Swinging and Stealing

~ Dedicated to Arwen ~


Ryan was sitting on a swing on their patio on a beautiful summer evening.

“Are you brooding?” Seth asked and sat down beside Ryan.

Ryan gave a little laugh. “No.”

“Oh. You’re kinda sexy when you’re brooding.”

“Well, I CAN brood a bit if you want me to.”

“No, that’s okay,” Seth said and laid his head on Ryan’s shoulder.

“Have you ever thought about what if Trey hadn't stolen that car?” Seth asked.


“We would probably never have met.”

“I know.”

“Do you think about it often?”



Ryan sensed the disappointment in Seth's voice.

“It's not a nice thing to think about so I try to avoid it.”


“I mean… I don't want to think about my life without you.”

“Me neither,” Seth said seriously. “I was thinking… What would have the odds been for us - one in Chino and the other in Orange County - to meet each other without your little visit in jail?” Seth asked.

“One in a million, I think.”

“God, that would've sucked.”

“Big time.”

“You know, we should send Trey a thank you note. Or a gift basket.”

Ryan lifted his eyebrow.

“What? That would be the courteous thing to do.”

“Courteous… you're so WASP, Seth,” Ryan said shaking his head.

“Am not.”

Ryan looked at his partner meaningfully.

“Okay, maybe I am a little. But it’s not my fault! The main reason is my dear mother. All that charity work left a mark on a young boy.”


The boys sat silent for a while.

“I have to say that when I saw you for the first time, I never would’ve imagined that we’d be here now,” Ryan said.

Seth didn’t say anything.

“Seth? Are you blushing?”


“Yes you are. Have you got something to tell me?”

“Okay, fine! So I sort of daydreamed about us growing old together. And that’s the only reason you beat me in that one game – I was distracted.”

Ryan was silent for a moment.

“Really? Did you really think like that about us?”


“But we had just met.”

“So? Do you think it’s weird?”

“Not necessarily. It’s just that for me it takes a while before I trust people.”

“Yeah well, I can usually tell if people are trustworthy from the first time I meet them. When I first met you, I sensed that there might be even more than friendship. And look at us now!”

Ryan smiled. “I have to admit that you were right.”

“But what about me?”

“What about you?”

“Do you think I’m weird?”

Ryan grinned. “Seth, you’re always a bit weird. But that’s why I love you.”

“I love you too. Even if you brood sometimes.”

“That’s good to know. By the way, to be exact, it was the Grand Theft Auto that eventually brought us together.”

“Yeah but we can’t tell our kids that story! We need to come up with a better, more romantic story,” Seth said.

“What kids?!”

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