drink back to the living room, setting it on the table in front of the couch. He leaned forward, balancing himself on the cushions behind Stuart, then he lowered himself carefully down onto his friend's lap. He took Stuart's drink and put it on the table next to his own, then he bent down and slipped his tongue into Stuart's mouth, kissing him deeply. "What if he forgives you and comes back?"Stuart said, running his tongue over Vince's upper lip. "It was stupid,"he said. "I never should have gone out with him while all this was going on. If I apologize to him for anything, it should be all the way back to accepting the date in the first place. He's a nice man. He didn't deserve to get dropped into the middle of this." "He'll survive,"Stuart said. He ran his fingers up and down Vince's thighs, teasing the flesh and raising chills all over his body. "Want to watch a video or something?" He wiggled on the couch, inching up a bit until his lengthening cock pressed against the back of Vince's leg. Lifting the dark red cotton of Stuart's shirt, Vince stroked the hard, sculpted muscles of his belly before making his way to the stiffening nipples. He pinched them gently, turning the warm little kernels of flesh in his fingers. Stuart's cock throbbed and enlarged under him and he moaned, appreciatively. "Pissed me off so badly watching you snog that twat,"Stuart said, his eyes sliding closed. Vince shook his head, remembering the night before. "You behaved like such a bastard." "I am a bastard, Vince. That's never been in question." He slid his hands up under Vince's shirt, stroking the warm skin on his back. "But I'll be your bastard, if you want me." "You're mine whether I want you or not,"he teased. "I can't get rid of you. You're like a disease only I can catch. I'm terminally ill with you." "Your own personal storm." Stuart winked at him, leaning up for a kiss. "My Hurricane Stuart,"Vince said, digging his fingers into those beloved curls. Looking up into Vince's eyes, Stuart's expression became momentarily serious. "I'll most likely hurt you." "Not if I hurt you first,"Vince returned, but his smile radiated love. He slid off Stuart's lap and took his hand, tugging him to his feet. "What are the rules?"he said as he started toward the bedroom with his lover in tow. "I can't shag anyone else,"Stuart said, dutifully. "And I can't go near Nathan Maloney. Ever. Not even for a civil word." "Right. And there's one more." "Oh, Jesus, Vince. You're taking all the fun outta this!" Vince turned and stopped Stuart in his tracks, holding his index finger right up to the brunette's nose. "This is very important. You are not allowed to change. No going all frumpy and gaining weight and sitting around here on your ass moping. We're going to be just like we are now, with nothing different except the fact that we're a couple. That's the only change." "So, we're still going to go out?" "We're still going to go out. As much as we want." "And, I can still flirt?" "You can flirt your ass off, Stuart. But if you cross the line once, that's it." Stuart blinked. "Where's the line again?" "Sex, you twat. You can't have sex with anyone else." "Right,"he seemed to be thinking about that really hard. "Can I kiss?" "Only if I'm there,"Vince said. "Okay . . . blow jobs?" "That's sex, isn't it?" "Yeah. Right. I guess." Stuart stepped away, walking around him and going up the steps into the bedroom. "Can I dance with other blokes?" "Yes." Vince followed him up to the bed where he sat down, looking up at his lover with an amused smile. He was enjoying this conversation. "Can I grind on a bloke I'm dancing with?" Vince had to think about that one. "Hmm . . . all right, if I'll give you that one. Yes." Stuart pulled off his t-shirt and let the silky pajamas drop to the floor, then he stepped up onto the bed and pushed Vince down on his back. "What if I'm grinding on some bloke on the dance floor and I come in my trousers. Is that all right?" "No. That's sex." "The grinding isn't sex--only the coming?" He crawled like a panther over his lover, the wet tip of his erect cock brushing the bit of exposed skin on Vince's belly. "No coming with other men. That's the broad version of the rule. Specifics will be negotiated on an as-needed basis." "Ooooh,"Stuart laughed. "There're too many ways I can bend that rule. I need a lot more structure than that. Come on, Vince. We both know me." He tugged off Vince's shirt and threw it aside, then went to work on his trousers. "I don't want to put you in a cage, Stuart. I love the way you are-- wild, always hunting. Most of the time it's just fun to watch you do what you do. Chasing them, wearing down what little defense they have against your charms." He raised up so Stuart could remove his trousers. "You always complained about watching me." "Didn't want you to think I was in love with you." Stuart rolled his eyes. "I'd never think that. Luv, I want you on your belly, please." He licked his lips slowly, sensually. "I'm going to make my new boyfriend see stars." Vince's heart double-beat and he had to catch his breath. "Is it weird saying that? The word 'boyfriend'? I mean, was it weird when you said it in front of that client of yours the other night?" Stuart shook his head. "No, because I was saying it about you. Now, are you rolling over or what?" Vince smiled, biting his lip, and turned over on his belly on the bed. He felt Stuart's soft, silky hands stroking the insides of his thighs and he closed his eyes, moaning. The touch went from light tickling to gentle kneading and then he felt soft kisses on the small of his back. The moist sucking sound of the kisses drove