Trying To Show Affection

Credit: Title taken from the Barenaked Ladies song "A".

"I have $325,000 do I hear $350,00?"

Brian raised his hand slightly in response to the auctioneer.

A brief nod, and the man continued on. "I have $350,000. Do I have $375,00?" A few more hands went up. "Current bid is $375,000. Do I have $400,000?"

This time a hand on his arm prevented him from bidding. Brian turned in anger, but fell silent when he saw who was standing next to him.

"Christ, Brian I leave you alone for two weeks and you're blowing Kinnetik's profits on overpriced art." Justin smiled and gave Brain a quick kiss.

"I like that painting." Brian pretended to be offended. "It has a very sensual feel. Besides the money is going to charity."

"So the Justin Taylor Mediterranean Retirement Fund is now a recognized charity?"

"No, but the Brian Kinney South Pacific Retirement Fund is."

"Please, you hate the South Pacific." Justin slipped an arm around Brian's waist and led him out of the room, the auctioneer's voice still droning behind them. "What sounds better, living on some tiny island hoping you don't get washed away in a hurricane or spending you days staring at hot, tanned Italian and Greek men?"

"He who retires first wins so the South Pacific is looking better and better. At least there I won't have to drag you out of museums to fuck. So what are you doing here anyway? I thought you wouldn't be home until late tonight."

"My flight was on time hard as that is to believe, and Ted called to say you might be here." Justin winced knowing Brian wouldn't be happy about that last bit of information.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me. Obviously I'm not keeping Ted busy enough if he has time to chitchat with you. And for fuck's sake, you'd think it was his money the way he goes all `Disaster, Disaster Will Robinson' on me every time I mention making an investment."

"It's `Danger Will Robinson' not disaster." At Brian's incredulous look, Justin shrugged. "I spend way too much time with Michael. You'd be amazed at the shit I've picked up. Then again maybe you wouldn't be. Anyway, Ted will always be an accountant at heart. He'd just feel better if you'd invest in something more stable. He has your best interests, not to mention Kinnetik's bottom line, in mind."

Brian snorted. If there was one thing he couldn't stand, it was having his decisions questioned. Especially by someone like Ted who thought playing it safe was the way to live. Brian ran his business the same way he ran his personal life. He acted on instinct and did what felt good. It had worked out pretty well for him so far. On both counts. He took a deep breath and sighed.  Ted was never going to change; there was no point getting worked up over it. "It's time to remind dear Theodore that it's my millions he's playing with not his. He should know by now I'm never going to put my money in soybean futures. Or is rhubarb the hot crop this year?" He stopped and turned so he was facing Justin. "I appreciate beauty. I want an investment I can look at." He moved in closer and ran his fingers along the side of Justin's face. "One I can touch."

Justin took a step back, but not before Brian caught the flare of lust in his eyes. "Maybe if you at least were a little more diversified, Ted would feel better."

Brian looked at Justin as if he'd never seen him before. "I can't believe you just told me to diversify. No more discussing finances with Ted, or the next thing I know you'll be obsessing over interest rates. And for the record I have no idea what you are talking about. I haven't bought that many of your paintings."

Now it was Justin's turn to look at him in disbelief. "That's only because I gave most of them to you for free. Come on, Brian you knew you had a problem when your office was listed in an article about unusual places to find art. It said and I quote `Kinnetik boasts an impressive collection of works by modern artist Justin Taylor many of which have never been shown publicly.'"

"That reminds me, you really need to put out a book or something. Then maybe people will stop showing up looking for tours."

"No way. I'm not interested in having my art displayed on someone's coffee table."

"It's a good thing you don't mind having you ass displayed on mine," Brian leered at Justin.

Justin tried unsuccessfully to bite back a laugh. "Well there is a little more incentive involved in that. Do you want to pick up dinner on the way home or do you want to go out?"

"Don't you want to know what the winning bid was?" Brian gestured back to the auction room.  When Justin shook his head, he guided him down a hallway. "Take out sounds good, but we have one stop to make first."

Before Justin could ask what he meant, Brian had led him into the restroom. He pushed Justin into the nearest stall and quickly locked the door. He lowered his mouth to Justin's and kissed him swiftly. He gradually deepened the kiss, threading one hand in Justin's hair and using the other to pull him closer.

Eventually Justin pulled back, flushed but still managing to look smug. "Miss me much?"

