About Growing Older...




“Being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable.”


“Hey,” Justin greeted his partner.

“Hey,” he responded casually. Brian was lounging in the sun. He was sporting a scruffy four day old beard, wearing ratty cut-offs that had seen better days, sunglasses, and reading a book. A real book. Brian looked up from his book when he felt the intense gaze of ocean blue eyes. “Yesss? See something you like?” Brian snarked.


“Why the scrutiny?”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this, um...”


“Relaxed, I guess I’d call it.”

“What the fuck are you talking about? We’re on vacation, I know how to relax,” Brian snapped back. Justin sat on the sand next to Brian.

“Don’t get your knickers in a bunch. I know you can relax. I just noticed that you’re very relaxed.”


Brian put down his book and took off his shades. “Make sense before I spank you,” he said with a smirk. Justin returned the smirk.

“For as long as I’ve known you which has been a very long time, you’ve always worn something with a designer label on it, even down to your flip-flops. I just noticed that lately you’ve been a little more...”

“Comfortable?” Brian supplied.


“Does it bother you?”

“Not at all. It looks good on you. Everything looks good on you. And you still look fucking awesome naked,” Justin added with a waggle of his eyebrows.

“Thank the gods for that,” Brian mumbled.

“You’ll always be young and beautiful,” Justin quickly added, trying to be reassuring. Brian reached down and gently caressed the still unlined face of his partner.

“Don’t worry, Sunshine,” Brian said softly. Brian’s face had a serene glow. The laugh lines around his still bright hazel eyes and coral lips were deep set, a testament to the happy life he shared with Justin. The silver in his hair sparkled in the sun.

“Being young is beautiful, being old with you, is comfortable.”


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or email to snrn@nyc.rr.com

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