Time line: Way after 513; it assumes our main boys, B&J
are together but that’s all it assumes.
“Hey, Professor, don’t think I’ve ever seen you in here
without your partner,” Rick, one of the many hot bartenders at Woody’s,
Ben had come into the popular hangout after his last class at the university not
wanting to go home to a quiet house. Michael was away at a comic book convention
and buying junket in New York City. Which, in itself was not at all unusual or
cause for concern. However, Ben had just found out that Brian Kinney, the
unrequited love of his spouse was also in New York and conveniently staying at
the same hotel. To Michael’s credit, Ben had been invited along on the trip. But
class scheduling and finances had not permitted the still buff professor time
off to accompany Michael.
The first night Ben had remained home alone, grading tests and essays. The
second night, Debbie had insisted he go to her house where she proceeded to
stuff him with every Italian dish imaginable. The third night Emmett and Ted
took him to dinner at the diner, for old times sake.
This, the fourth night, Ben ‘vanted to be alone,’ but not in the house he had
shared with Michael for so many years. And what better way to be alone than in a
gay bar.
“You want to try a real drink or are you planning to drown your sorrows in
seltzer all night long?” Rick asked.
“Sure, why not, bourbon, neat with the seltzer on the side,” Ben quipped. “And a
basket of pretzel nuggets.”
“Living on the edge tonight, are we, Professor,” Rick snarked as he brought Ben
the libation of his choice and the pretzel nuggets.
At the other end of the bar, nursing a beer and looking rather handsome was Dr.
David Cameron. Doctor Dave had decided to come back to the Pitts to look up old
friends or make new ones. His son was away at college in Boston and had
announced to David and his ex-wife that he had no intention of moving back to
Portland when he had attained his degree. Dave’s reputation afforded him the
ability to move to wherever the spirit led him. And right now the spirit had led
David back to the Pitts.
“Excuse me,” David began, catching the bartender’s eye.
“Another beer?”
“Yes, please, and can you tell me, who is that magnificent gentleman?” Both Dave
and Rick cast an appreciative eye at the professor who was blissfully unaware.
“Ah yes, he, my friend, is Professor Ben Bruckner. He teaches at Carnegie Melon.
But I wouldn’t waste my efforts on him.”
“He’s hopelessly married.”
“Married? This is a gay bar, is it not?”
“Very, and so is our handsome professor as well as his cute spouse.”
“I used to live here years ago. What’s his name? Maybe I know him.”
“Michael Novotny. He owns the comic book store down the street.”
“Michael? He’s married to Michael?” David gave the bartender an incredulous
“Incredible, isn’t it.” Rick gave Dave his beer then moved off to tend to his
other customers.
“Excuse me, Professor Bruckner?” Dave asked as he slid his beer down the bar to
get closer to Ben. David was met by a pair of beautiful blue eyes.
“Do I know you?” Ben asked, impressed by the professional demeanor.
“No, but we do have a mutual acquaintance, Michael.”
“My Michael? Michael Novotny?”
“Yes, your Michael,” David chuckled. “However at the time, he was my Michael.”
“Your Michael, then you must be Dr. Dave.” Ben, ever the gentleman, stuck out
his hand.
“David Cameron,” David said as he shook the proffered hand.
“Ben Bruckner, but you know that already.”
“Yes, sorry about that. I asked the bartender. I couldn’t help but admire your
physique. I’m a chiropractor. Sports medicine is my specialty. You’re obviously
in impeccable shape and not overly bulky.” Ben blushed at the compliment.
“Please don’t take that as a pick-up line. The bartender did say that you were
married. I respect the commitment.”
“At least someone does,” Ben mumbled around his drink.
“I beg your pardon.”
“Sorry, just the bourbon talking. I don’t usually drink anything stronger than
seltzer or juice.”
“Then why now, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Michael is on a business trip. And I just found out that his best friend
happens to be staying at the same hotel,” Ben grumbled around a pretzel nugget.
“That friend wouldn’t be a tall stunning brunet that has a habit of fucking
anything with a dick?”
“Ah, I see you know Brian.”
“Not in the Biblical sense. You?”
“Yes, I’m ashamed to admit. One time in my wayward youth years ago at a white
“No need to explain further. Been there, done that, have the t-shirt to prove
it. So how is it that Brian is there and you’re not?” Dave caught the eye of
Rick and waved his empty glass. Rick brought Dave another beer. “Another round?”
Dave asked Ben.
“Yeah, why not. It’s Friday, I don’t have any classes this weekend. I can always
walk home if I have to. Yeah, another shot, Rick.”
“Way to go, Professor,” Rick said with astonishment as he poured Ben another
“Anything safe to eat back there?” Dave indicated the kitchen.