Brian averted his eyes but didn't bother denying it. "Just making up for lost time, Sunshine. It's more for your benefit than mine. Two weeks is an awfully long time to be denied my considerable talents."

"Granted," Justin laughed "but aren't we a little old to be making out in public restrooms?"

"Forty is not old. At least that's what you're always telling me."

"But fifty-two is," Justin shot back.

Brian's eyes widened in shock, "I don't know who you've been fucking, but last I checked I was twenty-nine."

"God, you are too fucking much sometimes," Justin shook his head. "Okay Peter Pan, if that really is anti-aging dust in Tinkerbell's magic wand, does that make me seventeen?"

"Oh yeah, seventeen hot, horny, and so desperate for me I can smell it." Not really all that different from now, Brian thought privately.

"Then this must be my very first show." Justin closed his eyes, and Brian could see the difference as soon as he opened them. "I can't believe my mother's here. She's going to freak when she sees my drawings especially the one of you. Why can't she just leave me alone? I wish I'd never told her." Justin's voice was higher and laced with the odd mix of bravado and uncertainty that Brian had been so drawn to.

He saw Justin's eyes dart nervously to the door so he stepped forward forcing Justin against the wall. Brian placed one hand on the wall above Justin's shoulder effectively holding him in place. "What do you care if she's here? She knows you like dick; now she'll just have some visual proof. Maybe once she gets a good eyeful, she'll understand why she can't convince you to stop stalking me." Brian sneered at Justin and let the impatience and disdain that had long since dropped from his voice back in. "She won't last long out there. Just wait in here and remind yourself just why it is you can't stay away from my dick." Brian brought Justin's hand to his crotch.

When Justin licked his lips and cupped Brian's dick, Brian knew his reaction had nothing to do with playacting. Some things just never changed. But then Justin resisted when Brian placed a hand on his shoulder to guide him to his knees. At Brian's questioning look, Justin glanced from his expensive custom-made pants to the less than perfectly clean floor. The look was way more his style than Justin's, and he had to wonder why Justin chose this moment to pick up on his concern for good clothing.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me. You're actually worried about your pants."

"I don't see you dropping to your knees," Justin's words sounded like a challenge.

"If I had my way, I'd fuck you through that wall. But I wasn't expecting you so I'm not exactly prepared. Make the best of it." There was no way Brian was waiting until they got home. Not after Justin reminded him of just how hot he'd been at seventeen.

Justin sighed and reached into his pocket. He handed Brian the necessary supplies without comment.

"Sure of yourself?" Brian asked with a raised eyebrow.

Justin rolled his eyes. "More like realistic. I just thought we'd make it to the car first. So where were we? Oh yeah, you were going to demonstrate just why I was so obsessed with your dick." Justin had unfastened Brian's pants while he spoke. He ran his hands over Brian's hardening dick a few times staring at it with lust and adoration.

Brian turned him around and quickly rid him of his pants as well. He coated his fingers with lube and trailed them along the crack of Justin's ass. "Is this what you want Justin? You want my dick up you tight little ass? You want me to fuck you so hard you'll still be squirming at the dinner table tomorrow night? All you'll be able to think about is how good it felt and how much you want it again and again." Brian watched Justin stroke himself while he quickly prepared him.

Justin pressed his head to the wall and pushed back against Brian's fingers. "Please Brian hurry before someone comes," he panted.

"Oh someone will be coming soon don't you worry," Brian laughed. He thrust in smoothly, loving Justin's gasp at the initial penetration. His hand joined Justin's and kept the pace hard and fast. There would be time later for lengthy explorations of each other's bodies and sex that lasted for hours, but right now this was what they needed. Neither spoke as they focused on their rapidly approaching orgasms.

"Oh God Brian please," Justin moaned as he leaned back into him. Brian changed the angle slightly and a few thrusts later he felt Justin began to shudder against him. He pulled him closer and pressed his mouth against the smooth skin of Justin's next to muffle his own cries of completion.

It took them only a few minutes to make themselves presentable again. Before they stepped into the hallway, Brian stopped Justin. He looked at him intently, "We will never be too old for this."

Justin smiled and kissed him lightly. "I love you too." Then he grabbed Brian's hand and led him out.

Brian laughed and swatted him on the ass just to make him turn around and smile. Some things never did change.

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