Vince slightly mad and he raised his hips to adjust the position of his now fully erect cock. He rubbed it against the sheet and spread his legs even more, giving Stuart room to move. That hot, wet tongue slithered between his cheeks and Vince's breath became shallow. Little kisses were the precursor to the first soft lick--the first touch of tongue to anus. Moving in a slow circle, Stuart caressed his sensitive opening lovingly, occasionally covering the entire orifice with his mouth and gently sucking on it. That was too much. Vince moaned deeply, trying not to move, not to break that unbelievable connection. It seemed so tenuous and fragile but it was a veritable blizzard of pleasure. And just when he thought he would faint from the intensity, Stuart pushed his tongue inside, passed the ring of muscle and down deep into the cavity, pulling out and driving in again almost roughly, that hot, slick tongue impaling Vince repeatedly. Before he even realized it, he was coming. His hips were working quickly, rubbing his cock on the soft sheets and lifting his tingling anus back onto Stuart's tongue again and again. He didn't even have time to moan, he just trembled and gasped and pumped semen out of his throbbing cock, eyes closed, fingers squeezing the pillows under his head. Collapsing on the mattress, Vince couldn't move for a moment, his body still wanting more of that amazing probing. Stuart kissed and nibbled Vince's buttocks, stroking the skin with his hands. Then he returned to the heated crevice, licking and kissing softly just on the edge of the anus. This went on for what seemed like blissful ages and every nerve in Vince's entire body became focused on that one tiny circle of flesh. Stuart's tongue was eager to get back inside but he was waiting, drawing out the pleasure, bringing Vince back to the edge before he dipped in again. Vince groaned when he felt that sucking again--Stuart's mouth covering the pulsating, open anus and sucking at the flesh like it was a nipple. He still couldn't move. His arms and legs felt like stone. His mouth was dry and he couldn't open his eyes but he had never felt such ecstasy in his entire life. He was paralyzed by pleasure. Then, that electric tongue dove back inside of him, stroking, probing, fucking him. His cock was amazingly hard again, burning against his belly, wetting his skin as it pulsed. Then he felt Stuart's body cover him from behind, hands caressing, rubbing everything, awakening the heavy limbs with massaging tenderness. His engorged cock seared the skin on the back of Vince's thigh. He could feel Stuart's heartbeat all over his body--chest, belly, cock--all throbbing with racing blood. Against his ear, Stuart whispered. "Would you like me to fuck you now?" Vince opened his eyes and looked at his lover, sidelong. He cleared his throat and swallowed, then he felt like he could actually speak. "The thought crossed my mind." Stuart grinned, reaching under the pillow above Vince's head. His hand searched around for a moment, then he pulled out a condom and tore it open with his teeth. Reaching back under the pillow, he brought out his trusty bottle of lube and then he slid back down Vince's body. For a moment, he felt a bit cool as Stuart sat up to prepare himself. Vince could hear the slight snap of the condom as he rolled it on and then Stuart was back over him, bodies flush, heartbeats racing, hammering. Vince waited to be opened by his lover's fingers, but that didn't happen. The next thing he felt was the mind-blowing stretch of Stuart's full, hard cock sliding right up inside him. His erection was slick with lube and it entered freely, perfectly, and Vince arched up against it, his prostate straining for contact, seeming to have a craving, wanton mind of its own. Stuart bit the back of his neck as he slid his cock in and out slowly, almost torturously, thumping that swollen gland inside every time his cock head passed it. He moaned low in his throat, his fingers gripping Vince's hips tightly, holding him still. Stuart worked his magic slowly, building the heat and sensation with unimaginable precision. Vince let himself be had, taken, fucked and he reveled in it almost wildly, groaning as he came again, his eyes tightly closed, his throat dry and parched from his frantic breathing. Stuart buried his nose in the nape of Vince's neck and moaned like a child as his body shook with his own orgasm. Vince felt his hot breath on his neck, pulling in and out as his exertions began to subside. He could still feel Stuart's heartbeat pulsing in his slowly softening cock, his body relaxing against Vince's, filling in each other's open places like two pieces of a very simple puzzle. After a while, Stuart curled up beside him on the bed, placing soft kisses along Vince's bare arm. "I'll give you three months,"he said. "Then you'll be so sick of shagging me you'll run screaming." Vince sighed, smiling. "Either that, or I'll be in a bloody wheelchair." They looked at each other for a long moment, both still catching their breath. "Got any rules for me?"Vince asked. Stuart kissed his forehead. "Of course not. You're the good one." "Not always,"Vince said, grinning secretively. "I just didn't want to be assuming that you didn't have expectations for me, as well." Stuart shook his head, slowly. "No rules or expectations, just a promise. I promise to do my best to not disappoint you." Boyfriend, Vince thought to himself. Stuart Alan Jones was his. This wasn't a dream, it was the real thing. He was fully immersed in the well of true love and Vincent Tyler was scared to death. |
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