“Fries with brown gravy; ya can’t go wrong with fries and gravy.”
“Bring us a double order, bar keep,” Dave said with a flourish. Ben chuckled.
Dave waited until Rick went to put in their order before he pressed Ben for the
answer to his question. “So?”
“School. Couldn’t get coverage for my classes. Brian travels a lot. It really
was a coincidence that they were staying at the same hotel at the same time.”
“As I recall, Michael had a thing for Brian,” Dave growled into his beer.
“Still does, to a certain extent. But Brian won’t sleep with Michael. Brian
looks to Michael as a brother and believe it or not, Brian respects our
commitment as well.”
“The man is a whore and yet you speak kindly about him. He should be your
"He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends,” Ben said, quoting
Oscar Wilde. David nearly snorted his beer through his nose.
“You okay there, pal?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just the quote, it fits him somehow.”
“Yes, well, I guess it does. Brian has so few real friends and yet so many want
to be. Trust doesn’t come easily for him.”
“No, I don’t imagine it does. What does come easily for him, besides cum, that
is?” Now it was Ben’s turn to choke. Dave slapped him a few times on his well
muscled back.
“Thanks,” Ben said holding up his hand. “His business, I suppose, he’s very
successful and well respected.”
“You mean for something other than the size of his dick.”
“Yes. You haven’t been around. Things have changed. Brian Kinney is not that man
“I don’t believe it. He was an oversexed drugged out whore. You make it sound
like he’s turned into a saint.”
“No, no saint. Just a man, albeit a very complicated man, with a complicated
past, who has a different set of priorities now.”
“And yet you’re sitting here feeling jealous and sorry for yourself.”
“He is Brian Kinney after all,” Ben admitted, downing the rest of his bourbon in
some ritual salute to the man.
“You know something, I haven’t seen the man or thought about him in years and
I’m sitting next to the one person who should be the most worried about what
he’s doing in New York. And you toast the man! That’s just fucked up,” Dave said
as he shoved a few fries into his mouth.
“I suppose Brian Kinney is an American tradition around here,” Ben mumbled not
really knowing how to explain himself or how he was feeling.
“Tradition, huh? Like fathers chasing kids around with power tools,” David
Just then a cell phone began to ring; both men went for their phones.
“It’s mine, excuse me,” Ben said as he answered his phone. “Hey Babe, how’d it
go today?” Dave could see Ben smiling as he obviously was talking to Michael.
“What? I don’t understand, Michael. What tickets? He did what? For when? No. I’m
at Woody’s. Shit! What time? An hour? Yeah, if I go home now I can pack an
overnight bag. He arranged for a car too? Fucking incredible. Okay, okay, I’m
going. I’ll call you from the airport. See you in a few hours, Babe. Yeah, I
miss you too. Goodbye, Michael.”
Ben signaled for Rick as he pulled out his wallet.
“Going somewhere?” David asked.
“That fucking son of a bitch,” Ben said with a laugh. His smile was as broad as
his shoulders. “Damn the man.”
“What did Brian do?”
“Michael said that Brian knew he was miserable without me. Just like Brian gets
when Justin’s away.”
“Justin Taylor, the artist and Brian’s life partner. He’s showing a couple of
paintings at the Guggenheim this week. That’s why Brian’s in New York.” Ben paid
his check and was about to head out the door. “Apparently Brian arranged for a
round trip ticket to New York for me and a car to bring me to the airport. If I
leave now, I’ll have fifteen minutes to throw some stuff in my overnight bag. I
gotta go. It was nice to meet you David. Should I send your regards to Michael?”
“Yeah, sure. Maybe we’ll get together some time.”
“Yeah. Good night,” Ben said as he sprinted out of Woody’s.
“Safe flight,” Dave said to Ben’s back.
“Where’s the professor going in such a hurry?” Rick asked Dave.
“No surprise there. You want another beer?”
“Nah, I’m done.” David pulled out his wallet to pay his bill.
“I get off at ten if you’re looking to hook up,” Rick flirted.
David was about to refuse but then he decided, why not. It wasn’t like he had
decided to put down roots in Pittsburgh. He had nothing to hold him here. He
could afford to explore all his options....like Aspen. A good chiropractor was
probably worth his weight in gold in Aspen.
“Ten?” Rick nodded, batting his long lashes. “See you then,” Dave confirmed. He
had plenty of time to treat himself to a real dinner and a shower before his
‘Brian Kinney has a life partner and apparently friends too,’ David thought as
he took his time walking down Liberty Avenue toward his hotel.
"He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his
friends." - Oscar Wilde
It was an American tradition, like fathers chasing kids around with power
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