

Brian’s eyes flew open, his hand instinctively searching the other side of the bed only to find cold sheets. He turned his head confirming what he already knew. Justin wasn’t there, he was still in New York honing his craft. Most of the ‘family’ assumed it was all over between Brian and Justin, only the boys knew the truth.

“Justin?” Brian said into his phone after it was answered.

“Hey,” came a sleepy reply.

“Justin,” Brian repeated in a sigh.

“I’m all right,” Justin claimed.

“No, you’re not.” Justin blew out his breath; he could never hide anything from Brian. “What happened?”

“My roommate was mugged.”

“Mugged. Is that a euphemism for bashed?”

“Not sure. The cops are still looking into it.”

“Is he all right?”

“He will be, eventually. He’s still in the hospital. I saw him last night; his parents are taking him home when he’s ready.”

“Home as in...?”

“As in back to Connecticut.”

“Can you afford the rent on your own?”

“For a while. I sold some paintings the other day and I’ve been asked to participate in a small gallery downtown.”

“Way to go, Sunshine,” Brian exclaimed with true pride in his voice.

The boys talked nonsense, gossiped and caught up with each other for a while. They checked their schedules, making plans to spend some quality time with each other away from their meddling family. Brian felt himself relax into his bed.

“You okay now?”


“Think you can go back to sleep?” Silence and the rustling of fine Egyptian cotton sheets as Brian shrugged his shoulders was his only answer.

“I love you, Brian. I miss you.”

“Miss you too,” came a whispered admission.

“Soon, Brian, soon. I promise,” Justin declared, answering the unasked question.

Silence hung like a thick black curtain, each man unwilling to say goodbye or hang up.

“Bri, why did you call?” Justin asked, suddenly realizing that none of their conversation couldn’t have been discussed at a more civilized time instead of four in the morning.

“Not sure; woke up and had to call,” Brian replied as honestly as he would allow himself to be out loud. Justin smiled. Brian always knew when Justin needed him even hundreds of miles away.

“I’m fine, I swear. And before you ask, I still do my hand exercises and rest it often, but I’m just not as motivated as I was when I was living with you.” Justin heard Brian chuckle.

“On my next visit I can change that,” Brian said smugly.

“I’m sure you will,” Justin said with a giggle and a yawn.

“Go back to sleep, Sunshine.”

“Yeah,” Justin said with another yawn. “Later.”


With their demons temporarily vanquished, the boys went back to sleep.


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